1 Prerequisites for building from sources:
2 mupdf [http://mupdf.com/]
3 ocaml (4.04+) [http://ocaml.org/]
4 gcc [https://gcc.gnu.org/]
5 binutils [http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/]
6 make [http://www.gnu.org/software/make/]
7 git [https://git-scm.com/]
8 openssl [https://www.openssl.org/source/]
9 MuPDF depends on libcrypto part of OpenSSL
10 opengl [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL]
12 llpp% git clone git://git.ghostscript.com/mupdf.git --recursive
14 mupdf% git checkout f1c780ceb995cc0f9154f77d99cc449fced0c679
15 mupdf% git submodule update --recursive
16 mupdf% make build=native libs
20 llpp% sh build.sh build
22 somewhere% sh /path/to/llpp/build.sh $(pwd)
24 Standalone binary should now be in build/llpp or somewhere/llpp
28 ghc [https://www.haskell.org/ghc/]
29 shake [http://shakebuild.com/]
31 llpp% shake -j0 [build/llpp.native]
33 llpp% runghc Shakefile.hs -j0 [build/llpp.native]
35 Standalone binary should now be in build/llpp[.native]
37 Native OS X Installation Instructions
38 -------------------------------------
40 Only supported using build.sh as above. If build is successful, the
41 standalone OS X app should now be in build/llpp.app or somwhere/llpp.app.
43 (N.B. mupdf under macOS is in a bit of a disarray now so to build it
44 `make -k build=native libs' is in order)