1 ## Validate fetching rpaths from a binary results in the correct output.
2 # RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --rpaths --arch x86_64 %p/Inputs/Objc2.64bit.exe.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck --implicit-check-not={{.}} %s
3 # RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --rpaths %p/Inputs/Objc2.64bit.exe.macho-x86_64 | FileCheck --implicit-check-not={{.}} %s
5 # CHECK: {{.*}}Objc2.64bit.exe.macho-x86_64:
6 # CHECK: @executable_path/../Frameworks
8 ## Validate binaries with no rpaths should print nothing.
9 # RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --no-leading-headers --rpaths %p/Inputs/hello.exe.macho-i386 | count 0
11 ## Validate passing --rpaths without --macho fails.
12 # RUN: not llvm-objdump --rpaths %p/Inputs/hello.exe.macho-i386 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=ERROR %s