1 // New CUDA kernel launch sequence does not require explicit specification of
2 // size/offset for each argument, so only the old way is tested.
4 // RUN: %clang_cc1 --std=c++11 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -emit-llvm \
5 // RUN: -target-sdk-version=8.0 -o - %s \
6 // RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefixes=HOST-OLD,CHECK %s
8 // RUN: %clang_cc1 --std=c++11 -fcuda-is-device -triple nvptx64-nvidia-cuda \
9 // RUN: -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=DEVICE,CHECK %s
11 #include "Inputs/cuda.h"
15 } __attribute__((packed));
23 // Clang should generate a packed LLVM struct for S (denoted by the <>s),
24 // otherwise this test isn't interesting.
25 // CHECK: %struct.S = type <{ ptr, i8, %struct.U, [5 x i8] }>
27 static_assert(alignof(S) == 8, "Unexpected alignment.");
29 // HOST-LABEL: @_Z6kernelc1SPi
30 // Marshalled kernel args should be:
31 // 1. offset 0, width 1
32 // 2. offset 8 (because alignof(S) == 8), width 16
33 // 3. offset 24, width 8
34 // HOST-OLD: call i32 @cudaSetupArgument({{[^,]*}}, i64 1, i64 0)
35 // HOST-OLD: call i32 @cudaSetupArgument({{[^,]*}}, i64 16, i64 8)
36 // HOST-OLD: call i32 @cudaSetupArgument({{[^,]*}}, i64 8, i64 24)
38 // DEVICE-LABEL: @_Z6kernelc1SPi
39 // DEVICE-SAME: i8{{[^,]*}}, ptr noundef byval(%struct.S) align 8{{[^,]*}}, ptr
40 __global__ void kernel(char a, S s, int *b) {}