6 use vars qw(%GET %POST $title $headextra @errors @warnings);
8 $title = BML::ml('.title', {'sitename' => $LJ::SITENAMESHORT});
9 my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
10 return "<?needlogin?>" unless $remote;
15 my @errors = LJ::Widget->handle_post(\%POST, qw(BetaFeature));
17 $ret .= LJ::bad_input(@errors);
19 # refresh the page after saving so that the user will see activated features immediately
20 return BML::redirect("$LJ::SITEROOT/betafeatures.bml");
26 if (keys %LJ::BETA_FEATURES) {
27 my @beta_features = sort { $LJ::BETA_FEATURES{$b}->{start_time} <=> $LJ::BETA_FEATURES{$a}->{start_time} } keys %LJ::BETA_FEATURES;
28 foreach my $feature (@beta_features) {
29 if ($LJ::BETA_FEATURES{$feature}->{start_time} <= $now && $LJ::BETA_FEATURES{$feature}->{end_time} > $now) {
30 $body_ret .= LJ::Widget::BetaFeature->render( feature => $feature, u => $remote );
35 $ret .= $body_ret ? $body_ret : "<?p $ML{'.nofeatures'} p?>";
37 my $news = LJ::load_user('news');
38 $ret .= "<?p " . BML::ml('.staytuned', {'news' => $news->ljuser_display}) . " p?>" if $news;
44 title=><?_code return $title; _code?>
46 <?_code return $headextra; _code?>