Tagged as 2.2.2
[linux_from_scratch.git] / README
1 Network Configuration:
2         Script Files:
3                 rc.d/init.d/network
4                 sysconfig/network-devices/ifup
5                 sysconfig/network-devices/ifdown
6                 sysconfig/network-devices/services/*
8         Configuration Files:
9                 sysconfig/network-devices/ifconfig.*/*
10                 Note: ifconfig.* could be either a file or directory,
11                       but the filename extention must be the same name
12                                         as the network interface you wish it to belong to.
13                                         The files within the directory will be processed
14                                         in alphanumerical order on boot, and reversed on
15                                         shutdown.
16                 - SERVICE: which script to run in services directory.
17                 - ONBOOT: if set to yes, this interface will be started on
18                           bootup, and stopped on shutdown
19                 - ONHOTPLUG: if set to yes, this interface will be started
20                              and stopped on hotplug events.  This requires
21                              ifup and ifdown symlinked to /sbin, as well
22                              as the hotplug package
24                 sysconfig/network
25                 - HOSTNAME: Value of the system's hostname
27         Additional Configuration:
28                 sysconfig/network-devices/ifconfig.*
29                 ipv4-static:
30                 - IP: static IP Address
31                 - GATEWAY: Specifies the IP Address of the gateway server
32                 - PREFIX: CIDR prefix of IP Address, defaults to 24 if not set
33                 - PEER: IP Address of peer (for point-to-point connections and tunnels)
34                 - BROADCAST: broadcast address
35                 ipv4-static-route:
36                 - TYPE: network (default type if not specified), default, host or
37                   unreachable
38                 - IP: IP Address of target (for network, host and unreachable)
39                 - PREFIX: CIDR prefix of target (for network, host and unreachable)
40                 - GATEWAY: IP Address of gateway to reach target (for network and default)
43 SetClock configuration:
44         Script Files:
45                 rc.d/init.d/setclock
47         Configuration Files:
48                 sysconfig/clock
49                 - UTC: 1 assumes hwclock is in UTC
50                        0 assumes hwclock is in local time
52 CleanFS configuration:
53         Script Files:
54                 rc.d/init.d/cleanfs
56         Configuration Files:
57                 /etc/sysconfig/createfiles
58                 Each line is parsed, using space as a deliminator.
59                 [NAME] [TYPE] [PERMISSIONS] [USER] [GROUP]
60                 The below fields are currently only used on dev type.
61                 ([DEV TYPE] [MAJOR#] [MINOR#])
62                 Name:
63                         File/Directory/Device name
64                 Type:
65                         dir: creates a directory
66                         file: creates a file
67                         dev: creates a device
68                 Permissions:
69                         chmod the created file
70                 User/Group:
71                         chown the created file/dir to this user/group
72                 Dev Type:
73                         char:  character [needs MAJOR#, MINOR#]
74                         block: block [needs MAJOR#, MINOR#]
75                         pipe:  pipe
76                 Major#:
77                         Used by character and block devices.
78                 Minor#:
79                         Used by character and block devices.
81 Sysklogd configuration:
82         Script Files:
83                 rc.d/init.d/sysklogd
85         Configuration Files:
86                 /etc/sysconfig/sysklogd
87                 - SYSLOGD_OPTIONS: Options to pass to the syslogd daemon
88                 - KLOGD_OPTIONS: Options to pass to the klogd daemon