1 TITLE: Getting the best out of MPlayer
3 AUTHOR: Alex Kloss <alex@22-music.com>
6 How to get the best of the great linux media player MPlayer.
9 Your system is too slow for avifile and you like pure gcc code
10 without object orientation better anyway. Why not trying
11 MPlayer? You don't even need an X-Server to let it run. And now
12 that I've rewritten lots of this hint, it should be easy enough
13 for everyone. And it plays (almost) everything you throw at it.
16 http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu/downloads.html (CVS version should be
17 fine, but also the stable versions are known to be pretty)
19 You should also load a recent package of the windows codecs and
20 of the OSD fonts (if you don't want a On Screen Display anyway,
21 you could leave those alone). Every package is now .bz2-packed,
22 so you don't need unzip anymore. If you don't like those OSD
23 prerendered fonts, you can configure MPlayer to use freetype2
24 for a font renderer with --enable-freetype.
26 If you want gui support, you should load a gui skin of your
27 liking, too, plus you'll definitely need XFree86, libpng and
28 gtk+ (which requires glib itself).
30 Since 19.11.2002 (CVS) and release 0.90rc1, Sorenson support was
31 added. If you're interested in that feature, additionally click
32 "More binary codecs" on the download page. Get whatever you
33 want. If you load The Quicktime6 dlls, be sure to load the
34 Quicktime5 dlls, too, because the latter provides a file
35 necessary for the usage of the first. The Quicktime "extra"
36 dlls are codecs not yet supported. The rp8/9codecs are shared
37 objects for linux, the xanim codecs are binary modules.
39 In further versions, at least the Quicktime codecs might be
40 integrated into the windows codec pack.
46 XFree86 (look at the X hint): http://www.xfree86.org
47 aalib: http://www.aalib.org
48 SDL: (also uses X) http://www.libsdl.org
49 GGI: (if you really want it) http://www.libggi.org
50 SVGAlib: http://www.svgalib.org
51 directfb: (used by SDL as well as by MPlayer)
52 http://www.directfb.org
53 glib/gtk: http://www.gtk.org (only for gui)
54 libpng: http://www.libpng.org (needed for gui, too)
56 Video Codecs / Content Decryption:
58 xvid: http://www.xvid.org OR
59 divx4linux: (Videocodec: http://www.projectmayo.com, look on
60 http://www.divx.com or http://avifile.sourceforge.net for an
61 actual binary version or get the cvs version)
62 ffmpeg (dito: http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net; use CVS if
63 possible, obsolete when using mplayer release version)
64 LZO: http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/
65 XAnim Codecs: http://Xanim.va.pubnix.com/
67 http://huxley.real.com/real/player/unix/unix.html?src=rpbform
68 libdvdnav: http://dvd.sourceforge.net (DVD Navigation support)
69 unrarlib: http://www.unrarlib.org (can play files directly from
70 .rar archives - even splitted ones!)
74 Ogg Vorbis: (read the Ogg/Vorbis-Hint) http://www.xiph.org
75 MAD (Mpeg Audio Decoder): http://mad.sourceforge.net
76 liba52: (ATSC A/52 Decoder): http://liba52.sourceforge.net
77 cdparanoia: (for CD playing) http://www.xiph.org
83 Before installing aalib, you should ask yourself if you really
84 need it. It's not usable to really watch something (in console
85 or not), you'll mostly have a picture like that:
87 || 00:00:01 ....-..............................................................
88 ------ PAUSED -------................................. .. ... ..................
89 ++=++++++++=;;.:.-..-.-.-.......................................................
90 +++++++|+|+||||==;.::.:.-.--.-.....-...........-.......................-.:..-...
91 vIi|++|++|i||Iiilvi;:-------:.:-:.::::-:.:.:.:----:-:.:.:....-.::.:.:.:-:.:.:-::
