1 # Utility functions for packaging an LLVM distribution. See the
2 # BuildingADistribution documentation for more details.
4 # These functions assume a number of conventions that are common across all LLVM
6 # - The generated CMake exports file for ${project} is called ${project}Targets
7 # (except for LLVM where it's called ${project}Exports for legacy reasons).
8 # - The build target for the CMake exports is called ${project}-cmake-exports
9 # (except LLVM where it's just cmake-exports).
10 # - The ${PROJECT}${distribution}_HAS_EXPORTS global property holds whether a
11 # project has any exports for a particular ${distribution} (where ${PROJECT}
12 # is the project name in uppercase).
13 # - The ${PROJECT}_CMAKE_DIR variable is computed by ${project}Config.cmake to
14 # hold the path of the installed CMake modules directory.
15 # - The ${PROJECT}_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR variable contains the install destination
16 # for the project's CMake modules.
21 message(FATAL_ERROR "LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS and LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS cannot be specified together")
26 message(FATAL_ERROR "LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS cannot be specified with multi-configuration generators (i.e. Xcode or Visual Studio)")
30 # Build the map of targets to distributions that's used to look up the
31 # distribution for a target later. The distribution for ${target} is stored in
32 # the global property LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target}.
33 function(llvm_distribution_build_target_map)
35 # CMake doesn't easily distinguish between properties that are unset and
36 # properties that are empty (you have to do a second get_property call with
37 # the SET option, which is unergonomic), so just use a special marker to
38 # denote the default (unnamed) distribution.
42 foreach(distribution ${LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS})
43 foreach(target ${LLVM_${distribution}_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS})
44 # We don't allow a target to be in multiple distributions, because we
45 # wouldn't know which export set to place it in.
46 get_property(current_distribution GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target})
47 if(current_distribution AND NOT current_distribution STREQUAL distribution)
48 message(SEND_ERROR "Target ${target} cannot be in multiple distributions ${distribution} and ${current_distribution}")
50 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target} ${distribution})
55 # The include guard ensures this will only be called once. The rest of this file
56 # only defines other functions (i.e. it doesn't execute any more code directly).
57 llvm_distribution_build_target_map()
59 # Look up the distribution a particular target belongs to.
60 # - target: The target to look up.
61 # - in_distribution_var: The variable with this name is set in the caller's
62 # scope to indicate if the target is in any distribution. If no distributions
63 # have been configured, this will always be set to true.
64 # - distribution_var: The variable with this name is set in the caller's scope
65 # to indicate the distribution name for the target. If the target belongs to
66 # the default (unnamed) distribution, or if no distributions have been
67 # configured, it's set to the empty string.
68 # - UMBRELLA: The (optional) umbrella target that the target is a part of. For
69 # example, all LLVM libraries have the umbrella target llvm-libraries.
70 function(get_llvm_distribution target in_distribution_var distribution_var)
72 set(${in_distribution_var} YES PARENT_SCOPE)
73 set(${distribution_var} "" PARENT_SCOPE)
77 cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" UMBRELLA "" ${ARGN})
78 get_property(distribution GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target})
80 get_property(umbrella_distribution GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${ARG_UMBRELLA})
81 if(distribution AND umbrella_distribution AND NOT distribution STREQUAL umbrella_distribution)
82 message(SEND_ERROR "Target ${target} has different distribution ${distribution} from its"
83 " umbrella target ${ARG_UMBRELLA} distribution ${umbrella_distribution}")
84 elseif(NOT distribution)
85 set(distribution ${umbrella_distribution})
89 set(${in_distribution_var} YES PARENT_SCOPE)
90 if(distribution STREQUAL "<DEFAULT>")
93 set(${distribution_var} "${distribution}" PARENT_SCOPE)
95 set(${in_distribution_var} NO PARENT_SCOPE)
99 # Get the EXPORT argument to use for an install command for a target in a
100 # project. As explained at the top of the file, the project export set for a
101 # distribution is named ${project}{distribution}Targets (except for LLVM where
102 # it's named ${project}{distribution}Exports for legacy reasons). Also set the
103 # ${PROJECT}_${DISTRIBUTION}_HAS_EXPORTS global property to mark the project as
104 # having exports for the distribution.
105 # - target: The target to get the EXPORT argument for.
106 # - project: The project to produce the argument for. IMPORTANT: The casing of
107 # this argument should match the casing used by the project's Config.cmake
108 # file. The correct casing for the LLVM projects is Clang, Flang, LLD, LLVM,
110 # - export_arg_var The variable with this name is set in the caller's scope to
111 # the EXPORT argument for the target for the project.
112 # - UMBRELLA: The (optional) umbrella target that the target is a part of. For
113 # example, all LLVM libraries have the umbrella target llvm-libraries.
