1 ;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 .changepassword.header=Change Password
6 .changepassword.instructions=Fill out the form below to change your password.
8 .email.body2|staleness=1
12 Your password has been changed at [[sitename]].
14 To reset it in the future, visit:
16 [[siteroot]]/lostinfo.bml
24 .email.subject=Change of Password
26 .error.actionalreadyperformed|staleness=1
27 .error.actionalreadyperformed=You've already used this link to reset your password. If you need to change your password again, you'll need to <a [[aopts]]>request a new password reset email</a>.
29 .error.badcheck=Bad new password: [[error]]
31 .error.badnewpassword=Your new passwords do not match. Retype both again... you made a typo on one of them.
33 .error.badoldpassword=Your old password is not correct.
35 .error.blankpassword=Your new password cannot be blank.
37 .error.changetestaccount=Cannot change the test account's password.
39 .error.characterlimit=Passwords are limited to a maximum of 30 characters.
41 .error.emailchanged|staleness=1
42 .error.emailchanged=You have updated your email address since you requested this password reset. You will need to <a [[aopts]]>request another reset link</a> in order to change your password.
44 .error.identity=OpenID users do not have passwords for their accounts.
46 .error.invalidarg|staleness=1
47 .error.invalidarg=The URL you're using to reset your password doesn't seem to be valid. Make sure you're copying the entire URL from the email you received.
49 .error.invaliduser=Invalid user <B>[[user]]</B>. This user does not exist. Are you sure you typed it correctly?
51 .error.mustenterusername=You must enter your username.
53 .error.nonascii=Passwords are restricted to ASCII symbols. Please choose a password that does not use non-ASCII symbols.
55 .error.notvalidated=You cannot change your password if your current email address has not been validated.
57 .forcechange=<?p Your current password is too easy for an automated program to guess, so your account has been frozen. Before you do anything else, you need to change your password. p?>
59 .installed_apps|staleness=1
60 .installed_apps=You have [[count]] installed application(s) that have access to your account.
62 .newpassword=New Password:
64 .newpasswordagain=New Password (again):
66 .oldpassword=Old Password:
68 .proceed.instructions=Press the button below and your password will be changed. You will receive an email as well, noting the password change.
70 .relogin=In addition, you have been logged out from all your existing sessions. You should <a [[aopts]]>log in again</a> before continuing.
72 .success.text=Your password has been changed and email has been sent to you with a reminder message.
74 .title=Change Password
76 .uninstall_apps|staleness=1
77 .uninstall_apps= Would you like to <a href=/manage/settings/?cat=userapps>uninstall applications</a>?