1 " Vim filetype plugin file
2 " Language: LLVM Assembly
3 " Maintainer: The LLVM team, http://llvm.org/
5 if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
10 setlocal softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
13 setlocal commentstring=;\ %s
14 " We treat sequences of the following characters as forming 'keywords', with
15 " the aim of easing movement around LLVM identifiers:
16 " * identifier prefixes: '%' and '@' (@-@)
17 " * all characters where isalpha() returns TRUE (@)
18 " * the digits 0-9 (48-57)
19 " * other characters that may form identifiers: '_', '.', '-', '$'
20 " Comment this out to restore the default behaviour
21 setlocal iskeyword=%,@-@,@,48-57,_,.,-,$