114 function(get_target_export_arg target project export_arg_var)
115 string(TOUPPER "${project}" project_upper)
116 if(project STREQUAL "LLVM")
117 set(suffix "Exports") # legacy
119 set(suffix "Targets")
122 get_llvm_distribution(${target} in_distribution distribution ${ARGN})
125 set(${export_arg_var} EXPORT ${project}${distribution}${suffix} PARENT_SCOPE)
127 string(TOUPPER "${distribution}" distribution_upper)
128 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${project_upper}_${distribution_upper}_HAS_EXPORTS True)
130 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${project_upper}_HAS_EXPORTS True)
133 set(${export_arg_var} "" PARENT_SCOPE)
137 # Produce a string of CMake include() commands to include the exported targets
138 # files for all distributions. See the comment at the top of this file for
139 # various assumptions made.
140 # - project: The project to produce the commands for. IMPORTANT: See the comment
141 # for get_target_export_arg above for the correct casing of this argument.
142 # - includes_var: The variable with this name is set in the caller's scope to
143 # the string of include commands.
144 function(get_config_exports_includes project includes_var)
145 string(TOUPPER "${project}" project_upper)
146 set(prefix "\${${project_upper}_CMAKE_DIR}/${project}")
147 if(project STREQUAL "LLVM")
148 set(suffix "Exports.cmake") # legacy
150 set(suffix "Targets.cmake")
154 set(${includes_var} "include(\"${prefix}${suffix}\")" PARENT_SCOPE)
157 foreach(distribution ${LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS})
158 list(APPEND includes "include(\"${prefix}${distribution}${suffix}\" OPTIONAL)")
160 string(REPLACE ";" "\n" includes "${includes}")
161 set(${includes_var} "${includes}" PARENT_SCOPE)
165 # Create the install commands and targets for the distributions' CMake exports.
166 # The target to install ${distribution} for a project is called
167 # ${project}-${distribution}-cmake-exports, where ${project} is the project name
168 # in lowercase and ${distribution} is the distribution name in lowercase, except
169 # for LLVM, where the target is just called ${distribution}-cmake-exports. See
170 # the comment at the top of this file for various assumptions made.
171 # - project: The project. IMPORTANT: See the comment for get_target_export_arg
172 # above for the correct casing of this argument.
173 function(install_distribution_exports project)
174 string(TOUPPER "${project}" project_upper)
175 string(TOLOWER "${project}" project_lower)
176 if(project STREQUAL "LLVM")
178 set(suffix "Exports") # legacy
180 set(prefix "${project_lower}-")
181 set(suffix "Targets")
183 set(destination "${${project_upper}_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DIR}")
186 get_property(has_exports GLOBAL PROPERTY ${project_upper}_HAS_EXPORTS)
188 install(EXPORT ${project}${suffix} DESTINATION "${destination}"
189 COMPONENT ${prefix}cmake-exports)
192 foreach(distribution ${LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS})
193 string(TOUPPER "${distribution}" distribution_upper)
194 get_property(has_exports GLOBAL PROPERTY ${project_upper}_${distribution_upper}_HAS_EXPORTS)
196 string(TOLOWER "${distribution}" distribution_lower)
197 set(target ${prefix}${distribution_lower}-cmake-exports)
198 install(EXPORT ${project}${distribution}${suffix} DESTINATION "${destination}"
201 add_custom_target(${target})
202 add_llvm_install_targets(install-${target} COMPONENT ${target})
209 # Create the targets for installing the configured distributions. The
210 # ${distribution} target builds the distribution, install-${distribution}
211 # installs it, and install-${distribution}-stripped installs a stripped version,
212 # where ${distribution} is the distribution name in lowercase, or "distribution"
213 # for the default distribution.
214 function(llvm_distribution_add_targets)
215 set(distributions "${LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS}")
216 if(NOT distributions)
217 # CMake seemingly doesn't distinguish between an empty list and a list
218 # containing one element which is the empty string, so just use a special
219 # marker to denote the default (unnamed) distribution and fix it in the
221 set(distributions "<DEFAULT>")
224 foreach(distribution ${distributions})
225 if(distribution STREQUAL "<DEFAULT>")
226 set(distribution_target distribution)
227 # Preserve legacy behavior for LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS.
230 string(TOLOWER "${distribution}" distribution_lower)
231 set(distribution_target ${distribution_lower}-distribution)
232 set(distribution_components ${LLVM_${distribution}_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS})
235 add_custom_target(${distribution_target})
236 add_custom_target(install-${distribution_target})
237 add_custom_target(install-${distribution_target}-stripped)
239 foreach(target ${distribution_components})
241 add_dependencies(${distribution_target} ${target})
243 message(SEND_ERROR "Specified distribution component '${target}' doesn't have a target")
246 if(TARGET install-${target})
247 add_dependencies(install-${distribution_target} install-${target})
249 message(SEND_ERROR "Specified distribution component '${target}' doesn't have an install target")
252 if(TARGET install-${target}-stripped)
253 add_dependencies(install-${distribution_target}-stripped install-${target}-stripped)
256 "Specified distribution component '${target}' doesn't have an install-stripped target."
257 " Its installation target creation should be changed to use add_llvm_install_targets,"
258 " or you should manually create the 'install-${target}-stripped' target.")