92 IIvlxii|i|||+il%||l|::-:.:-:.:-.:.:.:.:-:-----:.:.:.:-:.:.:<>_::.::-:-:.:.:::::.
93 llIIlvvvIliii||Iixlx==:-::-----:-:-:::::::::::.::-:--:.:-:-::)9aa.::.:-:-::::-::
94 lvvvIIIIvvIlIIlilIIIi::::::::::-:::::::::::::-::-:-:::::::-::::+Xma;::::::::::::
95 vIIIIvvIvIvvvvIllIvIi;::::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::+xUb;;:;::::::::
96 vvvvlIlIvIvvnvvlllvvvi;;:;;;:;:;:;;=;=;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;=;;;;;::=Idm;==;=;;;;;;
97 llvvvlvIlIvvvvvvvlvvvvi;=;=;=;;=;=;;=;=;===;=;=;=;=;====;===;=;=;=|1Zz==========
98 llIIIvIvIIIvvvvvvvvvvnI>;=;==;==;=;=================;=;===========<oXX=+========
99 lIvIvvvvIIIIvIvvlvvvnIv>====;====;===;=============================iXA++++++++++
100 llvIvvvIIlllllvlvvvvnxilii=|=+==========================+===+=+=++|lnc++=+++++++
101 lllvIvvvvIliiIIIvIvvnvli|ilIxox====================+=+=+=+++++=++<xww|+++++++|++
102 IIIllIIvvIliIIIIIvIvnvvli|ilvvnn>=+===+==+=++=++++++=++++++=++++<idWt=+++|++++|i
103 IliIvlvIIvvIIlllIlIIvvvIiiiiinvns=++++=++=+=++=+=+=++++++++++++xumZ(=+|++++|=xn1
104 liillvIIvIvIvlIIIIvlIIvvIIIiiI1vi|=+=+++=++++=++++++++++++++|iumZ!=++|=+|++<xnnn
105 liliiiilllIvvvvlvIIIIvvvvvvililvlI>+++=+++++=+++++++++++|saoYT!|=+|+|++|++|ISovv
106 liiiiilIlvvvvvvlIIvvIvvvvIIlliilII|++=++++++++|=++|++|+|=+++++|+|+|++|+|+|+|3nnv
107 i|i||iiilIIvvvIllllvvvlvvxIli|inI|+++|+||+++++++|++++++++|+|+|++|++|+||xsi|ixnnv
108 ii|iiiilllIllIIliiillillxvvvvvvvv|||i||||i|||++++++|+|+|++|++|+|++|++xnnnnnnnnnn
109 iiiiillllllIIIIlilllllllvvvvlIvvx>||||iiiiii++|+|+|=+++|+|++|++|+|+||IvvIvvnnnon
110 vlvIlilillvllllliilll +++ Welcome to ASCII ARTS MPlayer +++ |+|+iixvvnvllIvnoooI
111 ""^~^~~^~^^~^^~~^~~^"^""^^""""^^~~^^""^^^^~^^^^~-~----~--~--~--~"^^^^^^~^^^""~~~
113 Maybe you'll recognize the DreamWorks trailer, but I wouldn't
114 bet on it! It's more a "show off"-feature to make the windows
115 users envious... anyway, to install it, simply type
117 ./configure --prefix=<e.g. /usr> &&
121 Don't forget to replace "<e.g. /usr>" with the prefix you want
128 This is a marvellous library for multimedia functions. It
129 provides fast scaling and full screen functions using X,
130 framebuffer or even ascii art. It's also necessary for a lot of
131 other multimedia programs and games, so if you're interested,
132 you should have it installed anyway. On the other hand, it's
133 not really necessary for fast output. If you want it anyway,
134 install it with the following commands:
136 ./configure --prefix=<e.g. /usr> &&
140 Don't forget to replace the prefix statement here, too.
146 Some guys had the nice idea of doing a framework to unify all
147 graphic "targets" like ascii art console, X server,
148 SDL, svgalib, framebuffer device, and whatever implemented. The
149 drawback was mostly on security. I've tested it in an earlier
150 version, but don't like to install it on my current system.
151 Please refer to the install instructions of the developers.
156 The framebuffer device in the kernel is still said to be
157 experimental. SVGAlib is what the linux community used before
158 to have full access to their graphics hardware. It's still
159 pretty stable, fast and usable. Only drawbacks: you need root
160 rights to run it and it got no accelerated scaling functions.
