1 include "../../include/lldb/Core/PropertiesBase.td"
3 let Definition = "modulelist" in {
4 def EnableExternalLookup: Property<"enable-external-lookup", "Boolean">,
7 Desc<"Control the use of external tools and repositories to locate symbol files. Directories listed in target.debug-file-search-paths and directory of the executable are always checked first for separate debug info files. Then depending on this setting: On macOS, Spotlight would be also used to locate a matching .dSYM bundle based on the UUID of the executable. On NetBSD, directory /usr/libdata/debug would be also searched. On platforms other than NetBSD directory /usr/lib/debug would be also searched. If all other methods fail there may be symbol-locator plugins that, if configured properly, will also attempt to acquire symbols. The debuginfod plugin defaults to the DEGUFINFOD_URLS environment variable which is configurable through the 'plugin.symbol-locator.debuginfod.server_urls' setting.">;
8 def EnableBackgroundLookup: Property<"enable-background-lookup", "Boolean">,
11 Desc<"Alias for backward compatibility: when enabled this is the equivalent to 'symbols.auto-download background'.">;
12 def AutoDownload: Property<"auto-download", "Enum">,
14 DefaultEnumValue<"eSymbolDownloadOff">,
15 EnumValues<"OptionEnumValues(g_auto_download_enum_values)">,
16 Desc<"On macOS, automatically download symbols with dsymForUUID (or an equivalent script/binary) for relevant images in the debug session.">;
17 def ClangModulesCachePath: Property<"clang-modules-cache-path", "FileSpec">,
19 DefaultStringValue<"">,
20 Desc<"The path to the clang modules cache directory (-fmodules-cache-path).">;
21 def SymLinkPaths: Property<"debug-info-symlink-paths", "FileSpecList">,
23 DefaultStringValue<"">,
24 Desc<"Debug info path which should be resolved while parsing, relative to the host filesystem.">;
25 def EnableLLDBIndexCache: Property<"enable-lldb-index-cache", "Boolean">,
28 Desc<"Enable caching for debug sessions in LLDB. LLDB can cache data for each module for improved performance in subsequent debug sessions.">;
29 def LLDBIndexCachePath: Property<"lldb-index-cache-path", "FileSpec">,
31 DefaultStringValue<"">,
32 Desc<"The path to the LLDB index cache directory.">;
33 def LLDBIndexCacheMaxByteSize: Property<"lldb-index-cache-max-byte-size", "UInt64">,
35 DefaultUnsignedValue<0>,
36 Desc<"The maximum size for the LLDB index cache directory in bytes. A value over the amount of available space on the disk will be reduced to the amount of available space. A value of 0 disables the absolute size-based pruning.">;
37 def LLDBIndexCacheMaxPercent: Property<"lldb-index-cache-max-percent", "UInt64">,
39 DefaultUnsignedValue<0>,
40 Desc<"The maximum size for the cache directory in terms of percentage of the available space on the disk. Set to 100 to indicate no limit, 50 to indicate that the cache size will not be left over half the available disk space. A value over 100 will be reduced to 100. A value of 0 disables the percentage size-based pruning.">;
41 def LLDBIndexCacheExpirationDays: Property<"lldb-index-cache-expiration-days", "UInt64">,
43 DefaultUnsignedValue<7>,
44 Desc<"The expiration time in days for a file. When a file hasn't been accessed for the specified amount of days, it is removed from the cache. A value of 0 disables the expiration-based pruning.">;
45 def LoadSymbolOnDemand: Property<"load-on-demand", "Boolean">,
48 Desc<"Enable on demand symbol loading in LLDB. LLDB will load debug info on demand for each module based on various conditions (e.g. matched breakpoint, resolved stack frame addresses and matched global variables/function symbols in symbol table) to improve performance. Please refer to docs/use/ondemand.rst for details.">;
51 let Definition = "debugger" in {
52 def AutoConfirm: Property<"auto-confirm", "Boolean">,
55 Desc<"If true all confirmation prompts will receive their default reply.">;
