[LLVM] Fix Maintainers.md formatting (NFC)
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / HLFIR / inline-elemental.f90
1 ! RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-obj -flang-experimental-hlfir -o /dev/null %s
3 ! Regression test: ensure we can compile this without crashing
4 ! this results in a hlfir.elemental with mismatched types in the hlfir.apply
5 ! and hlfir.yield
6 subroutine test
7 interface
8 function func(i,j,k)
9 character(5),allocatable :: func(:,:,:)
10 end function func
11 end interface
12 character(13),allocatable :: a(:,:,:)
13 print *, (func(2,5,3)//reshape([(char(ichar('a')+n),n=1,2*5*3)], &
14 & [2,5,3]))
15 end subroutine test