162 ./configure --prefix=<e.g. /usr> &&
166 Please read the documentation!
171 Since the framebuffer device is somewhat complicated to use,
172 there's a library called directfb, which is an abstraction
173 graphic layer featuring things like fast resizing, rendering,
174 and so on. Hopefully, the installation works with:
176 ./configure --prefix=<e.g. /usr> &&
180 And the prefix should be replaced, too.
186 MPlayer release versions usually come with an actual copy of
187 libavcodec, so you may want to skip the following steps if you're
188 using this version. The actual CVS version of libavcodec has
189 divx5 abilities, so you might want to get it when using other
193 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.ffmpeg.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ffmpeg\
194 login && [press enter for password]
196 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.ffmpeg.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ffmpeg\
197 co ffmpeg/libavcodec &&
199 ./configure --prefix=<e.g. /usr> &&
203 To use ffmpeg codecs with mplayer, you need to copy the whole
204 libavcodec dir to the mplayer source main dir:
206 cp -av libavcodec ../MPlayer-<version>/libavcodec
208 Now ffmpegs libavcodec will be available for mplayer.
211 divx4linux (libdivxdecore)
212 --------------------------
214 divx4linux aka OpenDivX is considered closed source since
215 the releases are binary-only. Xvid on the other hand, does
216 nice and frequent source releases (Xvid is discussed in the
219 MPlayer can use divx4linux OR xvid. If you choose for one of
220 it, you can't use the other.
222 The CVS version compiled fine for me, at least the decoding
223 stuff was easy. To get all of it, type
225 cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.projectmayo.com:/cvsroot \
227 cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.projectmayo.com:/cvsroot \
230 Compile the CVS version:
232 cd divxcore/decore/build/linux &&
234 cp libdivxdecore.so /usr/local/lib &&
235 ln -s /usr/local/lib/libdivxdecore.so \
236 /usr/local/lib/libdivxdecore.so.0 &&
237 cp ../../src/decore.h /usr/local/include &&
238 cd ../../../encore/build &&
241 cat > Makefile << "EOF"
250 SOURCES=$(SRCDIR)/_test_main.c $(SRCDIR)/encore.c \
251 $(SRCDIR)/bitstream.c $(SRCDIR)/mom_access.c $(SRCDIR)/mom_util.c \
252 $(SRCDIR)/mot_code.c $(SRCDIR)/mot_est_comp.c $(SRCDIR)/mot_est_mb.c \
253 $(SRCDIR)/mot_util.c $(SRCDIR)/putvlc.c $(SRCDIR)/rate_ctl.c \
254 $(SRCDIR)/text_bits.c $(SRCDIR)/text_code.c $(SRCDIR)/text_code_mb.c \
255 $(SRCDIR)/text_dct.c $(SRCDIR)/vop_code.c
260 all: libdivxencore.so
262 libdivxencore.so: $(OBJECTS)
263 $(CC) -shared -lc -lm $^ -o $@
266 rm -f libdivxencore.so $(OBJECTS)
269 cp libdivxencore.so /usr/local/lib &&
270 ln -s /usr/local/lib/libdivxdecore.so \
271 /usr/local/lib/libdivxdecore.so.0 &&
272 cp ../../src/encore.h /usr/local/include &&
275 You may exchange /usr/local with any prefix of your liking.
277 If you want to use the released source library (and since you're
278 on LFS, I do think so), simply:
280 ./configure --prefix=<e.g /usr/X11R6> &&
285 You could also use the binary version that was shipped w/
286 avifile (http://avifile.sourceforge.net), though it has a very
287 crude installation script and is not really optimised.
293 Warning: Xvid can't be used if divx4linux is enabled!
295 Xvid is another free implementation of an mpeg4/divx-compatible
296 codec. It's very optimized for x86-CPUs and capable of playing
297 most divx-encoded movies. For installing it, type:
299 cd xvidcore/build/generic &&
300 # [uncomment if wanted] vim Makefile.linuxx86 &&
301 make -f Makefile.linuxx86 &&
302 make -f Makefile.linuxx86 install &&
305 Now xvid should be found when you start Mplayer's configure
312 LZO is a fast, lossless-compression library. You can use it
313 to compress raw audio/video data. It's also usable by transcode
314 so you could use it for previewing stuff. It usually achieves
315 compression values around 50%, so a usual TV Signal stream
316 should be compressed to 10MB/sec. It's not that usable to the
317 usual user, as you can see, but since transcode supports this
318 format... it works like everything else:
320 ./configure --prefix=<e.g. /usr> &&
324 Replace the prefix at will or leave this switch out.
330 You could install that old avi player. You also could use but
331 the codecs, but be warned that the unlicensed use of the codec
332 with another program than xanim is illegal. If you don't bother
333 about legality issues, you may proceed, but you've been
334 warned... just unpack the codecs to /usr/local or another
335 directory of your choice and tell MPlayer with the switch
336 --with-xanimlibdir=... where you stored those files.