56 def DisassemblyFormat: Property<"disassembly-format", "FormatEntity">,
58 DefaultStringValue<"{${function.initial-function}{${module.file.basename}`}{${function.name-without-args}}:\\\\n}{${function.changed}\\\\n{${module.file.basename}`}{${function.name-without-args}}:\\\\n}{${ansi.fg.yellow}${current-pc-arrow}${ansi.normal} }${addr-file-or-load}{ <${function.concrete-only-addr-offset-no-padding}>}: ">,
59 Desc<"The default disassembly format string to use when disassembling instruction sequences.">;
60 def FrameFormat: Property<"frame-format", "FormatEntity">,
62 DefaultStringValue<"frame #${frame.index}: ${ansi.fg.yellow}${frame.pc}${ansi.normal}{ ${module.file.basename}{`${function.name-with-args}{${frame.no-debug}${function.pc-offset}}}}{ at ${ansi.fg.cyan}${line.file.basename}${ansi.normal}:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.number}${ansi.normal}{:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.column}${ansi.normal}}}{${function.is-optimized} [opt]}{${frame.is-artificial} [artificial]}\\\\n">,
63 Desc<"The default frame format string to use when displaying stack frame information for threads.">;
64 def NotiftVoid: Property<"notify-void", "Boolean">,
67 Desc<"Notify the user explicitly if an expression returns void (default: false).">;
68 def Prompt: Property<"prompt", "String">,
70 DefaultEnumValue<"OptionValueString::eOptionEncodeCharacterEscapeSequences">,
71 DefaultStringValue<"(lldb) ">,
72 Desc<"The debugger command line prompt displayed for the user.">;
73 def PromptAnsiPrefix: Property<"prompt-ansi-prefix", "String">,
75 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.faint}">,
76 Desc<"When in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately before the prompt.">;
77 def PromptAnsiSuffix: Property<"prompt-ansi-suffix", "String">,
79 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.normal}">,
80 Desc<"When in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately after the prompt.">;
81 def ScriptLanguage: Property<"script-lang", "Enum">,
83 DefaultEnumValue<"eScriptLanguagePython">,
84 EnumValues<"OptionEnumValues(g_language_enumerators)">,
85 Desc<"The script language to be used for evaluating user-written scripts.">;
86 def REPLLanguage: Property<"repl-lang", "Language">,
88 DefaultEnumValue<"eLanguageTypeUnknown">,
89 Desc<"The language to use for the REPL.">;
90 def StopDisassemblyCount: Property<"stop-disassembly-count", "UInt64">,
92 DefaultUnsignedValue<4>,
93 Desc<"The number of disassembly lines to show when displaying a stopped context.">;
94 def StopDisassemblyDisplay: Property<"stop-disassembly-display", "Enum">,
96 DefaultEnumValue<"Debugger::eStopDisassemblyTypeNoDebugInfo">,
97 EnumValues<"OptionEnumValues(g_show_disassembly_enum_values)">,
98 Desc<"Control when to display disassembly when displaying a stopped context.">;
99 def StopDisassemblyMaxSize: Property<"stop-disassembly-max-size", "UInt64">,
101 DefaultUnsignedValue<32000>,
102 Desc<"The size limit to use when disassembling large functions (default: 32KB).">;
103 def StopLineCountAfter: Property<"stop-line-count-after", "UInt64">,
105 DefaultUnsignedValue<3>,
106 Desc<"The number of sources lines to display that come after the current source line when displaying a stopped context.">;
107 def StopLineCountBefore: Property<"stop-line-count-before", "UInt64">,
109 DefaultUnsignedValue<3>,
110 Desc<"The number of sources lines to display that come before the current source line when displaying a stopped context.">;
111 def HighlightSource: Property<"highlight-source", "Boolean">,
114 Desc<"If true, LLDB will highlight the displayed source code.">;
115 def StopShowColumn: Property<"stop-show-column", "Enum">,
116 DefaultEnumValue<"eStopShowColumnAnsiOrCaret">,
117 EnumValues<"OptionEnumValues(s_stop_show_column_values)">,
118 Desc<"If true, LLDB will use the column information from the debug info to mark the current position when displaying a stopped context.">;
