[LoopReroll] Add an extra defensive check to avoid SCEV assertion.
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Semantics / doconcurrent01.f90
1 ! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %flang_fc1
2 ! REQUIRES: shell
3 ! C1141
4 ! A reference to the procedure IEEE_SET_HALTING_MODE ! from the intrinsic
5 ! module IEEE_EXCEPTIONS, shall not ! appear within a DO CONCURRENT construct.
7 ! C1137
8 ! An image control statement shall not appear within a DO CONCURRENT construct.
10 ! C1136
11 ! A RETURN statement shall not appear within a DO CONCURRENT construct.
13 ! (, paragraph 4
14 ! In a DO CONCURRENT, can't have an i/o statement with an ADVANCE= specifier
16 subroutine do_concurrent_test1(i,n)
17 implicit none
18 integer :: i, n
19 do 10 concurrent (i = 1:n)
20 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
22 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
24 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
26 !ERROR: RETURN is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
27 return
28 10 continue
29 end subroutine do_concurrent_test1
31 subroutine do_concurrent_test2(i,j,n,flag)
32 use ieee_exceptions
33 use iso_fortran_env, only: team_type
34 implicit none
35 integer :: i, n
36 type(ieee_flag_type) :: flag
37 logical :: flagValue, halting
38 type(team_type) :: j
39 type(ieee_status_type) :: status
40 do concurrent (i = 1:n)
41 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
42 sync team (j)
43 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
44 change team (j)
45 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
46 critical
47 !ERROR: Call to an impure procedure is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
48 call ieee_get_status(status)
50 call ieee_set_halting_mode(flag, halting)
51 end critical
52 end team
53 !ERROR: ADVANCE specifier is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
54 write(*,'(a35)',advance='no')
55 end do
57 ! The following is OK
58 do concurrent (i = 1:n)
59 call ieee_set_flag(flag, flagValue)
60 end do
61 end subroutine do_concurrent_test2
63 subroutine s1()
64 use iso_fortran_env
65 type(event_type) :: x
66 do concurrent (i = 1:n)
67 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
68 event post (x)
69 end do
70 end subroutine s1
72 subroutine s2()
73 use iso_fortran_env
74 type(event_type) :: x
75 do concurrent (i = 1:n)
76 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
77 event wait (x)
78 end do
79 end subroutine s2
81 subroutine s3()
82 use iso_fortran_env
83 type(team_type) :: t
85 do concurrent (i = 1:n)
86 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
87 form team(1, t)
88 end do
89 end subroutine s3
91 subroutine s4()
92 use iso_fortran_env
93 type(lock_type) :: l
95 do concurrent (i = 1:n)
96 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
97 lock(l)
98 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
99 unlock(l)
100 end do
101 end subroutine s4
103 subroutine s5()
104 do concurrent (i = 1:n)
105 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
106 stop
107 end do
108 end subroutine s5
110 subroutine s6()
111 type :: type0
112 integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: type0_field
113 integer, allocatable, dimension(:), codimension[:] :: coarray_type0_field
114 end type
116 type :: type1
117 type(type0) :: type1_field
118 end type
120 type(type1) :: pvar;
121 type(type1) :: qvar;
122 integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: array1
123 integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: array2
124 integer, allocatable, codimension[:] :: ca, cb
125 integer, allocatable :: aa, ab
127 ! All of the following are allowable outside a DO CONCURRENT
128 allocate(array1(3), pvar%type1_field%type0_field(3), array2(9))
129 allocate(pvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field(3)[*])
130 allocate(ca[*])
131 allocate(ca[*], pvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field(3)[*])
133 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
134 allocate(pvar%type1_field%type0_field(3))
135 end do
137 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
138 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
139 allocate(ca[*])
140 end do
142 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
143 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
144 deallocate(ca)
145 end do
147 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
148 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
149 allocate(pvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field(3)[*])
150 end do
152 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
153 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
154 deallocate(pvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field)
155 end do
157 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
158 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
159 allocate(ca[*], pvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field(3)[*])
160 end do
162 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
163 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
164 deallocate(ca, pvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field)
165 end do
167 ! Call to MOVE_ALLOC of a coarray outside a DO CONCURRENT. This is OK.
168 call move_alloc(ca, cb)
170 ! Call to MOVE_ALLOC with non-coarray arguments in a DO CONCURRENT. This is OK.
171 allocate(aa)
172 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
173 call move_alloc(aa, ab)
174 end do
176 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
177 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
178 call move_alloc(ca, cb)
179 end do
181 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
182 !ERROR: An image control statement is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
183 call move_alloc(pvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field, qvar%type1_field%coarray_type0_field)
184 end do
185 end subroutine s6
187 subroutine s7()
188 interface
189 pure integer function pf()
190 end function pf
191 end interface
193 type :: procTypeNotPure
194 procedure(notPureFunc), pointer, nopass :: notPureProcComponent
195 end type procTypeNotPure
197 type :: procTypePure
198 procedure(pf), pointer, nopass :: pureProcComponent
199 end type procTypePure
201 type(procTypeNotPure) :: procVarNotPure
202 type(procTypePure) :: procVarPure
203 integer :: ivar
205 procVarPure%pureProcComponent => pureFunc
207 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
208 print *, "hello"
209 end do
211 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
212 ivar = pureFunc()
213 end do
215 ! This should not generate errors
216 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
217 ivar = procVarPure%pureProcComponent()
218 end do
220 ! This should generate an error
221 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
222 !ERROR: Call to an impure procedure component is not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
223 ivar = procVarNotPure%notPureProcComponent()
224 end do
226 contains
227 integer function notPureFunc()
228 notPureFunc = 2
229 end function notPureFunc
231 pure integer function pureFunc()
232 pureFunc = 3
233 end function pureFunc
235 end subroutine s7