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[llvm-project.git] / llvm / utils / extract-section.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 from __future__ import print_function
3 '''
4 Helper script to print out the raw content of an ELF section.
5 Example usages:
6 ```
7 # print out as bits by default
8 extract-section.py .text --input-file=foo.o
9 ```
10 ```
11 # read from stdin and print out in hex
12 cat foo.o | extract-section.py -h .text
13 ```
14 This is merely a wrapper around `llvm-readobj` that focuses on the binary
15 content as well as providing more formatting options.
16 '''
18 # Unfortunately reading binary from stdin is not so trivial in Python...
19 def read_raw_stdin():
20 import sys
21 if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
22 reading_source = sys.stdin.buffer
23 else:
24 # Windows will always read as string so we need some
25 # special handling
26 if sys.platform == 'win32':
27 import os, msvcrt
28 msvcrt.setformat(sys.stdin.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
29 reading_source = sys.stdin
30 return reading_source.read()
32 def get_raw_section_dump(readobj_path, section_name, input_file):
33 import subprocess
34 cmd = [readobj_path, '--elf-output-style=GNU', '--hex-dump={}'.format(section_name),
35 input_file]
36 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
38 if input_file == '-':
39 # From stdin
40 out,_ = proc.communicate(input=read_raw_stdin())
41 else:
42 out,_ = proc.communicate()
44 return out.decode('utf-8') if type(out) is not str else out
46 if __name__ == '__main__':
47 import argparse
48 # The default '-h' (--help) will conflict with our '-h' (hex) format
49 arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
50 arg_parser.add_argument('--readobj-path', metavar='<executable path>', type=str,
51 help='Path to llvm-readobj')
52 arg_parser.add_argument('--input-file', metavar='<file>', type=str,
53 help='Input object file, or \'-\' to read from stdin')
54 arg_parser.add_argument('section', metavar='<name>', type=str,
55 help='Name of the section to extract')
56 # Output format
57 format_group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
58 format_group.add_argument('-b', dest='format', action='store_const', const='bits',
59 help='Print out in bits')
60 arg_parser.add_argument('--byte-indicator', action='store_true',
61 help='Whether to print a \'.\' every 8 bits in bits printing mode')
62 arg_parser.add_argument('--bits-endian', metavar='<little/big>', type=str,
63 choices=['little', 'big'],
64 help='Print out bits in specified endianness (little or big); defaults to big')
65 format_group.add_argument('-h', dest='format', action='store_const', const='hex',
66 help='Print out in hexadecimal')
67 arg_parser.add_argument('--hex-width', metavar='<# of bytes>', type=int,
68 help='The width (in byte) of every element in hex printing mode')
70 arg_parser.add_argument('--help', action='help')
71 arg_parser.set_defaults(format='bits', tool_path='llvm-readobj', input_file='-',
72 byte_indicator=False, hex_width=4, bits_endian='big')
73 args = arg_parser.parse_args()
75 raw_section = get_raw_section_dump(args.tool_path, args.section, args.input_file)
77 results = []
78 for line in raw_section.splitlines(False):
79 if line.startswith('Hex dump'):
80 continue
81 parts = line.strip().split(' ')[1:]
82 for part in parts[:4]:
83 # exclude any non-hex dump string
84 try:
85 val = int(part, 16)
86 if args.format == 'bits':
87 # divided into bytes first
88 offsets = (24, 16, 8, 0)
89 if args.bits_endian == 'little':
90 offsets = (0, 8, 16, 24)
91 for byte in [(val >> off) & 0xFF for off in offsets]:
92 for bit in [(byte >> off) & 1 for off in range(7, -1, -1)]:
93 results.append(str(bit))
94 if args.byte_indicator:
95 results.append('.')
96 elif args.format == 'hex':
97 assert args.hex_width <= 4 and args.hex_width > 0
98 width_bits = args.hex_width * 8
99 offsets = [off for off in range(32 - width_bits, -1, -width_bits)]
100 mask = (1 << width_bits) - 1
101 format_str = "{:0" + str(args.hex_width * 2) + "x}"
102 for word in [(val >> i) & mask for i in offsets]:
103 results.append(format_str.format(word))
104 except:
105 break
106 print(' '.join(results), end='')