1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s
4 @class ABGroupImportFilesScope; // expected-note {{forward declaration of class here}}
7 - (id) filenames __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'filenames' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
11 - (id) Meth : (ABGroupImportFilesScope*) scope;
12 - (id) filenames __attribute__((deprecated));
13 - (id)initWithAccount: (id)account filenames:(id)filenames;
17 - (id) Meth : (ABGroupImportFilesScope*) scope
19 id p = [self initWithAccount : 0 filenames :[scope filenames]]; // expected-warning {{'filenames' may be deprecated because the receiver type is unknown}}
22 - (id) filenames { return 0; }
23 - (id)initWithAccount: (id)account filenames:(id)filenames { return 0; }