2 # The specification of std::get_temporary_buffer mandates a cast to
3 # uninitialized T* (libstdc++, MSVC stdlib).
4 fun:_ZSt20get_temporary_buffer*
5 fun:*get_temporary_buffer@.*@std@@*
7 # STL address-of magic (libstdc++).
10 # Windows C++ stdlib headers that contain bad unrelated casts.
14 # std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace() (libstdc++).
15 # This ctor is used by std::make_shared and needs to cast to uninitialized T*
16 # in order to call std::allocator_traits<T>::construct.
17 fun:_ZNSt23_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace*