1 # After the initial '=', the value can contain '=' with no special meaning.
3 # DEFINE: %{equals} = FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO,BAR
4 # RUN: echo '%{equals}'
5 # CHECK:# | FileCheck -check-prefixes=FOO,BAR
7 # REDEFINE: %{equals} == == =
8 # RUN: echo '%{equals}'
11 # DEFINE: %{continue-equals} = FileCheck -strict-whitespace -match-full-lines \
12 # DEFINE: -check-prefixes=FOO,BAR
13 # RUN: echo '%{continue-equals}'
14 # CHECK:# | FileCheck -strict-whitespace -match-full-lines -check-prefixes=FOO,BAR
16 # REDEFINE: %{continue-equals} = FileCheck -input-file=test.txt \
17 # REDEFINE: -implicit-check-not=foobar \
18 # REDEFINE: -check-prefixes=FOO,BAR
19 # RUN: echo '%{continue-equals}'
20 # CHECK:# | FileCheck -input-file=test.txt -implicit-check-not=foobar -check-prefixes=FOO,BAR
22 # CHECK: Passed: 1 {{\([0-9]*.[0-9]*%\)}}