[llvm] [cmake] Add possibility to use ChooseMSVCCRT.cmake when include LLVM library
[llvm-core.git] / utils / gn / secondary / llvm / unittests / ADT / BUILD.gn
1 import("//llvm/utils/unittest/unittest.gni")
3 unittest("ADTTests") {
4   # ADT is a headers-only library so there's no //llvm/lib/ADT to depend on.
5   # Also see note in //llvm/lib/Support/BUILD.gn.
6   deps = [
7     # Some tests include files from IR, but there's no library dependency.
8     "//llvm/include/llvm/IR:public_tablegen",
9     "//llvm/lib/Support",
10     "//llvm/lib/Testing/Support",
11   ]
12   sources = [
13     "APFloatTest.cpp",
14     "APIntTest.cpp",
15     "APSIntTest.cpp",
16     "AnyTest.cpp",
17     "ArrayRefTest.cpp",
18     "BitVectorTest.cpp",
19     "BitmaskEnumTest.cpp",
20     "BreadthFirstIteratorTest.cpp",
21     "BumpPtrListTest.cpp",
22     "DAGDeltaAlgorithmTest.cpp",
23     "DeltaAlgorithmTest.cpp",
24     "DenseMapTest.cpp",
25     "DenseSetTest.cpp",
26     "DepthFirstIteratorTest.cpp",
27     "DirectedGraphTest.cpp",
28     "EquivalenceClassesTest.cpp",
29     "FallibleIteratorTest.cpp",
30     "FoldingSet.cpp",
31     "FunctionExtrasTest.cpp",
32     "FunctionRefTest.cpp",
33     "HashingTest.cpp",
34     "IListBaseTest.cpp",
35     "IListIteratorTest.cpp",
36     "IListNodeBaseTest.cpp",
37     "IListNodeTest.cpp",
38     "IListSentinelTest.cpp",
39     "IListTest.cpp",
40     "ImmutableListTest.cpp",
41     "ImmutableMapTest.cpp",
42     "ImmutableSetTest.cpp",
43     "IntEqClassesTest.cpp",
44     "IntervalMapTest.cpp",
45     "IntrusiveRefCntPtrTest.cpp",
46     "IteratorTest.cpp",
47     "MakeUniqueTest.cpp",
48     "MapVectorTest.cpp",
49     "MappedIteratorTest.cpp",
50     "OptionalTest.cpp",
51     "PackedVectorTest.cpp",
52     "PointerEmbeddedIntTest.cpp",
53     "PointerIntPairTest.cpp",
54     "PointerSumTypeTest.cpp",
55     "PointerUnionTest.cpp",
56     "PostOrderIteratorTest.cpp",
57     "PriorityWorklistTest.cpp",
58     "RangeAdapterTest.cpp",
59     "SCCIteratorTest.cpp",
60     "STLExtrasTest.cpp",
61     "ScopeExitTest.cpp",
62     "SequenceTest.cpp",
63     "SetVectorTest.cpp",
64     "SimpleIListTest.cpp",
65     "SmallPtrSetTest.cpp",
66     "SmallSetTest.cpp",
67     "SmallStringTest.cpp",
68     "SmallVectorTest.cpp",
69     "SparseBitVectorTest.cpp",
70     "SparseMultiSetTest.cpp",
71     "SparseSetTest.cpp",
72     "StatisticTest.cpp",
73     "StringExtrasTest.cpp",
74     "StringMapTest.cpp",
75     "StringRefTest.cpp",
76     "StringSetTest.cpp",
77     "StringSwitchTest.cpp",
78     "TinyPtrVectorTest.cpp",
79     "TripleTest.cpp",
80     "TwineTest.cpp",
81   ]