[Clang] Make OpenMP offloading consistently use the bound architecture (#125135)
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Evaluate / rewrite01.f90
1 ! Test expression rewrites, in case where the expression cannot be
2 ! folded to constant values.
3 ! RUN: %flang_fc1 -fdebug-unparse %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
5 ! Test rewrites of inquiry intrinsics with arguments whose shape depends
6 ! on a function reference with non constant shape. The function reference
7 ! must be retained.
8 module some_mod
9 contains
10 function returns_array(n, m)
11 integer :: returns_array(10:n+10,10:m+10)
12 returns_array = 0
13 end function
15 function returns_array_2(n)
16 integer, intent(in) :: n
17 integer :: returns_array_2(n)
18 returns_array_2 = 0
19 end function
21 function returns_array_3()
22 integer :: returns_array_3(7:46+2)
23 returns_array_3 = 0
24 end function
26 subroutine ubound_test(x, n, m)
27 integer :: x(n, m)
28 integer :: y(0:n, 0:m) ! UBOUND could be 0 if n or m are < 0
29 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::int(size(x,dim=1,kind=8),kind=4),int(size(x,dim=2,kind=8),kind=4)]
30 print *, ubound(x)
31 !CHECK: PRINT *, ubound(returns_array(n,m))
32 print *, ubound(returns_array(n, m))
33 !CHECK: PRINT *, ubound(returns_array(n,m),dim=1_4)
34 print *, ubound(returns_array(n, m), dim=1)
35 !CHECK: PRINT *, ubound(returns_array_2(m))
36 print *, ubound(returns_array_2(m))
37 !CHECK: PRINT *, 42_8
38 print *, ubound(returns_array_3(), dim=1, kind=8)
39 !CHECK: PRINT *, ubound(y)
40 print *, ubound(y)
41 !CHECK: PRINT *, ubound(y,1_4)
42 print *, ubound(y, 1)
43 end subroutine
45 subroutine size_test(x, n, m)
46 integer :: x(n, m)
47 !CHECK: PRINT *, int(size(x,dim=1,kind=8)*size(x,dim=2,kind=8),kind=4)
48 print *, size(x)
49 !CHECK: PRINT *, size(returns_array(n,m))
50 print *, size(returns_array(n, m))
51 !CHECK: PRINT *, size(returns_array(n,m),dim=1_4)
52 print *, size(returns_array(n, m), dim=1)
53 !CHECK: PRINT *, size(returns_array_2(m))
54 print *, size(returns_array_2(m))
55 !CHECK: PRINT *, 42_8
56 print *, size(returns_array_3(), kind=8)
57 end subroutine
59 subroutine shape_test(x, n, m)
60 abstract interface
61 function foo(n)
62 integer, intent(in) :: n
63 real, pointer :: foo(:,:)
64 end function
65 end interface
66 procedure(foo), pointer :: pf
67 integer :: x(n, m)
68 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::int(size(x,dim=1,kind=8),kind=4),int(size(x,dim=2,kind=8),kind=4)]
69 print *, shape(x)
70 !CHECK: PRINT *, shape(returns_array(n,m))
71 print *, shape(returns_array(n, m))
72 !CHECK: PRINT *, shape(returns_array_2(m))
73 print *, shape(returns_array_2(m))
74 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(8)::42_8]
75 print *, shape(returns_array_3(), kind=8)
76 !CHECK: PRINT *, 2_4
77 print *, rank(pf(1))
78 end subroutine
80 subroutine lbound_test(x, n, m)
81 integer :: x(n, m)
82 integer :: y(0:n, 0:m) ! LBOUND could be 1 if n or m are < 0
83 type t
84 real, pointer :: p(:, :)
85 end type
86 type(t) :: a(10)
87 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::1_4,1_4]
88 print *, lbound(x)
89 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::1_4,1_4]
90 print *, lbound(returns_array(n, m))
91 !CHECK: PRINT *, 1_4
92 print *, lbound(returns_array(n, m), dim=1)
93 !CHECK: PRINT *, 1_4
94 print *, lbound(returns_array_2(m), dim=1)
95 !CHECK: PRINT *, 1_4
96 print *, lbound(returns_array_3(), dim=1)
97 !CHECK: PRINT *, lbound(y)
98 print *, lbound(y)
99 !CHECK: PRINT *, lbound(y,1_4)
100 print *, lbound(y, 1)
101 !CHECK: PRINT *, lbound(a(1_8)%p,dim=1,kind=8)
102 print *, lbound(a(1)%p, 1, kind=8)
103 end subroutine
105 !CHECK: len_test
106 subroutine len_test(a,b, c, d, e, n, m)
107 character(*), intent(in) :: a
108 character(*) :: b
109 external b
110 character(10), intent(in) :: c
111 character(10) :: d
112 external d
113 integer, intent(in) :: n, m
114 character(n), intent(in) :: e
115 character(5), parameter :: cparam = "abc "
116 interface
117 function fun1(L)
118 character(L) :: fun1
119 integer :: L
120 end function fun1
121 end interface
122 interface
123 function mofun(L)
124 character(L) :: mofun
125 integer, intent(in) :: L
126 end function mofun
127 end interface
129 !CHECK: PRINT *, int(int(a%len,kind=8),kind=4)
130 print *, len(a)
131 !CHECK: PRINT *, 5_4
132 print *, len(a(1:5))
133 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(b(a))
134 print *, len(b(a))
