1 ;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 .abdicate.supermaintainer|staleness=1
3 .abdicate.supermaintainer=Do you really want to do it?
5 .error.adding=[[user]] has banned this community from sending them invitations.
7 .error.alreadyadded=[[user]] was not added because they already have access to this community.
9 .error.alreadysent=[[user]] could not be added because they were already sent a confirmation email on <i>[[datetime]]</i>. Please wait for them to respond.
11 .error.cant_create_poll|staleness=1
12 .error.cant_create_poll=Can't create poll
14 .error.invaliduser=Cannot add community or syndicated account: [[user]]
16 .error.ischild|staleness=1
17 .error.ischild=Sorry, but [[user]] cannot be invited to this community because they do not have a registered birthday that is at least 14 years old.
19 .error.isminor|staleness=1
20 .error.isminor=Sorry, but [[user]] cannot be invited to this community because they do not have a registered birthday that is at least 18 years old.
22 .error.limit=Unable to invite [[user]], the outstanding invitation limit for this community has been exceeded.
24 .error.maintainer|staleness=1
25 .error.maintainer=Unable to revoke maintainer rights for [[user]].
27 .error.noaccess=Only community maintainers are able to edit membership lists. You are not a maintainer of community [[comm]].
29 .error.noaccess_sm|staleness=1
30 .error.noaccess_sm=Only community owners are able to set a new owner. You are not a owner of community [[comm]].
32 .error.noattr=No attributes selected for user: [[user]]
34 .error.nocomm=Community not found.
36 .error.notactive=Account is not active: <b>[[user]]</b>
38 .error.notcomm=[[user]] is not a community.
40 .error.nouser=User does not exist: <b>[[user]]</b>
42 .error.no_maintainers|staleness=1
43 .error.no_maintainers=Community has not have maintainers
45 .error.poll_already_exists|staleness=1
46 .error.poll_already_exists=Election poll exists already
48 .error.unknown=Error inviting [[user]]. Please make sure they're not already a member and try again.
51 .intro=You can define the roles of each of your members here.
53 .intro.invite|staleness=1
54 .intro.invite=To invite a user to your community, enter their username in one of the empty boxes below and select the checkboxes that correspond to the roles you which the user to have.
59 .key.admin=<b>Maintainer</b>
61 .key.member=<b>Member</b>
63 .key.moderate=<b>Moderator</b>
65 .key.post=<b>Posting Access</b>
67 .key.preapprove=Unmoderated
71 .manage2=Manage communities
73 .name=<b>Community name:</b> [[name]]
75 .nextlink=<i>(Next page...)</i>
77 .prevlink=<i>(Previous page...)</i>
79 .reinvited2=[[user]] has been reinvited to join this community. They will need to accept the invite from the <a [[aopts]]>Community Invitation Page</a>.
81 .set.user_to_supermaintainer|staleness=1
82 .set.user_to_supermaintainer=Proceed...
86 .start_elections|staleness=1
87 .start_elections=Start election
89 .success.added=added: [[list]]
91 .success.deleted=removed: [[list]]
93 .success.header=Success
95 .success.invited=The following users have been successfully invited to this community with the listed privileges:
97 .success.invited2=The following users have been successfully invited to this community with the listed privileges. They will need to accept the invite from the <a [[aopts]]>Community Invitation Page</a> before they can become a member of the community.
99 .success.message|staleness=1
100 .success.message=The following changes have been made:
102 .success.message2=The following changes have been made:
104 .success.nochanges=No changes have been made.
106 .success.return|staleness=1
107 .success.return=<a [[aopts]]>Return to the list</a>
109 .success.return2=<a [[aopts]]>Return to the list</a>
111 .success_empty.header|staleness=1
112 .success_empty.header=Success
114 .success_empty.message|staleness=1
115 .success_empty.message=No users has been selected.
117 .title=Community Members
119 .update=Update settings
121 .you.supermaintainer|staleness=1
122 .you.supermaintainer=<br/><br/>Currently, you are <b>"SuperMaintainer"</b> for this community [[comm]].<br/><br/>You can abdicate and appoint another maintainer for this role:
124 .you_can_start_election|staleness=1
125 .you_can_start_election=You can start a election