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[llf.git] / llfrc.lua
1 C = {}
3 -- The maximum line we'll try to output
4 C.max_len = 72
6 -- Environments which don't deserve newlines before/after (everything else does)
7 C.inline_environments = {
8 "bmatrix", "bmatrix*", "Bmatrix", "Bmatrix*", "cases",
9 "dcases", "pmatrix", "pmatrix*", "Pmatrix", "Pmatrix*",
10 "matrix", "matrix*", "vmatrix", "vmatrix*", "Vmatrix",
11 "Vmatrix*",
14 -- Control sequences (apart from begin and end) which should be on their own line
15 C.own_line_controlseqs = {
16 "BEGIN", "DO", "DeclareMathOperator", "ELSE", "END", "ENDFOR",
17 "ENDLOOP", "ENDPROC", "EXIT", "Else", "EndFor", "EndFunction",
18 "EndIf", "EndWhile", "FI", "FOR", "For", "ForAll", "Function",
19 "IF", "If", "LOOP", "OD", "PROC", "REPEAT", "UNTIL", "While",
20 "author", "date", "documentclass", "item", "label",
21 "newcommand", "newfloat", "newtheorem", "renewcommand",
22 "setlist", "theoremstyle", "title", "usepackage",
23 "usepgfplotslibrary", "usetikzlibrary",
26 -- Control sequences which should at least start their own line
27 C.start_line_controlseqs = {
28 "addplot", "addplot3", "caption", "cfoot", "chead", "clip",
29 "coordinate", "DeclarePairedDelimiter",
30 "DeclarePairedDelimiterX", "draw", "fill", "foreach", "node",
31 "path", "rfoot", "rhead", "State", "tikzstyle",
32 "tkzCircumCenter", "tkzClipCircle", "tkzCompass", "tkzDefLine",
33 "tkzDefMidPoint", "tkzDefPoint", "tkzDefPointBy",
34 "tkzDefPointWith", "tkzDrawArc", "tkzDrawCircle", "tkzDrawLine",
35 "tkzDrawLines", "tkzDrawPoints", "tkzDrawPolygon",
36 "tkzDrawSector", "tkzDrawSegment", "tkzDrawSegments",
37 "tkzFillCircle", "tkzFillSector", "tkzFindAngle",
38 "tkzFindSlopeAngle", "tkzGetPoint", "tkzGetPoints",
39 "tkzInterCC", "tkzInterLC", "tkzInterLL", "tkzLabelAngle",
40 "tkzLabelCircle", "tkzLabelPoint", "tkzLabelPoints",
41 "tkzLabelSegment", "tkzMarkAngle", "tkzMarkRightAngle",
42 "tkzMarkSegment", "tkzMarkSegments", "tkzSetUpCompass",
43 "tkzSetUpLine", "tkzShowLine", "tkzVecLen",
46 -- Environments in which newlines cannot be added haphazardly
47 C.tabular_like_environments = {
48 "align", "align*", "alignat", "alignat*", "aligned", "aligned*",
49 "eqnarray", "eqnarray*", "gather", "gather*", "tabu", "tabular",
50 "tabular*", "tabularx", "tabularx*", "tabularX", "tabularX*",
51 "tikzcd",
54 -- Environments which should be treated as verbatim: no formatting at all
55 C.verbatim_like_environments = {
56 "Verbatim", "alltt", "knot", "verbatim",
59 -- Control sequences which should be on their own paragraphs
60 C.own_paragraphs = {
61 "documentclass", "newpage", "section", "subsection",
62 "subsubsection", "subsubsubsection", "vfill",
65 -- Control sequences which should increase indentation
66 C.indent_incrementers = {
67 "(", "BEGIN", "DO", "Else", "FOR", "ForAll", "Function", "IF",
68 "If", "LOOP", "PROC", "REPEAT", "Start", "[", "item",
71 -- Control sequences which should decrease indentation
72 C.indent_decrementers = {
73 ")", "END", "ENDFOR", "ENDLOOP", "ENDPROC", "EXIT", "Else",
74 "End", "EndFor", "EndFunction", "EndIf", "FI", "OD", "UNTIL",
75 "]", "item",
78 return C