342 This package allows you to use DVD navigation. Mplayer's
343 documentation reports the support to be unstable, so you better
344 try it yourself if you think you need it. Installation is easy:
346 ./configure --prefix=<e.g. /usr> &&
350 The prefix could be replaced here, too.
356 This package holds the windows codecs currently supported by
357 mplayer. You're supposed to unzip the content to /usr/lib/win32
358 or any other dir specified during the execution of the mplayer
359 configure script with the --with-win32libdir=<directory> option.
361 If you have a windows codec not to be in that package and want
362 it supported, you could put it in that package, edit the
363 codec.conf file and try to use it anyway. If it doesn't work,
364 look at the documentation and contact the authors.
367 Quicktime and other codec packs
368 -------------------------------
370 All dll codecs should go right into the /usr/lib/win32
371 directory or whatever you've used for it when you installed the
373 The realplayer codecs are in linux shared object (.so) format,
374 so you can unpack them directly to /usr/local or another
375 directory of your liking and tell ./configure the place where
376 you've put them: --with-reallibdir=<e.g /usr/local/rp9codecs>.
382 Unrarlib enables mplayer to play files directly from .rar
383 archives (only those made by WinRAR 2.9 or older, WinRAR 3.0
384 files are not supported yet). A copy of that library comes with
385 every release version. To get it into the CVS versions, simply
386 copy the necessary files to the MPlayer directory:
388 cp -v ../unrarlib-<version>/unrarlib/* .
390 <version> should be replaced with the actual version number
391 (which is 0.4.0 at the current date). The unrarlib files are
392 autodetected, so don't bother.
395 liba52, MAD, Ogg/Vorbis
396 -----------------------
398 Both packages liba52 and MAD are autodetected and compile right
399 out of the box with a short:
405 There's a good hint about Ogg/Vorbis, so read this if you need
412 This pal has a whole bunch of options, so I will only name a
413 few helpful ones that aren't autodetected anyway to save you a
416 ./configure --prefix=<e.g /usr/X11R6> --enable-largefiles \
417 --enable-gui --enable-menu --enable-liblzo --enable-vorbis \
418 --enable-freetype --with-extraincdir=/usr/X11R6/include \
419 --with-extralibdir=/usr/X11R6/lib &&
423 Replace the prefix with your liking. To explain all those other
424 options, I've done the following list, all options with a hint
425 what to choose (in case you don't know what to do with them).
427 --disable-mencoder mencoder is an <whatever mplayer plays>
428 to divx4-encoder that comes with all
429 newer CVS versions. If you don't want it,
430 you may disable it here. If you don't
431 use divx4linux, it wouldn't be
433 [don't use this switch]
435 --enable-gui If you want mplayer with a gui (and
436 since the developer don't want it for
437 good reasons, it's deactivated by
438 default), you need to enable it here and
439 start mplayer with the -gui option
440 afterwards. You need glib/gtk+ and
442 [If you need a gui, OK. It wouldn't
443 make it faster! Otherwise, don't touch
445 If you enable this, don't forget to
446 download the gui skins!
448 --enable-largefiles It so happens that actual file systems
449 are able to manage files larger than
450 2GB. If you want mplayer to be able to
451 play those files, you should use this
453 [you probably won't need it, but it
456 --enable-linux-devfs Tells mplayer to search for devfs
458 [If you don't know what this is, better
461 --enable-termcap The keystroke detection could be
462 managed using libtermcap. I haven't yet
463 found out what use this has.
464 [It's autodetected anyway]
466 --disable-iconv MPlayer should not use the iconv(3)
467 function. "man iconv" tells us it's
468 something about character conversion.
471 --disable-setlocale If you don't want locale support, use
473 [Mplayer will autodetect missing locale
474 support, so don't bother]
476 --enable-lirc If you want to control mplayer via
477 infrared remote control, you need an IR
478 reciever and lirc (since I've never used
479 this, I don't know much about it - so
483 --enable-joystick Yes! You can control mplayer with your
484 joystick. You've got none? Poor you.
485 [Only if you've got any joystick that's
486 already set up properly, this switch
489 --disable-tv It is a not well known fact that you
490 can use mplayer as well to watch tv
491 using a video4linux or dvb grabber-card.
