3 This file is a list of the
4 [maintainers](https://llvm.org/docs/DeveloperPolicy.html#maintainers) for
10 The following people are the active maintainers for the project. Please reach
11 out to them for code reviews, questions about their area of expertise, or other
14 #### All areas not covered by others
16 sscalpone@nvidia.com (email), sscalpone (GitHub), sscalpone (Discourse)
18 #### Backend (Lowering, Fortran dialects, Codegen)
20 jperier@nvidia.com (email), jeanPerier (GitHub), jeanPerier (Discourse)
22 ### Component maintainers
23 These maintainers are responsible for particular high-level components within
24 Flang that are typically contained to one area of the compiler.
28 andrzej.warzynski@arm.com (email), banach-space (GitHub), banach-space (Discourse)
31 tarun@lanl.gov (email), tarunprabhu (GitHub), tarunprabhu (Discourse)
35 rkauffmann@nvidia.com (email), Renaud-K (GitHub), Renaud-K (Discourse)
37 #### PFT, Block, IEEE support
39 vdonaldson@nvidia.com (email), vdonaldson (GitHub)
41 #### Lowering, HLFIR, FIR, Codegen
43 jperier@nvidia.com (email), jeanPerier (GitHub), jeanPerier (Discourse)
46 szakharin@nvidia.com (email), vzakhari (GitHub), szakharin (Discourse)
49 tom.eccles@arm.com (email), tblah (GitHub), tblah (Discourse)
52 clementval@gmail.com (email), clementval (GitHub), clementval (Discourse)
57 tom.eccles@arm.com (email), tblah (GitHub), tblah (Discourse)
61 Krzysztof.Parzyszek@amd.com (email), kparzysz (GitHub), kparzysz (Discourse)
65 safonsof@amd.com (email), skatrak (GitHub), skatrak (Discourse)
69 clementval@gmail.com (email), clementval (GitHub), clementval (Discourse)
72 razvan.lupusoru@gmail.com (email), razvanlupusoru (GitHub), razvan.lupusoru (Discourse)
76 clementval@gmail.com (email), clementval (GitHub), clementval (Discourse)
80 haqadeer@amd.com (email), abidh (GitHub), abidh (Discourse)
82 ## Inactive Maintainers
84 #### Backend : (Lowering, FIR, Codegen)
86 eschweitz@nvidia.com (email), schweitzpgi (GitHub), schweitz (Discourse)
88 ### Component Maintainers
94 kiran.chandramohan@arm.com (email), kiranchandramohan (GitHub), kiranchandramohan (Discourse)