Run DCE after a LoopFlatten test to reduce spurious output [nfc]
[llvm-project.git] / openmp / runtime / tools /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
4 #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5 #//
6 #// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
7 #// See for license information.
8 #// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9 #//
10 #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 # Some pragmas.
14 use strict; # Restrict unsafe constructs.
15 use warnings; # Enable all warnings.
17 use FindBin;
18 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
20 use tools;
22 our $VERSION = "0.004";
25 # Subroutines.
28 sub parse_input($\%) {
30 my ( $input, $defs ) = @_;
31 my @bulk = read_file( $input );
32 my %entries;
33 my %ordinals;
34 my @dirs;
35 my $value = 1;
37 my $error =
38 sub {
39 my ( $msg, $l, $line ) = @_;
40 runtime_error(
41 "Error parsing file \"$input\" line $l:\n" .
42 " $line" .
43 ( $msg ? $msg . "\n" : () )
45 }; # sub
47 my $n = 0; # Line number.
48 foreach my $line ( @bulk ) {
49 ++ $n;
50 if ( 0 ) {
51 } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*(?:#|\n)} ) {
52 # Empty line or comment. Skip it.
53 } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*%} ) {
54 # A directive.
55 if ( 0 ) {
56 } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*%\s*if(n)?def\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*(?:#|\n)} ) {
57 my ( $negation, $name ) = ( $1, $2 );
58 my $dir = { n => $n, line => $line, name => $name, value => $value };
59 push( @dirs, $dir );
60 $value = ( $value and ( $negation xor $defs->{ $name } ) );
61 } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*%\s*endif\s*(?:#|\n)} ) {
62 if ( not @dirs ) {
63 $error->( "Orphan %endif directive.", $n, $line );
64 }; # if
65 my $dir = pop( @dirs );
66 $value = $dir->{ value };
67 } else {
68 $error->( "Bad directive.", $n, $line );
69 }; # if
70 } elsif ( $line =~ m{^\s*(-)?\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(?:\s+(\d+|DATA))?\s*(?:#|\n)} ) {
71 my ( $obsolete, $entry, $ordinal ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
72 if ( $value ) {
73 if ( exists( $entries{ $entry } ) ) {
74 $error->( "Entry \"$entry\" has already been specified.", $n, $line );
75 }; # if
76 $entries{ $entry } = { ordinal => $ordinal, obsolete => defined( $obsolete ) };
77 if ( defined( $ordinal ) and $ordinal ne "DATA" ) {
78 if ( $ordinal >= 1000 and $entry =~ m{\A[ok]mp_} ) {
79 $error->( "Ordinal of user-callable entry must be < 1000", $n, $line );
80 }; # if
81 if ( $ordinal >= 1000 and $ordinal < 2000 ) {
82 $error->( "Ordinals between 1000 and 1999 are reserved.", $n, $line );
83 }; # if
84 if ( exists( $ordinals{ $ordinal } ) ) {
85 $error->( "Ordinal $ordinal has already been used.", $n, $line );
86 }; # if
87 $ordinals{ $ordinal } = $entry;
88 }; # if
89 }; # if
90 } else {
91 $error->( "", $n, $line );
92 }; # if
93 }; # foreach
95 if ( @dirs ) {
96 my $dir = pop( @dirs );
97 $error->( "Unterminated %if directive.", $dir->{ n }, $dir->{ line } );
98 }; # while
100 return %entries;
102 }; # sub parse_input
104 sub process(\%) {
106 my ( $entries ) = @_;
108 foreach my $entry ( keys( %$entries ) ) {
109 if ( not $entries->{ $entry }->{ obsolete } ) {
110 my $ordinal = $entries->{ $entry }->{ ordinal };
111 # omp_alloc and omp_free are C/C++ only functions, skip "1000+ordinal" for them
112 if ( $entry =~ m{\A[ok]mp_} and $entry ne "omp_alloc" and $entry ne "omp_free" and
113 $entry ne "omp_calloc" and $entry ne "omp_realloc" and
114 $entry ne "omp_aligned_alloc" and $entry ne "omp_aligned_calloc" ) {
115 if ( not defined( $ordinal ) ) {
116 runtime_error(
117 "Bad entry \"$entry\": ordinal number is not specified."
119 }; # if
120 if ( $ordinal ne "DATA" ) {
121 $entries->{ uc( $entry ) } = { ordinal => 1000 + $ordinal };
123 }; # if
124 }; # if
125 }; # foreach
127 return %$entries;
129 }; # sub process
131 sub generate_output(\%$\%) {
133 my ( $entries, $output, $defs ) = @_;
134 my $lib = %$defs {'NAME'};
135 my $bulk;
137 if (defined($lib)) {
138 $bulk = sprintf("NAME %s\n", $lib);
140 $bulk .= sprintf("EXPORTS\n");
141 foreach my $entry ( sort( keys( %$entries ) ) ) {
142 if ( not $entries->{ $entry }->{ obsolete } ) {
143 $bulk .= sprintf( " %-40s ", $entry );
144 my $ordinal = $entries->{ $entry }->{ ordinal };
145 if ( defined( $ordinal ) ) {
146 if ( $ordinal eq "DATA" ) {
147 $bulk .= "DATA";
148 } else {
149 if (not %$defs {'NOORDINALS'}) {
150 $bulk .= "\@" . $ordinal;
152 }; # if
153 }; # if
154 $bulk .= "\n";
155 }; # if
156 }; # foreach
157 if ( defined( $output ) ) {
158 write_file( $output, \$bulk );
159 } else {
160 print( $bulk );
161 }; # if
163 }; # sub generate_output
166 # Parse command line.
169 my $input; # The name of input file.
170 my $output; # The name of output file.
171 my %defs;
173 get_options(
174 "output=s" => \$output,
175 "D|define=s" =>
176 sub {
177 my ( $opt_name, $opt_value ) = @_;
178 my ( $def_name, $def_value );
179 if ( $opt_value =~ m{\A(.*?)=(.*)\z} ) {
180 ( $def_name, $def_value ) = ( $1, $2 );
181 } else {
182 ( $def_name, $def_value ) = ( $opt_value, 1 );
183 }; # if
184 $defs{ $def_name } = $def_value;
188 if ( @ARGV == 0 ) {
189 cmdline_error( "Not enough arguments." );
190 }; # if
191 if ( @ARGV > 1 ) {
192 cmdline_error( "Too many arguments." );
193 }; # if
194 $input = shift( @ARGV );
197 # Work.
200 my %data = parse_input( $input, %defs );
201 %data = process( %data );
202 generate_output( %data, $output, %defs );
203 exit( 0 );
205 __END__
208 # Embedded documentation.
211 =pod
213 =head1 NAME
215 B<> -- Generate def file for OpenMP RTL.
217 =head1 SYNOPSIS
219 B<> I<OPTION>... I<file>
221 =head1 OPTIONS
223 =over
225 =item B<--define=>I<name>[=I<value>]
227 =item B<-D> I<name>[=I<value>]
229 Define specified name. If I<value> is omitted, I<name> is defined to 1. If I<value> is 0 or empty,
230 name is B<not> defined.
232 =item B<--output=>I<file>
234 =item B<-o> I<file>
236 Specify output file name. If option is not present, result is printed to stdout.
238 =item B<--doc>
240 =item B<--manual>
242 Print full help message and exit.
244 =item B<--help>
246 Print short help message and exit.
248 =item B<--usage>
250 Print very short usage message and exit.
252 =item B<--verbose>
254 Do print informational messages.
256 =item B<--version>
258 Print version and exit.
260 =item B<--quiet>
262 Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
264 =back
266 =head1 ARGUMENTS
268 =over
270 =item I<file>
272 A name of input file.
274 =back
276 =head1 DESCRIPTION
278 The script reads input file, process conditional directives, checks content for consistency, and
279 generates output file suitable for linker.
281 =head2 Input File Format
283 =over
285 =item Comments
287 # It's a comment.
289 Comments start with C<#> symbol and continue to the end of line.
291 =item Conditional Directives
293 %ifdef name
294 %ifndef name
295 %endif
297 A part of file surrounded by C<%ifdef I<name>> and C<%endif> directives is a conditional part -- it
298 has effect only if I<name> is defined in the command line by B<--define> option. C<%ifndef> is a
299 negated version of C<%ifdef> -- conditional part has an effect only if I<name> is B<not> defined.
301 Conditional parts may be nested.
303 =item Export Definitions
305 symbol
306 symbol ordinal
307 symbol DATA
309 Symbols starting with C<omp_> or C<kmp_> must have ordinal specified. They are subjects for special
310 processing: each symbol generates two output lines: original one and upper case version. The ordinal
311 number of the second is original ordinal increased by 1000.
313 =item Obsolete Symbols
315 - symbol
316 - symbol ordinal
317 - symbol DATA
319 Obsolete symbols look like export definitions prefixed with minus sign. Obsolete symbols do not
320 affect the output, but obsolete symbols and their ordinals cannot be (re)used in export definitions.
322 =back
324 =head1 EXAMPLES
326 $ -D stub -D USE_TCHECK=0 -o libguide.def dllexport
328 =cut
330 # end of file #