1 AUTHOR: Lupine <thelupine AT PunkAss DOT com>
7 LICENSE: GNU Free Documentation License
10 SYNOPSIS: How to install Doom3 via Winex-cvs
14 I mainly put this together because I couldn't wait for ID to release the Doom3
15 Linux binaries, and I stumbled onto Rob Smith's (http://linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/doom3.html)
16 HOWTO. It was close, but I needed to change a few things around in order to get
17 this working on my BLFS box. I thought I would document exactly what I had to do
18 differently, and share it.
22 Sufficient knowledge of (Beyond)LinuxFromScratch.
24 Note: I would dd the 3 CDs to ISO, and mount all 3 of the ISO files as loopback devices.
25 During the "doom3_installer.sh"(from below), I was never prompted for the CDs, it
26 automagically found the mounted devices.
30 Download latest wine from http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/ALPHA/wine/development/
35 Install/Tweak transgaming:
36 cvs -d:pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:/cvsroot login (password is 'cvs')
37 cvs -z3 -d:pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:/cvsroot co winex
38 wget http://www.linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/GlobalMemoryStatusExFixed.patch
39 dos2unix GlobalMemoryStatusExFixed.patch
41 patch -po < ../GlobalMemoryStatusExFixed.patch
42 ./configure --enable-pthreads --prefix=/usr/lib/winex-cvs/winex
45 touch /usr/lib/winex-cvs/.transgaming/tg_config_version
46 cp ./documentation/sample/config ~/.transgaming
47 wget http://www.linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/winex-cvs
49 chmod +x /usr/bin/winex-cvs
50 wget http://www.linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/pthreads_stack_test
51 mv pthreads_stack_test /usr/lib/winex-cvs/winex/bin
52 chmod 755 /usr/lib/winex-cvs/winex/bin/pthreads_stack_test
53 cp -a ~/.wine ~/.transgaming
56 mkdir c_drive/windows/system32
60 wget http://www.linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/doom3_installer.sh
61 chmod +x doom3_installer.sh
64 wget http://www.linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/Doom3.exe.gz
65 mv Doom3.exe Doom3.exe.old
73 Most of the commands are taken straight from Rob Smith's HOTWO. Without his
74 HOWTO I would have never gotten this to work...he deserves a big ol' Thank You!!!
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77 http://linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/doom3.html
78 Doom III and Winex CVS
79 Rob Smith d3howto@kormoc.com
83 # to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
84 # to make derivative works
85 # to make commercial use of the work
86 Under the following conditions:
87 # Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
89 # If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work
90 only under a license identical to this one. For any reuse or distribution, you must make
91 clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if
92 you get permission from the author.
93 http://linux-militia.net/howtos/doom3/doom3.html
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