1 ; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py
2 ; RUN: opt -S -loop-vectorize -instcombine -force-vector-width=2 -force-vector-interleave=1 -enable-interleaved-mem-accesses < %s | FileCheck %s
3 ; RUN: opt -S -loop-vectorize -instcombine -force-vector-width=2 -force-vector-interleave=1 -enable-interleaved-mem-accesses -enable-masked-interleaved-mem-accesses < %s | FileCheck %s
5 target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-i128:128-n32:64-S128"
6 %pair = type { i64, i64 }
8 ; Ensure that we vectorize the interleaved load group even though the loop
9 ; contains a conditional store. The store group contains gaps and is not
17 define void @interleaved_with_cond_store_0(%pair *%p, i64 %x, i64 %n) {
18 ; CHECK-LABEL: @interleaved_with_cond_store_0(
20 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SMAX:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.smax.i64(i64 [[N:%.*]], i64 1)
21 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[MIN_ITERS_CHECK:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[SMAX]], 3
22 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[MIN_ITERS_CHECK]], label [[SCALAR_PH:%.*]], label [[VECTOR_PH:%.*]]
24 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[N_MOD_VF:%.*]] = and i64 [[SMAX]], 1
25 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[N_MOD_VF]], 0
26 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = select i1 [[TMP0]], i64 2, i64 [[N_MOD_VF]]
27 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[N_VEC:%.*]] = sub nsw i64 [[SMAX]], [[TMP1]]
28 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BROADCAST_SPLATINSERT:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i64> poison, i64 [[X:%.*]], i64 0
29 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BROADCAST_SPLAT:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i64> [[BROADCAST_SPLATINSERT]], <2 x i64> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
30 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[VECTOR_BODY:%.*]]
32 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX:%.*]] = phi i64 [ 0, [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[INDEX_NEXT:%.*]], [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE2:%.*]] ]
33 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR:%.*]], %pair* [[P:%.*]], i64 [[INDEX]], i32 1
34 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP2]] to <4 x i64>*
35 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[WIDE_VEC:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* [[TMP3]], align 8
36 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRIDED_VEC:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], <4 x i64> poison, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2>
37 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i64> [[STRIDED_VEC]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT]]
38 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i1> [[TMP4]], i64 0
39 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP5]], label [[PRED_STORE_IF:%.*]], label [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE:%.*]]
40 ; CHECK: pred.store.if:
41 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], i64 0
42 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP6]], i64* [[TMP2]], align 8
44 ; CHECK: pred.store.continue:
45 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i1> [[TMP4]], i64 1
46 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP7]], label [[PRED_STORE_IF1:%.*]], label [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE2]]
47 ; CHECK: pred.store.if1:
48 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = or i64 [[INDEX]], 1
49 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[TMP8]], i32 1
50 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], i64 2
51 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP10]], i64* [[TMP9]], align 8
53 ; CHECK: pred.store.continue2:
54 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX_NEXT]] = add nuw i64 [[INDEX]], 2
55 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[INDEX_NEXT]], [[N_VEC]]
56 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP11]], label [[MIDDLE_BLOCK:%.*]], label [[VECTOR_BODY]], !llvm.loop [[LOOP0:![0-9]+]]
57 ; CHECK: middle.block:
58 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[SCALAR_PH]]
60 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BC_RESUME_VAL:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[N_VEC]], [[MIDDLE_BLOCK]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
61 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[FOR_BODY:%.*]]
63 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[I_NEXT:%.*]], [[IF_MERGE:%.*]] ], [ [[BC_RESUME_VAL]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ]
64 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[P_1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 1
65 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = load i64, i64* [[P_1]], align 8
66 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP12]], [[X]]
67 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP13]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_MERGE]]
69 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP12]], i64* [[P_1]], align 8
70 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[IF_MERGE]]
72 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[I_NEXT]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[I]], 1
73 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[COND:%.*]] = icmp slt i64 [[I_NEXT]], [[N]]
74 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[COND]], label [[FOR_BODY]], label [[FOR_END:%.*]], !llvm.loop [[LOOP2:![0-9]+]]
76 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
82 %i = phi i64 [ %i.next, %if.merge ], [ 0, %entry ]
83 %p.1 = getelementptr inbounds %pair, %pair* %p, i64 %i, i32 1
84 %0 = load i64, i64* %p.1, align 8
85 %1 = icmp eq i64 %0, %x
86 br i1 %1, label %if.then, label %if.merge
89 store i64 %0, i64* %p.1, align 8
93 %i.next = add nuw nsw i64 %i, 1
94 %cond = icmp slt i64 %i.next, %n
95 br i1 %cond, label %for.body, label %for.end
101 ; Ensure that we don't form a single interleaved group for the two loads. The
102 ; conditional store prevents the second load from being hoisted. The two load
103 ; groups are separately vectorized. The store group contains gaps and is not
112 define void @interleaved_with_cond_store_1(%pair *%p, i64 %x, i64 %n) {
113 ; CHECK-LABEL: @interleaved_with_cond_store_1(
115 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SMAX:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.smax.i64(i64 [[N:%.*]], i64 1)
