[Codegen] Alter the default promotion for saturating adds and subs
[llvm-complete.git] / unittests / ADT / CMakeLists.txt
2   Support
3   )
5 add_llvm_unittest(ADTTests
6   AnyTest.cpp
7   APFloatTest.cpp
8   APIntTest.cpp
9   APSIntTest.cpp
10   ArrayRefTest.cpp
11   BitmaskEnumTest.cpp
12   BitVectorTest.cpp
13   BreadthFirstIteratorTest.cpp
14   BumpPtrListTest.cpp
15   DAGDeltaAlgorithmTest.cpp
16   DeltaAlgorithmTest.cpp
17   DenseMapTest.cpp
18   DenseSetTest.cpp
19   DepthFirstIteratorTest.cpp
20   DirectedGraphTest.cpp
21   EquivalenceClassesTest.cpp
22   FallibleIteratorTest.cpp
23   FoldingSet.cpp
24   FunctionExtrasTest.cpp
25   FunctionRefTest.cpp
26   HashingTest.cpp
27   IListBaseTest.cpp
28   IListIteratorTest.cpp
29   IListNodeBaseTest.cpp
30   IListNodeTest.cpp
31   IListSentinelTest.cpp
32   IListTest.cpp
33   ImmutableListTest.cpp
34   ImmutableMapTest.cpp
35   ImmutableSetTest.cpp
36   IntEqClassesTest.cpp
37   IntervalMapTest.cpp
38   IntrusiveRefCntPtrTest.cpp
39   IteratorTest.cpp
40   MakeUniqueTest.cpp
41   MappedIteratorTest.cpp
42   MapVectorTest.cpp
43   OptionalTest.cpp
44   PackedVectorTest.cpp
45   PointerEmbeddedIntTest.cpp
46   PointerIntPairTest.cpp
47   PointerSumTypeTest.cpp
48   PointerUnionTest.cpp
49   PostOrderIteratorTest.cpp
50   PriorityWorklistTest.cpp
51   RangeAdapterTest.cpp
52   SCCIteratorTest.cpp
53   STLExtrasTest.cpp
54   ScopeExitTest.cpp
55   SequenceTest.cpp
56   SetVectorTest.cpp
57   SimpleIListTest.cpp
58   SmallPtrSetTest.cpp
59   SmallSetTest.cpp
60   SmallStringTest.cpp
61   SmallVectorTest.cpp
62   SparseBitVectorTest.cpp
63   SparseMultiSetTest.cpp
64   SparseSetTest.cpp
65   StatisticTest.cpp
66   StringExtrasTest.cpp
67   StringMapTest.cpp
68   StringRefTest.cpp
69   StringSetTest.cpp
70   StringSwitchTest.cpp
71   TinyPtrVectorTest.cpp
72   TripleTest.cpp
73   TwineTest.cpp
74   )
76 target_link_libraries(ADTTests PRIVATE LLVMTestingSupport)
78 add_dependencies(ADTTests intrinsics_gen)