1 // REQUIRES: crash-recovery, shell
3 // FIXME: This XFAIL is cargo-culted from crash-report.c. Do we need it?
4 // XFAIL: target={{.*-windows-gnu}}
7 // RUN: mkdir -p %t/i %t/m %t
8 // RUN: cp -R %S/Inputs/crash-recovery/Frameworks %t/i/
9 // RUN: mkdir -p %t/i/Frameworks/A.framework/Frameworks
10 // RUN: ln -s ../../B.framework %t/i/Frameworks/A.framework/Frameworks/B.framework
13 // RUN: not %clang -nostdinc -fsyntax-only %s \
14 // RUN: -F %/t/i/Frameworks -fmodules \
15 // RUN: -fmodules-cache-path=%t/m/ 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
17 // RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECKYAML %s -input-file \
18 // RUN: %t/crash-vfs-*.cache/vfs/vfs.yaml
19 // RUN: find %t/crash-vfs-*.cache/vfs | \
20 // RUN: grep "B.framework/Headers/B.h" | count 1
22 // CHECK: Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
23 // CHECK-NEXT: note: diagnostic msg: {{.*}}.m
24 // CHECK-NEXT: note: diagnostic msg: {{.*}}.cache
26 // CHECKYAML: 'type': 'directory',
27 // CHECKYAML: 'name': "/[[PATH:.*]]/i/Frameworks/B.framework/Headers",
28 // CHECKYAML-NEXT: 'contents': [
30 // CHECKYAML-NEXT: 'type': 'file',
31 // CHECKYAML-NEXT: 'name': "B.h",
32 // CHECKYAML-NEXT: 'external-contents': "/[[PATH]]/i/Frameworks/B.framework/Headers/B.h"
36 // Run the reproducer script - regular exit code is enough to test it works. The
37 // intent here is to guarantee that the collect umbrella headers into the VFS
38 // can be used, testing that vfs::recursive_directory_iterator is used correctly
39 // Make sure to erase the include paths used to build the modules to guarantee
40 // that the VFS overlay won't fallback to use it. Also wipe out the module cache
41 // to force header search.
45 // RUN: rm -rf crash-vfs-umbrella-*.cache/modules/*
46 // RUN: chmod 755 crash-vfs-*.sh
47 // RUN: ./crash-vfs-*.sh