119 def StopShowColumnAnsiPrefix: Property<"stop-show-column-ansi-prefix", "String">,
121 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.underline}">,
122 Desc<"When displaying the column marker in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format at the immediately before the column to be marked.">;
123 def StopShowColumnAnsiSuffix: Property<"stop-show-column-ansi-suffix", "String">,
125 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.normal}">,
126 Desc<"When displaying the column marker in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately after the column to be marked.">;
127 def StopShowLineMarkerAnsiPrefix: Property<"stop-show-line-ansi-prefix", "String">,
129 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.fg.yellow}">,
130 Desc<"When displaying the line marker in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format at the immediately before the line to be marked.">;
131 def StopShowLineMarkerAnsiSuffix: Property<"stop-show-line-ansi-suffix", "String">,
133 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.normal}">,
134 Desc<"When displaying the line marker in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately after the line to be marked.">;
135 def TerminalWidth: Property<"term-width", "UInt64">,
137 DefaultUnsignedValue<80>,
138 Desc<"The maximum number of columns to use for displaying text.">;
139 def TerminalHeight: Property<"term-height", "UInt64">,
141 DefaultUnsignedValue<24>,
142 Desc<"The number of rows used for displaying text.">;
143 def ThreadFormat: Property<"thread-format", "FormatEntity">,
145 DefaultStringValue<"thread #${thread.index}: tid = ${thread.id%tid}{, ${frame.pc}}{ ${module.file.basename}{`${function.name-with-args}{${frame.no-debug}${function.pc-offset}}}}{ at ${ansi.fg.cyan}${line.file.basename}${ansi.normal}:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.number}${ansi.normal}{:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.column}${ansi.normal}}}{, name = ${ansi.fg.green}'${thread.name}'${ansi.normal}}{, queue = ${ansi.fg.green}'${thread.queue}'${ansi.normal}}{, activity = ${ansi.fg.green}'${thread.info.activity.name}'${ansi.normal}}{, ${thread.info.trace_messages} messages}{, stop reason = ${ansi.fg.red}${thread.stop-reason}${ansi.normal}}{\\\\nReturn value: ${thread.return-value}}{\\\\nCompleted expression: ${thread.completed-expression}}\\\\n">,
146 Desc<"The default thread format string to use when displaying thread information.">;
147 def ThreadStopFormat: Property<"thread-stop-format", "FormatEntity">,
149 DefaultStringValue<"thread #${thread.index}{, name = '${thread.name}'}{, queue = ${ansi.fg.green}'${thread.queue}'${ansi.normal}}{, activity = ${ansi.fg.green}'${thread.info.activity.name}'${ansi.normal}}{, ${thread.info.trace_messages} messages}{, stop reason = ${ansi.fg.red}${thread.stop-reason}${ansi.normal}}{\\\\nReturn value: ${thread.return-value}}{\\\\nCompleted expression: ${thread.completed-expression}}\\\\n">,
150 Desc<"The default thread format string to use when displaying thread information as part of the stop display.">;
151 def UseExternalEditor: Property<"use-external-editor", "Boolean">,
154 Desc<"Whether to use an external editor or not.">;
155 def ExternalEditor: Property<"external-editor", "String">,
157 DefaultStringValue<"">,
158 Desc<"External editor to use when use-external-editor is enabled.">;
159 def UseColor: Property<"use-color", "Boolean">,
162 Desc<"Whether to use Ansi color codes or not.">;
163 def ShowProgress: Property<"show-progress", "Boolean">,
166 Desc<"Whether to show progress or not if the debugger's output is an interactive color-enabled terminal.">;
167 def ShowProgressAnsiPrefix: Property<"show-progress-ansi-prefix", "String">,
169 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.faint}">,
170 Desc<"When displaying progress in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately before the progress message.">;
