1 ! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
2 ! Test conflicting CUDA subprogram attributes
5 !WARNING: ATTRIBUTES(Host) appears more than once
6 attributes(host,host) subroutine ok1; end
7 !WARNING: ATTRIBUTES(Host) appears more than once
8 attributes(host) attributes(host) subroutine ok2; end
9 attributes(host,device) subroutine ok3; end
10 attributes(device,host) subroutine ok4; end
11 !WARNING: ATTRIBUTES(Host) appears more than once
12 attributes(host,device,host) subroutine ok5; end
13 !WARNING: ATTRIBUTES(Device) appears more than once
14 attributes(device,host,device) subroutine ok6; end
15 !ERROR: ATTRIBUTES(Global) conflicts with earlier ATTRIBUTES(Host)
16 attributes(host,global) subroutine conflict1; end
17 !ERROR: ATTRIBUTES(Host) conflicts with earlier ATTRIBUTES(Global)
18 attributes(global,host) subroutine conflict2; end
19 !ERROR: ATTRIBUTES(Grid_Global) conflicts with earlier ATTRIBUTES(Host)
20 attributes(host,grid_global) subroutine conflict3; end
21 !TODO: more with launch_bounds & cluster_dims