[RISCV] Change func to funct in RISCVInstrInfoXqci.td. NFC (#119669)
[llvm-project.git] / offload / test / offloading / bug64959.c
1 // RUN: %libomptarget-compile-run-and-check-generic
2 // RUN: %libomptarget-compileopt-run-and-check-generic
4 // TODO: This requires malloc support for the threads states.
5 // FIXME: Flaky on all GPU targets.
6 // UNSUPPORTED: amdgcn-amd-amdhsa
7 // UNSUPPORTED: nvptx64-nvidia-cuda
8 // UNSUPPORTED: nvptx64-nvidia-cuda-LTO
10 #include <omp.h>
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #define N 10
14 int isCPU() { return 1; }
16 #pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(gpu)})
17 int isCPU() { return 0; }
18 #pragma omp end declare variant
20 int main(void) {
21 long int aa = 0;
22 int res = 0;
24 int ng = 12;
25 int cmom = 14;
26 int nxyz;
28 #pragma omp target map(from : nxyz, ng, cmom)
30 nxyz = isCPU() ? 2 : 5000;
31 ng = isCPU() ? 2 : 12;
32 cmom = isCPU() ? 2 : 14;
35 #pragma omp target teams distribute num_teams(nxyz) \
36 thread_limit(ng *(cmom - 1)) map(tofrom : aa)
37 for (int gid = 0; gid < nxyz; gid++) {
38 #pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
39 for (unsigned int g = 0; g < ng; g++) {
40 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < cmom - 1; l++) {
41 int a = 0;
42 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : a)
43 for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
44 a += i;
46 #pragma omp atomic
47 aa += a;
51 long exp = (long)ng * (cmom - 1) * nxyz * (N * (N - 1) / 2);
52 printf("The result is = %ld exp:%ld!\n", aa, exp);
53 if (aa != exp) {
54 printf("Failed %ld\n", aa);
55 return 1;
57 // CHECK: Success
58 printf("Success\n");
59 return 0;