492 [If you haven't such a card or don't
493 want to use mplayer to watch TV, you
496 --disable-tv-v4l If you have got a dvb grabber card, but
497 no video4linux-card, you may want to
498 disable that annoying "try to find
500 [if you have a bttv-card or similar,
501 don't touch it, otherwise you may use
504 --disable-tv-bsdbt848 The BSD interface for Brooktree Chipsets
505 can be disabled. Since this is an LFS
506 hint, you should be running linux, not
508 [Autodetected anyway]
510 --disable-rtc The usage of /dev/rtc can help
511 synchronizing audio/video. If you have
512 it, mind. If you want to use it
513 properly without giving mplayer root
514 permissions (which is seriously inse-
515 cure), you may want to add the line
517 /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq" to
518 your setclock script.
521 --disable-streaming Mplayer can play stuff from http://,
522 mms:// or even rtp://. If you don't
523 want this, you can disable it.
524 [If your computer isn't connected to
525 the net in any kind, you can use this
526 switch, otherwise leave it alone]
528 --enable-live LIVE! is a library for streaming media.
529 If you've got it on your system, you
530 may want to enable it. Look into the
532 [Disabled by default; if you don't have
533 the lib, you don't need it]
535 --disable-dvdnav DVD navigational support via libdvdnav
536 can be disabled. The documentation says
537 it would be unstable. I haven't tested
541 --disable-dvdread Mplayer's usage of libdvdread can be
545 --disable-mpdvdkit Disable Mplayer's own libraries for DVD
547 [Autodetected, but it only searches for
548 UDF support anyway, as far as I can see]
550 --disable-css Disable old-style libcss DVD support.
551 Since mplayer comes with it's own libs,
552 you probably don't need that anyway.
553 [Autodetected, rather not mess with it]
555 --disable-cdparanoia Disable cdparanoia support. You can't
556 use mplayer anymore to play audio CDs
560 --enable-freetype Enable freetype2 font rendering support
561 [Disabled by default. If you've got the
562 font package, you wouldn't need it
565 --disable-unrarlib Mplayer can use Unique's RAR File
566 Library to play files that are packed
568 [autodetected if available]
570 --disable-new-conf New configuration parser code, which is
571 necessary for menu support can be
572 disabled. OK, it may be experimental,
573 but it works very well for me.
576 --enable-menu Enable On Screen Display (OSD) menu -
577 it's like a command line shell rendered
578 over your movie - def'nitely a show-off
580 [It's cool, but you don't need it]
582 --enable-gif Using libungif, you can make mplayer
583 using gif files for a video output.
586 --enable-png Same for libpng and png images.
589 --enable-jpeg Same for libjpeg and jpeg images.
592 --enable-liblzo lzo is a lossless movie compression.
593 Mplayer can use it or not.
596 --disable-win32 If you dislike the thought of
597 using closed-source codecs, you may
598 disable thusly. You could also let this
599 option remain but not use that codec
600 by default (see CONFIGURE section)
603 --disable-dshow Only disable the directshow
604 codecs. DirectShow is a multimedia
605 extension to the ms video libraries, so
606 the codecs could use the graphic
607 hardware almost directly. Strangely, on
608 some systems are these codecs much
612 --disable-xanim I hope you've read the section
613 above. Anyway, there's not much stuff
614 only accessible with the xanim codecs
615 (some quicktime movies, though).
616 Remember it's illegal!
617 [If you have xanim or codecs installed
618 and want to avoid legal issues, you
619 should use that switch; nope]
621 --disable-real If you don't want mplayer to use the
622 libraries that comes with the real
623 player, you can use this switch.
624 [Don't bother unless something goes
625 wrong with Real Player]
627 --enable-vorbis It is possible to use the free
628 OggVorbis as audio codec. If you have
629 these libs installed, you may use them.
630 [Autodetected anyway]
632 --enable-faad FAAD is the mpeg4/AAC audio codec.
635 --disable-libdv You can use Mplayer to view your DV
636 videos, preconditioned you've got libdv
637 installed properly. This switch is to
638 disable those ability.
641 --disable-mad Disable libmad (mpeg audio) support.
644 --disable-vidix Vidix is the new output layer
645 of mplayer. It's more powerful than
646 directfb, so you can generally call it
647 useful. But for those who doesn't want
649 [Enabled on *nix, not usable otherwise,
652 --enable-gl OpenGL rendering. Not the fastest
653 method of rendering the video output,
654 but nevertheless usable. Good for
655 OpenGL-enabled GFX-cards (like FireGL).
658 --enable-dga=[1/2] DirectGraphicAccess is XFree's answer
659 to DirectX(tm), so mplayer accesses the
660 gfx hardware almost directly. To run
661 this, you need to run mplayer as root.
