[LLVM] Fix Maintainers.md formatting (NFC)
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Semantics / OpenMP / simd01.f90
1 ! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp
2 ! OpenMP Version 5.0
3 ! simd Construct
4 ! - A program that branches into or out of a simd region is non-conforming.
5 ! - The associated loops must be structured blocks
7 program omp_simd
8 integer i, j
10 !$omp simd
11 do i = 1, 10
12 do j = 1, 10
13 print *, "omp simd"
14 !ERROR: invalid branch leaving an OpenMP structured block
15 goto 10
16 end do
17 if (i .EQ. 5) THEN
18 call function1()
19 else if (i .EQ. 7) THEN
20 open (10, file="random-file-name.txt", err=20)
21 20 print *, "Error message doesn't branch out of the loop's structured block"
22 else
23 !ERROR: invalid branch leaving an OpenMP structured block
24 open (10, file="random-file-name.txt", err=10)
25 end if
26 end do
27 !$omp end simd
28 10 stop
30 end program omp_simd
32 subroutine function1()
33 integer i, option
34 option = 1
35 !$omp simd
36 do i = 1, 10
37 print *, "CORRECT SIMD LOOP"
38 end do
39 !$omp end simd
40 end subroutine function1