1 <qandaentry id="quake3">
2 <question><para>You LFSers play Quake?!?</para></question>
3 <answer><para>Glad you asked ;)
4 Ian Molton in the UK runs a Quake server for LFS users.
8 <listitem><para>Players need the latest Quake 3 release.
9 As of February, 2003, this is 1.32b from
10 <ulink url="ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake3/linux/linuxq3apoint-1.32b.x86.run"/>
13 <listitem><para>Players need the pak0.pk3 file from the full game of Quake 3.
14 This is available on the Quake 3 CD (even the MS Windows version).
15 It goes in /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/
16 unless you installed Quake 3 somewhere else.
19 <listitem><para>Players need the add on maps used in the server
20 which they can get from <ulink url="http://games.mnementh.co.uk/"/>
21 and install in ~/.q3a/baseq3/ or where ever the pak0.pk3 file is.
22 Downloading the maps manually is absolutely necessary
23 because the server has automatic map downloading disabled.
26 <listitem><para>For the same reason that automatic map downloading is disabled,
27 please don't download from the web while a game is in progress.
30 <listitem><para>Although the server is only guarenteed to be running
31 when games are scheduled,
32 players may connect to the server for testing whenever they like.
35 <listitem><para>Games are held every week
36 on Tuesday at 20:00 UTC
37 and on Saturday at 22:00 UTC.
38 Note that those times are in UTC.
41 <listitem><para>Because the server is only for LFS users,
42 and Ian would like to avoid setting a password,
43 the server name is recorded only in the lfs-chat archives.
46 <listitem><para>If you've created an entry for the server in your "favorites"
47 but it's not showing up,
48 you may have "Show empty servers" turned off.