1 ; RUN: opt -loop-reduce -S < %s | FileCheck %s
3 ; <rdar://10701050> "Cannot split an edge from an IndirectBrInst" assert.
5 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64"
6 target triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0"
8 ; while.cond197 is a dominates the simplified loop while.cond238 but
9 ; has no with no preheader.
11 ; CHECK-LABEL: @nopreheader(
12 ; CHECK: %while.cond238
16 define void @nopreheader(i8* %end) nounwind {
18 br label %while.cond179
20 while.cond179: ; preds = %if.end434, %if.end369, %if.end277, %if.end165
21 %s.1 = phi i8* [ undef, %if.end434 ], [ %incdec.ptr356, %if.end348 ], [ undef, %entry ]
22 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %land.rhs184, label %while.end453]
24 land.rhs184: ; preds = %while.cond179
25 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.end453, label %while.cond197]
27 while.cond197: ; preds = %land.rhs202, %land.rhs184
28 %0 = phi i64 [ %indvar.next11, %land.rhs202 ], [ 0, %land.rhs184 ]
29 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %land.rhs202, label %while.end215]
31 land.rhs202: ; preds = %while.cond197
32 %indvar.next11 = add i64 %0, 1
33 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.end215, label %while.cond197]
35 while.end215: ; preds = %land.rhs202, %while.cond197
36 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %PREMATURE, label %if.end221]
38 if.end221: ; preds = %while.end215
39 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.cond238.preheader, label %lor.lhs.false227]
41 lor.lhs.false227: ; preds = %if.end221
42 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.cond238.preheader, label %if.else]
44 while.cond238.preheader: ; preds = %lor.lhs.false227, %if.end221
45 %tmp16 = add i64 %0, 2
46 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.cond238]
48 while.cond238: ; preds = %land.rhs243, %while.cond238.preheader
49 %1 = phi i64 [ %indvar.next15, %land.rhs243 ], [ 0, %while.cond238.preheader ]
50 %tmp36 = add i64 %tmp16, %1
51 %s.3 = getelementptr i8, i8* %s.1, i64 %tmp36
52 %cmp241 = icmp ult i8* %s.3, %end
53 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %land.rhs243, label %while.end256]
55 land.rhs243: ; preds = %while.cond238
56 %indvar.next15 = add i64 %1, 1
57 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.end256, label %while.cond238]
59 while.end256: ; preds = %land.rhs243, %while.cond238
60 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %PREMATURE]
62 if.else: ; preds = %lor.lhs.false227
63 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %if.then297, label %if.else386]
65 if.then297: ; preds = %if.else
66 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %PREMATURE, label %if.end307]
68 if.end307: ; preds = %if.then297
69 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %if.end314, label %FAIL]
71 if.end314: ; preds = %if.end307
72 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %if.end340]
74 if.end340: ; preds = %while.end334
75 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %PREMATURE, label %if.end348]
77 if.end348: ; preds = %if.end340
78 %incdec.ptr356 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* undef, i64 2
79 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.cond179]
81 if.else386: ; preds = %if.else
82 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.end453, label %if.end434]
84 if.end434: ; preds = %if.then428, %if.end421
85 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %while.cond179]
87 while.end453: ; preds = %if.else386, %land.rhs184, %while.cond179
88 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %PREMATURE, label %if.end459]
90 if.end459: ; preds = %while.end453
91 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %if.then465, label %FAIL]
93 if.then465: ; preds = %if.end459
94 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %return, label %if.then479]
96 if.then479: ; preds = %if.then465
97 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %return]
99 FAIL: ; preds = %if.end459, %if.end307, %land.lhs.true142, %land.lhs.true131, %while.end
100 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %DECL_FAIL]
102 PREMATURE: ; preds = %while.end453, %while.end415, %if.end340, %while.end334, %if.then297, %while.end256, %while.end215
103 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %return, label %if.then495]
105 if.then495: ; preds = %PREMATURE
106 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %return]
108 DECL_FAIL: ; preds = %if.then488, %FAIL, %land.lhs.true99, %lor.lhs.false, %if.end83, %if.then39, %if.end
109 indirectbr i8* undef, [label %return]
111 return: ; preds = %if.then512, %if.end504, %DECL_FAIL, %if.then495, %PREMATURE, %if.then479, %if.then465, %if.then69, %if.end52, %if.end19, %if.then