135 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(b(a)//a)
136 print *, len(b(a) // a)
137 !CHECK: PRINT *, 10_4
138 print *, len(c)
139 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(c(int(i,kind=8):int(j,kind=8)))
140 print *, len(c(i:j))
141 !CHECK: PRINT *, 5_4
142 print *, len(c(1:5))
143 !CHECK: PRINT *, 10_4
144 print *, len(d(c))
145 !CHECK: PRINT *, 20_4
146 print *, len(d(c) // c)
147 !CHECK: PRINT *, 0_4
148 print *, len(a(10:4))
149 !CHECK: PRINT *, int(max(0_8,int(m,kind=8)-int(n,kind=8)+1_8),kind=4)
150 print *, len(a(n:m))
151 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(b(a(int(n,kind=8):int(m,kind=8))))
152 print *, len(b(a(n:m)))
153 !CHECK: PRINT *, int(max(0_8,max(0_8,int(n,kind=8))-4_8+1_8),kind=4)
154 print *, len(e(4:))
155 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(fun1(n-m))
156 print *, len(fun1(n-m))
157 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(mofun(m+1_4))
158 print *, len(mofun(m+1))
159 !CHECK: PRINT *, 3_4
160 print *, len(trim(cparam))
161 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(trim(c))
162 print *, len(trim(c))
163 !CHECK: PRINT *, 40_4
164 print *, len(repeat(c, 4))
165 !CHECK: PRINT *, len(repeat(c,int(i,kind=8)))
166 print *, len(repeat(c, i))
167 end subroutine len_test
169 !CHECK-LABEL: associate_tests
170 subroutine associate_tests(p)
171 real, pointer :: p(:)
172 real :: a(10:20)
173 interface
174 subroutine may_change_p_bounds(p)
175 real, pointer :: p(:)
176 end subroutine
177 end interface
178 associate(x => p)
179 call may_change_p_bounds(p)
180 !CHECK: PRINT *, lbound(x,dim=1,kind=8), size(x,dim=1,kind=8)+lbound(x,dim=1,kind=8)-1_8, size(x,dim=1,kind=8)
181 print *, lbound(x, 1, kind=8), ubound(x, 1, kind=8), size(x, 1, kind=8)
182 end associate
183 associate(x => p+1)
184 call may_change_p_bounds(p)
185 !CHECK: PRINT *, 1_8, size(x,dim=1,kind=8), size(x,dim=1,kind=8)
186 print *, lbound(x, 1, kind=8), ubound(x, 1, kind=8), size(x, 1, kind=8)
187 end associate
188 associate(x => a)
189 !CHECK: PRINT *, 10_8, 20_8, 11_8
190 print *, lbound(x, 1, kind=8), ubound(x, 1, kind=8), size(x, 1, kind=8)
191 end associate
192 associate(x => a+42.)
193 !CHECK: PRINT *, 1_8, 11_8, 11_8
194 print *, lbound(x, 1, kind=8), ubound(x, 1, kind=8), size(x, 1, kind=8)
195 end associate
196 end subroutine
198 !CHECK-LABEL: array_constructor
199 subroutine array_constructor(a, u, v, w, x, y, z)
200 real :: a(4)
201 integer :: u(:), v(1), w(2), x(4), y(4), z(2, 2)
202 interface
203 function return_allocatable()
204 real, allocatable :: return_allocatable(:)
205 end function
206 end interface
207 !CHECK: PRINT *, size([REAL(4)::return_allocatable(),return_allocatable()])
208 print *, size([return_allocatable(), return_allocatable()])
209 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::x+y]
210 print *, (/x/) + (/y/)
211 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::x]+[INTEGER(4)::z]
212 print *, (/x/) + (/z/)
213 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::x+y,x+y]
214 print *, (/x, x/) + (/y, y/)
215 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::x,x]+[INTEGER(4)::x,z]
216 print *, (/x, x/) + (/x, z/)
217 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::x,w,w]+[INTEGER(4)::w,w,x]
218 print *, (/x, w, w/) + (/w, w, x/)
219 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::x]+[INTEGER(4)::1_4,2_4,3_4,4_4]
220 print *, (/x/) + (/1, 2, 3, 4/)
221 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::v]+[INTEGER(4)::1_4]
222 print *, (/v/) + (/1/)
223 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::x]+[INTEGER(4)::u]
224 print *, (/x/) + (/u/)
225 !CHECK: PRINT *, [INTEGER(4)::u]+[INTEGER(4)::u]
226 print *, (/u/) + (/u/)
227 !CHECK: PRINT *, [REAL(4)::a**x]
228 print *, (/a/) ** (/x/)
229 !CHECK: PRINT *, [REAL(4)::a]**[INTEGER(4)::z]
230 print *, (/a/) ** (/z/)
231 end subroutine
233 !CHECK-LABEL: array_ctor_implied_do_index
234 subroutine array_ctor_implied_do_index(x, j)
235 integer :: x(:)
236 integer(8) :: j
237 character(10) :: c
238 !CHECK: PRINT *, size([INTEGER(4)::(x(1_8:i:1_8),INTEGER(8)::i=1_8,2_8,1_8)])
239 print *, size([(x(1:i), integer(8)::i=1,2)])
240 !CHECK: PRINT *, int(0_8+2_8*(0_8+max((j-1_8+1_8)/1_8,0_8)),kind=4)
241 print *, size([(x(1:j), integer(8)::i=1,2)])
242 !CHECK: PRINT *, len([(c(i:i),INTEGER(8)::i=1_8,4_8,1_8)])
243 print *, len([(c(i:i), integer(8)::i = 1,4)])
244 end subroutine
246 end module