1 <qandaentry id="portmap">
2 <question><para>Where's portmap?</para></question>
3 <answer><para>There are instructions in the NFS Hint at
4 <ulink url="http://hints.linuxfromscratch.org/hints/nfs.txt"/>.
6 <answer><para>Also, Marc Heerdink writes:
7 <blockquote><para>I have a version of tcp_wrappers and portmap up that have both
8 been patched with the debian patches, adapted Makefiles for LFS plus all
9 compile warnings/problems were fixed. Additionally, an lfs-install.sh is
10 included in both tarballs that provides a really quick and dirty way to
11 install them. They can be found at
12 <ulink url="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~gimli/"/>.
13 You may want to add a note about these packages for people who want to do