[clangd] Re-land "support outgoing calls in call hierarchy" (#117673)
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Semantics / OpenMP / do20.f90
1 ! RUN: %python %S/../test_symbols.py %s %flang_fc1 -fopenmp
3 ! OpenMP 5.2 5.1.1
4 ! Iteration variables of non-associated loops may be listed in DSA clauses.
6 !DEF: /shared_iv (Subroutine)Subprogram
7 subroutine shared_iv
8 !DEF: /shared_iv/i ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
9 integer i
11 !$omp parallel shared(i)
12 !$omp single
13 !DEF: /shared_iv/OtherConstruct1/i (OmpShared) HostAssoc INTEGER(4)
14 do i = 0, 1
15 end do
16 !$omp end single
17 !$omp end parallel
18 end subroutine