116 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[MIN_ITERS_CHECK:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[SMAX]], 3
117 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[MIN_ITERS_CHECK]], label [[SCALAR_PH:%.*]], label [[VECTOR_PH:%.*]]
119 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[N_MOD_VF:%.*]] = and i64 [[SMAX]], 1
120 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[N_MOD_VF]], 0
121 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = select i1 [[TMP0]], i64 2, i64 [[N_MOD_VF]]
122 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[N_VEC:%.*]] = sub nsw i64 [[SMAX]], [[TMP1]]
123 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BROADCAST_SPLATINSERT:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i64> poison, i64 [[X:%.*]], i64 0
124 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BROADCAST_SPLAT:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i64> [[BROADCAST_SPLATINSERT]], <2 x i64> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
125 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[VECTOR_BODY:%.*]]
126 ; CHECK: vector.body:
127 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX:%.*]] = phi i64 [ 0, [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[INDEX_NEXT:%.*]], [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE2:%.*]] ]
128 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = or i64 [[INDEX]], 1
129 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR:%.*]], %pair* [[P:%.*]], i64 [[INDEX]], i32 0
130 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[INDEX]], i32 1
131 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[TMP2]], i32 1
132 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP4]] to <4 x i64>*
133 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[WIDE_VEC:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* [[TMP6]], align 8
134 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRIDED_VEC:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], <4 x i64> poison, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2>
135 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i64> [[STRIDED_VEC]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT]]
136 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i1> [[TMP7]], i64 0
137 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP8]], label [[PRED_STORE_IF:%.*]], label [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE:%.*]]
138 ; CHECK: pred.store.if:
139 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], i64 0
140 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP9]], i64* [[TMP3]], align 8
142 ; CHECK: pred.store.continue:
143 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i1> [[TMP7]], i64 1
144 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP10]], label [[PRED_STORE_IF1:%.*]], label [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE2]]
145 ; CHECK: pred.store.if1:
146 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[TMP2]], i32 0
147 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], i64 2
148 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP12]], i64* [[TMP11]], align 8
150 ; CHECK: pred.store.continue2:
151 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP3]] to <4 x i64>*
152 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[WIDE_VEC3:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* [[TMP13]], align 8
153 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC3]], i64 0
154 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP14]], i64* [[TMP4]], align 8
155 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC3]], i64 2
156 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP15]], i64* [[TMP5]], align 8
157 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX_NEXT]] = add nuw i64 [[INDEX]], 2
158 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[INDEX_NEXT]], [[N_VEC]]
159 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP16]], label [[MIDDLE_BLOCK:%.*]], label [[VECTOR_BODY]], !llvm.loop [[LOOP4:![0-9]+]]
160 ; CHECK: middle.block:
161 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[SCALAR_PH]]
163 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BC_RESUME_VAL:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[N_VEC]], [[MIDDLE_BLOCK]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
164 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[FOR_BODY:%.*]]
166 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[I_NEXT:%.*]], [[IF_MERGE:%.*]] ], [ [[BC_RESUME_VAL]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ]
167 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[P_0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 0
168 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[P_1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 1
169 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = load i64, i64* [[P_1]], align 8
170 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP17]], [[X]]
171 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP18]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_MERGE]]
173 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP17]], i64* [[P_0]], align 8
174 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[IF_MERGE]]
176 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = load i64, i64* [[P_0]], align 8
177 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP19]], i64* [[P_1]], align 8
178 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[I_NEXT]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[I]], 1
179 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[COND:%.*]] = icmp slt i64 [[I_NEXT]], [[N]]
180 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[COND]], label [[FOR_BODY]], label [[FOR_END:%.*]], !llvm.loop [[LOOP5:![0-9]+]]
182 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
188 %i = phi i64 [ %i.next, %if.merge ], [ 0, %entry ]
189 %p.0 = getelementptr inbounds %pair, %pair* %p, i64 %i, i32 0
190 %p.1 = getelementptr inbounds %pair, %pair* %p, i64 %i, i32 1
191 %0 = load i64, i64* %p.1, align 8
192 %1 = icmp eq i64 %0, %x
193 br i1 %1, label %if.then, label %if.merge
196 store i64 %0, i64* %p.0, align 8
200 %2 = load i64, i64* %p.0, align 8
201 store i64 %2, i64 *%p.1, align 8
202 %i.next = add nuw nsw i64 %i, 1
203 %cond = icmp slt i64 %i.next, %n
204 br i1 %cond, label %for.body, label %for.end
210 ; Ensure that we don't create a single interleaved group for the two stores.
211 ; The second store is conditional and we can't sink the first store inside the
212 ; predicated block. The load group is vectorized, and the store groups contain
213 ; gaps and are not vectorized.
