1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin9 -x objective-c++ -Wno-return-type -fblocks -fms-extensions -rewrite-objc %s -o %t-rw.cpp
2 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin9 -fsyntax-only -std=gnu++98 -fblocks -Wno-address-of-temporary -D"Class=void*" -D"id=void*" -D"SEL=void*" -D"__declspec(X)=" %t-rw.cpp
31 @property (assign) __strong id p1;
32 @property (assign) __weak id p2;
35 // FIXME: Check layout for this class, once it is clear what the right
47 // FIXME: Check layout for this class, once it is clear what the right
53 typedef unsigned short UInt16;
56 typedef signed char BOOL;
57 typedef unsigned int FSCatalogInfoBitmap;
59 @interface NSFileLocationComponent {
62 id _specifierOrStandardizedPath;
63 BOOL _carbonCatalogInfoAndNameAreValid;
64 FSCatalogInfoBitmap _carbonCatalogInfoMask;
66 id _containerComponent;
68 id _iconAsAttributedString;
72 @implementation NSFileLocationComponent @end