Make test more lenient for custom clang version strings
[llvm-project.git] / utils / bazel / llvm-project-overlay / compiler-rt / BUILD.bazel
1 # This file is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
2 # See for license information.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
5 package(
6     default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
7     features = ["layering_check"],
10 licenses(["notice"])
12 cc_library(
13     name = "config",
14     defines = select({
15         "@platforms//os:linux": [
16             "COMPILER_RT_HAS_ATOMICS=1",
17             "COMPILER_RT_HAS_FCNTL_LCK=1",
18             "COMPILER_RT_HAS_UNAME=1",
19         ],
20         # Will raise error unless supported platforms.
21     }),
22     target_compatible_with = select({
23         "@platforms//os:linux": [],
24         "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
25     }),
29     "lib/profile/WindowsMMap.c",
32 cc_library(
33     name = "profile",
34     srcs = glob(
35         [
36             "lib/profile/*.c",
37             "lib/profile/*.cpp",
38             "lib/profile/*.h",
39         ],
40         exclude = WIN32_ONLY_FILES,
41     ) + select({
42         "@platforms//os:windows": WIN32_ONLY_FILES,
43         "//conditions:default": [],
44     }),
45     hdrs = glob([
46         "include/profile/*.h",
47         "include/profile/*.inc",
48     ]),
49     includes = [
50         "include",
51     ],
52     linkstatic = True,
53     deps = [
54         ":config",
55     ],
58 cc_library(
59     name = "orc_rt_common_headers",
60     hdrs = [
61         "lib/orc/adt.h",
62         "lib/orc/bitmask_enum.h",
63         "lib/orc/common.h",
64         "lib/orc/compiler.h",
65         "lib/orc/debug.h",
66         "lib/orc/endianness.h",
67         "lib/orc/error.h",
68         "lib/orc/executor_address.h",
69         "lib/orc/executor_symbol_def.h",
70         "lib/orc/extensible_rtti.h",
71         "lib/orc/interval_map.h",
72         "lib/orc/interval_set.h",
73         "lib/orc/jit_dispatch.h",
74         "lib/orc/record_section_tracker.h",
75         "lib/orc/simple_packed_serialization.h",
76         "lib/orc/stl_extras.h",
77         "lib/orc/string_pool.h",
78         "lib/orc/wrapper_function_utils.h",
79     ],
80     strip_include_prefix = "lib/orc",
83 cc_library(
84     name = "orc_rt",
85     srcs = [
86         "lib/orc/debug.cpp",
87         "lib/orc/dlfcn_wrapper.cpp",
88         "lib/orc/extensible_rtti.cpp",
89         "lib/orc/log_error_to_stderr.cpp",
90         "lib/orc/run_program_wrapper.cpp",
91     ] + select({
92         "@platforms//os:macos": [
93             "lib/orc/macho_platform.cpp",
94             "lib/orc/macho_platform.h",
95             "lib/orc/macho_tlv.arm64.S",
96             "lib/orc/macho_tlv.x86-64.S",
97         ],
98         "@platforms//os:linux": [
99             "lib/orc/elfnix_platform.cpp",
100             "lib/orc/elfnix_platform.h",
101             "lib/orc/elfnix_tls.aarch64.S",
102             "lib/orc/elfnix_tls.ppc64.S",
103             "lib/orc/elfnix_tls.x86-64.S",
104         ],
105     }),
106     hdrs = glob(["include/orc_rt/*.h"]),
107     includes = ["include"],
108     linkstatic = True,
109     deps = [
110         ":orc_rt_common_headers",
111     ],