3 AUTHOR: Tobias Ottmar <lfs_otti@gmx.de>
4 SYNOPSIS: How to get JBuilder8 working using any working Java SDK installed on
8 I recently recompiled my LFS-System using GCC-3.2.2...if you're reading this, I
9 think you know about the issues with SUN's precompiled JDK / JRE. I followed
10 Tushar Teredesai's Hint "Compiling Java 2 SDK from Scratch" and had no problems
11 so far...but: Borland's JBuilder uses it's own JDK, linked against gcc2
12 libraries. To get JBuilder working, do the following:
14 extract the .tar.gz-file:
16 tar xvfz /where/JBuilder/is/jb8_linux.tar.gz
18 install JBuilder using your own Java:
21 ./per_install.bin LAX_VM $JAVA_HOME/bin/java
23 (note: JAVA_HOME must be correctly set to your Java 2 SDK homedir)
25 After installing JBuilder you have to modify a configuration file to tell
26 JBuilder not to use its own java:
27 In JBuilders installation dir, change in file bin/jdk.config the lines javapath
28 and addpath according to your Java installation, my jdk.config for example:
30 ---begin jdk.config----
33 # Set the path for the JDK
34 javapath /opt/java/bin/java
36 addpath /opt/java/lib/tools.jar
38 # Force standard VM settings for all applications
41 # +-----------------------------------------------------+
43 # | Uncomment the following line if you are having |
44 # | problems with your default file encoding. This |
45 # | problem is evident in some locales |
47 # +-----------------------------------------------------+
48 #vmparam -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859_1