220 define void @interleaved_with_cond_store_2(%pair *%p, i64 %x, i64 %n) {
221 ; CHECK-LABEL: @interleaved_with_cond_store_2(
223 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[SMAX:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.smax.i64(i64 [[N:%.*]], i64 1)
224 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[MIN_ITERS_CHECK:%.*]] = icmp ult i64 [[SMAX]], 3
225 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[MIN_ITERS_CHECK]], label [[SCALAR_PH:%.*]], label [[VECTOR_PH:%.*]]
227 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[N_MOD_VF:%.*]] = and i64 [[SMAX]], 1
228 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP0:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[N_MOD_VF]], 0
229 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = select i1 [[TMP0]], i64 2, i64 [[N_MOD_VF]]
230 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[N_VEC:%.*]] = sub nsw i64 [[SMAX]], [[TMP1]]
231 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BROADCAST_SPLATINSERT:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i64> poison, i64 [[X:%.*]], i64 0
232 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BROADCAST_SPLAT:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x i64> [[BROADCAST_SPLATINSERT]], <2 x i64> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
233 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[VECTOR_BODY:%.*]]
234 ; CHECK: vector.body:
235 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX:%.*]] = phi i64 [ 0, [[VECTOR_PH]] ], [ [[INDEX_NEXT:%.*]], [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE2:%.*]] ]
236 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = or i64 [[INDEX]], 1
237 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR:%.*]], %pair* [[P:%.*]], i64 [[INDEX]], i32 0
238 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[TMP2]], i32 0
239 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[INDEX]], i32 1
240 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP5]] to <4 x i64>*
241 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[WIDE_VEC:%.*]] = load <4 x i64>, <4 x i64>* [[TMP6]], align 8
242 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[STRIDED_VEC:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], <4 x i64> poison, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2>
243 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[X]], i64* [[TMP3]], align 8
244 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[X]], i64* [[TMP4]], align 8
245 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i64> [[STRIDED_VEC]], [[BROADCAST_SPLAT]]
246 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i1> [[TMP7]], i64 0
247 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP8]], label [[PRED_STORE_IF:%.*]], label [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE:%.*]]
248 ; CHECK: pred.store.if:
249 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], i64 0
250 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP9]], i64* [[TMP5]], align 8
252 ; CHECK: pred.store.continue:
253 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i1> [[TMP7]], i64 1
254 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP10]], label [[PRED_STORE_IF1:%.*]], label [[PRED_STORE_CONTINUE2]]
255 ; CHECK: pred.store.if1:
256 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[TMP2]], i32 1
257 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = extractelement <4 x i64> [[WIDE_VEC]], i64 2
258 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP12]], i64* [[TMP11]], align 8
260 ; CHECK: pred.store.continue2:
261 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX_NEXT]] = add nuw i64 [[INDEX]], 2
262 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[INDEX_NEXT]], [[N_VEC]]
263 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP13]], label [[MIDDLE_BLOCK:%.*]], label [[VECTOR_BODY]], !llvm.loop [[LOOP6:![0-9]+]]
264 ; CHECK: middle.block:
265 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[SCALAR_PH]]
267 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[BC_RESUME_VAL:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[N_VEC]], [[MIDDLE_BLOCK]] ], [ 0, [[ENTRY:%.*]] ]
268 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[FOR_BODY:%.*]]
270 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[I_NEXT:%.*]], [[IF_MERGE:%.*]] ], [ [[BC_RESUME_VAL]], [[SCALAR_PH]] ]
271 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[P_0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 0
272 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[P_1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[PAIR]], %pair* [[P]], i64 [[I]], i32 1
273 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = load i64, i64* [[P_1]], align 8
274 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[X]], i64* [[P_0]], align 8
275 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = icmp eq i64 [[TMP14]], [[X]]
276 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP15]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_MERGE]]
278 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP14]], i64* [[P_1]], align 8
279 ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[IF_MERGE]]
281 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[I_NEXT]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[I]], 1
282 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[COND:%.*]] = icmp slt i64 [[I_NEXT]], [[N]]
283 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[COND]], label [[FOR_BODY]], label [[FOR_END:%.*]], !llvm.loop [[LOOP7:![0-9]+]]
285 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
291 %i = phi i64 [ %i.next, %if.merge ], [ 0, %entry ]
292 %p.0 = getelementptr inbounds %pair, %pair* %p, i64 %i, i32 0
293 %p.1 = getelementptr inbounds %pair, %pair* %p, i64 %i, i32 1
294 %0 = load i64, i64* %p.1, align 8
295 store i64 %x, i64* %p.0, align 8
296 %1 = icmp eq i64 %0, %x
297 br i1 %1, label %if.then, label %if.merge
300 store i64 %0, i64* %p.1, align 8
304 %i.next = add nuw nsw i64 %i, 1
305 %cond = icmp slt i64 %i.next, %n
306 br i1 %cond, label %for.body, label %for.end