Fix bugs section.
[llvm-complete.git] / test / Bindings / Ocaml /
1 (* RUN: %ocamlc -warn-error A llvm.cma llvm_executionengine.cma %s -o %t
2 * RUN: ./%t %t.bc
3 *)
5 open Llvm
6 open Llvm_executionengine
8 (* Note that this takes a moment to link, so it's best to keep the number of
9 individual tests low. *)
11 let bomb msg =
12 prerr_endline msg;
13 exit 2
15 let define_main_fn m retval =
16 let fn =
17 let str_arr_type = pointer_type (pointer_type i8_type) in
18 define_function "main" (function_type i32_type [| i32_type;
19 str_arr_type;
20 str_arr_type |]) m in
21 let b = builder_at_end (entry_block fn) in
22 ignore (build_ret (const_int i32_type retval) b);
25 let define_plus m =
26 let fn = define_function "plus" (function_type i32_type [| i32_type;
27 i32_type |]) m in
28 let b = builder_at_end (entry_block fn) in
29 let add = build_add (param fn 0) (param fn 1) "sum" b in
30 ignore (build_ret add b)
32 let test_genericvalue () =
33 let tu = (1, 2) in
34 let ptrgv = GenericValue.of_pointer tu in
35 assert (tu = GenericValue.as_pointer ptrgv);
37 let fpgv = GenericValue.of_float double_type 2. in
38 assert (2. = GenericValue.as_float double_type fpgv);
40 let intgv = GenericValue.of_int i32_type 3 in
41 assert (3 = GenericValue.as_int intgv);
43 let i32gv = GenericValue.of_int32 i32_type (Int32.of_int 4) in
44 assert ((Int32.of_int 4) = GenericValue.as_int32 i32gv);
46 let nigv = GenericValue.of_nativeint i32_type (Nativeint.of_int 5) in
47 assert ((Nativeint.of_int 5) = GenericValue.as_nativeint nigv);
49 let i64gv = GenericValue.of_int64 i64_type (Int64.of_int 6) in
50 assert ((Int64.of_int 6) = GenericValue.as_int64 i64gv)
52 let test_executionengine () =
53 (* create *)
54 let m = create_module "test_module" in
55 let main = define_main_fn m 42 in
57 let m2 = create_module "test_module2" in
58 define_plus m2;
60 let ee = ExecutionEngine.create (ModuleProvider.create m) in
61 let mp2 = ModuleProvider.create m2 in
62 ExecutionEngine.add_module_provider mp2 ee;
64 (* run_static_ctors *)
65 ExecutionEngine.run_static_ctors ee;
67 (* run_function_as_main *)
68 let res = ExecutionEngine.run_function_as_main main [|"test"|] [||] ee in
69 if 42 != res then bomb "main did not return 42";
71 (* free_machine_code *)
72 ExecutionEngine.free_machine_code main ee;
74 (* find_function *)
75 match ExecutionEngine.find_function "dne" ee with
76 | Some _ -> raise (Failure "find_function 'dne' failed")
77 | None ->
79 match ExecutionEngine.find_function "plus" ee with
80 | None -> raise (Failure "find_function 'plus' failed")
81 | Some plus ->
83 (* run_function *)
84 let res = ExecutionEngine.run_function plus
85 [| GenericValue.of_int i32_type 2;
86 GenericValue.of_int i32_type 2 |]
87 ee in
88 if 4 != GenericValue.as_int res then bomb "plus did not work";
90 (* remove_module_provider *)
91 Llvm.dispose_module (ExecutionEngine.remove_module_provider mp2 ee);
93 (* run_static_dtors *)
94 ExecutionEngine.run_static_dtors ee;
96 (* dispose *)
97 ExecutionEngine.dispose ee
99 let _ =
100 test_genericvalue ();
101 test_executionengine ()