2 LFS VERSION: Tested with LFS-3.0pre4 => LFS-3.0 (3dfx voodoo3)
3 AUTHOR: Paul Campbell <lfshints@cmm.uklinux.net>
5 SYNOPSIS: Tuxracer is a crackingly good open source game.
6 It is probably your first port of call for testing you have a working
7 glide. Tuxracer requires a lot of pacakges and libraries and in turn they
8 require a few more. Hence the hint.
11 (see end for download URLS)
15 Paul Campbell <lfshints@cmm.uklinux.net>
19 >From the top, if you don't have supported 3D graphics card forget it.
20 That said, take a look at the DRI hint and come back here.
22 I had problems compiling Glide for X4.1.0 as per the DRI hint, and after
23 a months DRI less, thaz/#lfs (mike) introduced me to the glide from
24 slackware that works. If you end up with your glxgears command seg faulting
25 at the end of the DRI hint, then try this.
27 Follow the DRI hint exactly but get you glide from slackware and
28 execute this for the glide install.
31 chmod +x glide3x/swlibs/include/make/ostype &&
32 cd glide3x/h3/minihwc &&
33 ln -s linhwc.c.dri linhwc.c &&
34 cd ../glide3/src ; ln -s gglide.c.dri gglide.c &&
35 ln -s gsst.c.dri gsst.c &&
36 ln -s glfb.c.dri glfb.c
39 ## then cd back into the main glide3x directory
41 make -f makefile.linux &&
42 cp -ax h3/lib/libglide* /usr/lib &&
43 cp -ax swlibs/include/*.h /usr/include/glide3 &&
44 cp -ax h3/include/*.h /usr/include/glide3
46 Dont try and pass ANY opts to the glide library, it will segfault.
49 Finish the DRI hint. You may however want to avoid the CVS mesa sources, then...
51 Get your Mesa from the usual places (see references), version 3.5 I think is the
52 current, unpack both the MesaLibs and MesaDemos, they will both go into the
53 same dir automatically.
55 cd into the directory and execute....
57 ./configure --prefix=/usr &&
59 make && make install &&
61 make && make install &&
63 cp include/GL/glu.h /usr/include &&
64 cp include/GL/glut.h /usr/include &&
68 Finally is you still don't get anything from glxgears then scream for help.
72 Now for the game it's self. Well ... not quite. :)
79 ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-threads --enable-shared &&
84 ESD (esound) the elightenmnt sound daemon is required by SDL.
86 ESD recommends libaudio file. If you want to enable this,
87 compile libaudiofile with the below. Also if you use ALSA
88 for your sound you may want to take a qiuck look in the docs for
89 esound, or at least run ./configure --help first.
93 ./configure --prefix=/usr && make & make install
98 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-libwrap --with-audiofile &&
101 I had intermitant problems and errors from this. Removal of --with-libwrap
102 seems to help. If the above fails or you don't want lib audiofile try this
105 ./configure && make && make install
111 ./configure --disable-debug
114 --enable-video-svga << if you want SVGAlib support
115 --enable-video-aalib << if you have aalib stuff
117 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-debug --help
118 and delete the --help and add any options you think are of use.
127 I had problems with this and SDL, since SDL had linked against KDE
128 libs and they were not in my /etc/ld.so.conf. You should be fine.
132 You will probably at least require mpg123 for this. I'm not sure,
133 mpg123 is fairly required and is usually right up there on anyones list.
137 make && make install &&
142 Unpack both archives tuxracer and tuxracer_data and run this:
146 make && make install &&
148 mv tuxracer-data-0.61 /usr/local/share/tuxracer
150 If this fails with "Can't find Tcl", and it probably will.
154 ln -s /usr/lib/libtcl.8.4.so /usr/lib/libtcl.so && ldconfig
156 Then rerun the above.
158 After you first run the games as any user, you will have to edit
159 the ~/.tuxracer/options file and edit your prefernces, like bumping up
160 the resolutions etc. There are hundreds of options. Have fun.
162 Happy racing penguins, enjoy.
164 PS for outright speed, run tuxracer with.....
166 xinit /usr/local/bin/tuxracer
168 No WM no DE no messing around, just tux. :)
169 (works with UT and quake too)
171 For support or complaints, email, lfshints@cmm.uklinux.net
177 References and Download URLs.
180 ftp3.sourceforge.net/pub/mirrors/slackware/slackware-8.0/contrib/contrib-sources/3dfx
181 Version depends on your vid card. I have a voodoo3 3000 and used glide_h3_dri.tar.gz
185 http://www.mesa3d.org/
189 Search on www.sourgeforge.net for Tcl
192 http://www.tux.org/~ricdude/download.html
195 http://www.libsdl.org/
198 http://www.lokigames.com/development/smpeg.php3
201 http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/
203 TuxRacer / Tuxracer-data
204 http://www.tuxracer.com