[InstCombine] Signed saturation tests. NFC
[llvm-complete.git] / bindings / ocaml / executionengine / llvm_executionengine.ml
1 (*===-- llvm_executionengine.ml - LLVM OCaml Interface --------*- OCaml -*-===*
3 * Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 * See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
7 *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
9 exception Error of string
11 let () = Callback.register_exception "Llvm_executionengine.Error" (Error "")
13 external initialize : unit -> bool
14 = "llvm_ee_initialize"
16 type llexecutionengine
18 type llcompileroptions = {
19 opt_level: int;
20 code_model: Llvm_target.CodeModel.t;
21 no_framepointer_elim: bool;
22 enable_fast_isel: bool;
25 let default_compiler_options = {
26 opt_level = 0;
27 code_model = Llvm_target.CodeModel.JITDefault;
28 no_framepointer_elim = false;
29 enable_fast_isel = false }
31 external create : ?options:llcompileroptions -> Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine
32 = "llvm_ee_create"
33 external dispose : llexecutionengine -> unit
34 = "llvm_ee_dispose"
35 external add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine -> unit
36 = "llvm_ee_add_module"
37 external remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine -> unit
38 = "llvm_ee_remove_module"
39 external run_static_ctors : llexecutionengine -> unit
40 = "llvm_ee_run_static_ctors"
41 external run_static_dtors : llexecutionengine -> unit
42 = "llvm_ee_run_static_dtors"
43 external data_layout : llexecutionengine -> Llvm_target.DataLayout.t
44 = "llvm_ee_get_data_layout"
45 external add_global_mapping_ : Llvm.llvalue -> nativeint -> llexecutionengine -> unit
46 = "llvm_ee_add_global_mapping"
47 external get_global_value_address_ : string -> llexecutionengine -> nativeint
48 = "llvm_ee_get_global_value_address"
49 external get_function_address_ : string -> llexecutionengine -> nativeint
50 = "llvm_ee_get_function_address"
52 let add_global_mapping llval ptr ee =
53 add_global_mapping_ llval (Ctypes.raw_address_of_ptr (Ctypes.to_voidp ptr)) ee
55 let get_global_value_address name typ ee =
56 let vptr = get_global_value_address_ name ee in
57 if Nativeint.to_int vptr <> 0 then
58 let open Ctypes in !@ (coerce (ptr void) (ptr typ) (ptr_of_raw_address vptr))
59 else
60 raise (Error ("Value " ^ name ^ " not found"))
62 let get_function_address name typ ee =
63 let fptr = get_function_address_ name ee in
64 if Nativeint.to_int fptr <> 0 then
65 let open Ctypes in coerce (ptr void) typ (ptr_of_raw_address fptr)
66 else
67 raise (Error ("Function " ^ name ^ " not found"))
69 (* The following are not bound. Patches are welcome.
70 target_machine : llexecutionengine -> Llvm_target.TargetMachine.t