171 def ShowProgressAnsiSuffix: Property<"show-progress-ansi-suffix", "String">,
173 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.normal}">,
174 Desc<"When displaying progress in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately after the progress message.">;
175 def UseSourceCache: Property<"use-source-cache", "Boolean">,
178 Desc<"Whether to cache source files in memory or not.">;
179 def AutoOneLineSummaries: Property<"auto-one-line-summaries", "Boolean">,
182 Desc<"If true, LLDB will automatically display small structs in one-liner format (default: true).">;
183 def AutoIndent: Property<"auto-indent", "Boolean">,
186 Desc<"If true, LLDB will auto indent/outdent code. Currently only supported in the REPL (default: true).">;
187 def PrintDecls: Property<"print-decls", "Boolean">,
190 Desc<"If true, LLDB will print the values of variables declared in an expression. Currently only supported in the REPL (default: true).">;
191 def TabSize: Property<"tab-size", "UInt64">,
193 DefaultUnsignedValue<2>,
194 Desc<"The tab size to use when indenting code in multi-line input mode (default: 2).">;
195 def EscapeNonPrintables: Property<"escape-non-printables", "Boolean">,
198 Desc<"If true, LLDB will automatically escape non-printable and escape characters when formatting strings.">;
199 def FrameFormatUnique: Property<"frame-format-unique", "FormatEntity">,
201 DefaultStringValue<"frame #${frame.index}: ${ansi.fg.yellow}${frame.pc}${ansi.normal}{ ${module.file.basename}{`${function.name-without-args}{${frame.no-debug}${function.pc-offset}}}}{ at ${ansi.fg.cyan}${line.file.basename}${ansi.normal}:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.number}${ansi.normal}{:${ansi.fg.yellow}${line.column}${ansi.normal}}}{${function.is-optimized} [opt]}{${frame.is-artificial} [artificial]}\\\\n">,
202 Desc<"The default frame format string to use when displaying stack frame information for threads from thread backtrace unique.">;
203 def ShowAutosuggestion: Property<"show-autosuggestion", "Boolean">,
206 Desc<"If true, LLDB will show suggestions to complete the command the user typed. Suggestions may be accepted using Ctrl-F.">;
207 def ShowAutosuggestionAnsiPrefix: Property<"show-autosuggestion-ansi-prefix", "String">,
209 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.faint}">,
210 Desc<"When displaying suggestion in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately before the suggestion.">;
211 def ShowAutosuggestionAnsiSuffix: Property<"show-autosuggestion-ansi-suffix", "String">,
213 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.normal}">,
214 Desc<"When displaying suggestion in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately after the suggestion.">;
215 def ShowRegexMatchAnsiPrefix: Property<"show-regex-match-ansi-prefix", "String">,
217 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.fg.red}">,
218 Desc<"When displaying a regex match in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately before the match.">;
219 def ShowRegexMatchAnsiSuffix: Property<"show-regex-match-ansi-suffix", "String">,
221 DefaultStringValue<"${ansi.normal}">,
222 Desc<"When displaying a regex match in a color-enabled terminal, use the ANSI terminal code specified in this format immediately after the match.">;
223 def ShowDontUsePoHint: Property<"show-dont-use-po-hint", "Boolean">,
226 Desc<"If true, and object description was requested for a type that does not implement it, LLDB will print a hint telling the user to consider using p instead.">;
227 def DWIMPrintVerbosity: Property<"dwim-print-verbosity", "Enum">,
229 DefaultEnumValue<"eDWIMPrintVerbosityNone">,
230 EnumValues<"OptionEnumValues(g_dwim_print_verbosities)">,
231 Desc<"The verbosity level used by dwim-print.">;
232 def ShowInlineDiagnostics: Property<"show-inline-diagnostics", "Boolean">,
235 Desc<"Controls whether diagnostics can refer directly to the command input, drawing arrows to it. If false, diagnostics will echo the input.">;