662 [Autodetected; if DGA2 gives you
663 errors, you may use that switch to
666 --enable-vesa Low-level VESA drivers (somewhat faster
667 than svgalib, but still unaccelerated).
670 --enable-svga SVGAlib support (needs to be run as
674 --enable-sdl libSDL support (read the stuff about
675 SDL). Nice, but doesn't smarten mplayer
679 --enable-aa AA-lib gives you cool-looking textmode
680 output. It may be not very usable to
681 watch your movies anyway, but provides
682 a nice effect (and you could use it in
683 console too, even via telnet!).
686 --enable-ggi GGI can handle multiple devices (AA,
687 SDL, X11, DGA, SVGAlib etc. pp). It is
688 also considered to be insecure.
691 --enable-directx This is somewhat undocumented. I guess
692 it's used for the cygwin port of mplayer
693 (since you seem to be running LFS...)
696 --enable-dxr2 The DXR2 is a Video Decoding Hardware
697 that can be used through that driver.
700 --enable-dxr3 If you have a DXR3/H+ Video Hardware
701 Decoding board, you may use it with
705 --enable-dvb Some DVB cards have video output
709 --enable-mga If you have a Matrox MGA[200/400/450]
710 card, you may compile the mga_vid
711 module, load it and have really fast
713 You need to set up the device before
714 you try to use/detect it:
718 cp mga_vod.o /lib/modules/<kernel-
721 mknod /dev/mga_vid c 178 0 &&
724 You may also add to modules.conf:
725 alias char-major-178 mga_vid
729 --enable-xmga Same for XFree.
732 --enable-xv X Video extension. Works mostly out of
733 the box. Only on some Trident and some
734 older cards (especially on notebooks),
735 you may get errors with XFree86 4.1 and
736 older versions. Don't report that
737 errors as MPlayer bugs! That are errors
741 --enable-vm Enable the changing of video modes. On
742 a normal CRT, you may want that.
745 --enable-xinerama You could even use more than 1 Screen
746 to display your movie.
749 --enable-x11 X11 software rendering (slow, no
750 scaling). Useful for making screenshots.
753 --enable-fbdev If you have framebuffer device
754 support in your kernel and want to use
755 it with mplayer, you may enable this.
756 [Yes, if you have /dev/fb0; nope]
758 --enable-fbdev=noocpy If you want to decode directly into the
759 framebuffer (without pre-caching), you
760 can enable it with this switch, but it
761 will possibly result in an untidy image.
764 --enable-mlib Solaris uses mlib for graphics output.
765 Considered you're running Linux, you
766 don't need anything of this.
767 [Autodetected anyway]
769 --enable-3dfx Like --enable-mga, only for 3dfx cards
770 (all cards currently supported by the
771 XFree86 tdfx driver). Look at the docs.
772 [You'll need to enable it, if you want
775 --enable-tdfxfb There's a accelerated framebuffer
776 driver for 3dfx cards. If you're using
777 this one, it could speed things up.
780 --enable-directfb That's a library to access fast
781 framebuffers. Nice to watch vids
785 --enable-zr MJPEG capture/playback cards with Zoran
786 chips (like LML33 and Miro DC10/DC10+)
787 can be used. Read the documentation!
788 [Never mind, autodetected]
790 --enable-bl Ever heard of Blinkenlights? If you've
791 want to use the lights of your
792 skyscraper for viewing videos... No?
793 [Don't touch it unless you know what
796 --disable-ossaudio If you don't want the normal OSS sound
797 driver to be used (ALSA-only system?).
800 --disable-arts KDE's sounddemon arts can be used or
801 not. If you're not anymore using KDE,
802 but have arts available, this switch
804 [Autodetected otherwise]
806 --disable-alsa If you don't want the ALSA driver to be
810 --disable-sunaudio Disable SUN audio support. I can't
811 imagine where this option should be
815 --disable-win32waveout Another option for the cygwin
816 compilation, don't bother.
819 --disable-select If you want to disable OSS soundcard
820 selection. Some older OSS drivers can't
822 [If you have new OSS drivers/hardware,
823 you may give it a try; nope]
825 --enable-runtime-cpudetection
826 You can compile an mplayer binary
827 that'll run on any CPU.
