[LoopInterchange] Hoist isComputableLoopNest() in the control flow (#124247)
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Integration / debug-target-region-vars.f90
1 ! RUN: %flang_fc1 -fopenmp -emit-llvm -debug-info-kind=standalone %s -o - | FileCheck %s
3 ! Test that variables inside OpenMP target region don't cause build failure.
4 subroutine test1
5 implicit none
6 real, allocatable :: xyz(:)
7 integer :: i
9 !$omp target simd map(from:xyz)
10 do i = 1, size(xyz)
11 xyz(i) = 5.0 * xyz(i)
12 end do
13 end subroutine
15 subroutine test2 (xyz)
16 integer :: i
17 integer :: xyz(:)
19 !$omp target map(from:xyz)
20 !$omp do private(xyz)
21 do i = 1, 10
22 xyz(i) = i
23 end do
24 !$omp end target
25 end subroutine
27 !CHECK: DISubprogram(name: "test1"{{.*}})
28 !CHECK: DISubprogram(name: "test2"{{.*}})