1 ## Test writing unchanged content to ELF Stub file with --write-if-changed flag.
3 # RUN: llvm-ifs --output-format=ELF --output=%t %s
4 # RUN: env TZ=GMT touch -m -t 197001010000 %t
5 # RUN: llvm-ifs --output-format=ELF --output=%t --write-if-changed %s
6 # RUN: env TZ=GMT ls -l %t | FileCheck %s
10 Target: { ObjectFormat: ELF, Arch: x86_64, Endianness: little, BitWidth: 64 }
14 - { Name: bar, Type: Object, Size: 42 }
15 - { Name: baz, Type: TLS, Size: 3 }
16 - { Name: plus, Type: Func }
19 # CHECK: {{[[:space:]]1970}}