830 --language=xx xx: cz de dk en es fr hu nl no pl ro ru
831 Select your language. It happened on
832 earlier versions that this could cause
833 errors due to unfinished
834 internationalisation. If you encounter
835 such errors, try to leave that switch
837 [Since you're reading this, you
838 understand english: nope]
840 --enable-shared-pp Makes a shared post-processing library
841 that can be used e.g. by transcode.
842 [If you've want to use transcode, use
845 Most of the following CPU instruction set enhancements options
846 can only be used if you have a recent 2.4. kernel!
848 --enable-mmx Intel's MultiMediaeXtension can be used
849 to archieve faster decoding.
852 --enable-mmx2 P3 and Athlon have an newer version of
856 --enable-3dnow AMD K6-II/III have 3D-now! instead of
860 --enable-3dnowex 3D-now!-DSP support on K7 (older Athlon)
863 --enable-sse Newer Celeron/P3/P4 CPUs have an
864 enhanced instruction set that helps to
868 --disable-fastmemcpy Some systems may have problems on fast
869 memory copy. If you get such troubles,
870 you may disable this here.
873 --enable-debug=[1-3] If you're interested in how the code
874 works... but then you'd probably
875 wouldn't need this hint anyway...
878 --enable-profile Another debugging option...
881 --disable-gcc-checking If you're in the habit of using
882 a flawed gcc version (like the ones
883 from redhat), you could do with that
887 --with-extraincdir=... If you have videocodecs etc in another
888 dir than /usr/local/include, you should
890 [=/usr/X11R6/include can never hurt]
892 --with-extralibdir=... Same for libs.
893 [=/usr/X11R6/lib wouldn't hurt]
895 --with-csslibdir=... You could use lib(dvd)css to watch
899 --with-madlibdir=... MAD, the mpeg audio decoder can be used
900 to decode mp2/3 audio with astonishing
901 precision. Point mplayer to where it's
905 --with-win32libdir=... Normally, the windows codecs are stored
906 to /usr/lib/win32. If you want another
907 place, you can set it here.
910 --with-xanimdir=... Where the xanim codecs are installed.
913 --with-reallibdir=... Where the real codecs are installed.
914 [e.g. =/usr/local/rp9codecs]
916 --with-sdl-config=... If it's not found automatically
917 [e.g. =/usr/X11R6/bin/sdl-config]
919 --with-gtk-config=... For gui support...
920 [e.g. =/usr/X11R6/bin/gtk-config]
922 --with-glib-config=... Dito.
923 [e.g. =/usr/X11R6/bin/sdl-config]
926 To use mplayer, you may want to make an .mplayer directory in
931 cp <where the Mplayer sources are>/etc/codecs.conf .mplayer/
933 You can also put a config file into that directory that causes
934 mplayer to start with some predefined options, e.g. for sound
935 or video. Please read the documentation for the syntax.
939 You could look at the manpage, the very good docs in html format
940 or the helppage. Mplayer itself is very helpful indeed, too: try
955 With mplayer comes an "everything to divx4"-encoder. You can
956 convert everything you can watch with mplayer to every encoder
957 you've installed before mplayer! Since the docs are pretty
958 good, only a short example of a three-pass libavcodec divx5
963 mencoder -dvd 1 -aid 128 -ovc frameno -oac mp3lame \
964 -lameopts vbr=3 -o frameno.avi
966 # mencoder should output bitrates for average encodings
967 # now, choose one of your liking! In the following lines,
968 # replace <bitrate> and <name.avi> with statements of your
971 mencoder -dvd 1 -aid 128 -oac copy -ovc lavc \
972 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=1:vhq:vbitrate=<bitrate> \
975 mencoder -dvd 1 -aid 128 -oac copy -ovc lavc \
976 -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=2:vhq:vbitrate=<bitrate> \
979 mencoder -forceidx <name.avi>
982 Will encode first audio and then 2-pass video and finally
983 build the index (so you can jump back and forth in the movie).
988 http://avifile.sourceforge.net
990 To cut avi videos a mix of transcode and mplayer is really
991 great. mplayer to find out where to cut and transcode to do the
994 Read the transcode hint of the same author.
996 Another neat program for avi cutting is avidemux. You'll find
999 http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/
1001 Since this hint will never ever be complete nor perfect, I'd like your
1002 updates send to alex@22-music.com!
1004 Hope this was helpful anyway!