[RISCV] Fix mgather -> riscv.masked.strided.load combine not extending indices (...
[llvm-project.git] / libcxx / test / std / concepts / concepts.lang / concept.swappable / swappable.pass.cpp
1 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 // UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
11 // template<class T>
12 // concept swappable = // see below
14 #include <concepts>
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <cassert>
18 #include <deque>
19 #include <map>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <optional>
23 #include <unordered_map>
24 #include <vector>
26 #include "test_macros.h"
27 #include "type_classification/moveconstructible.h"
28 #include "type_classification/swappable.h"
30 template <class T>
31 struct expected {
32 T x;
33 T y;
36 // clang-format off
37 // Checks [concept.swappable]/2.1
38 template <class T, class U>
39 requires std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, std::remove_cvref_t<U> > &&
40 std::swappable<std::remove_cvref_t<T> >
41 constexpr bool check_swap_21(T&& x, U&& y) {
42 expected<std::remove_cvref_t<T> > const e{y, x};
43 std::ranges::swap(std::forward<T>(x), std::forward<U>(y));
44 return x == e.x && y == e.y;
47 // Checks [concept.swappable]/2.2
48 template <std::swappable T, std::size_t N>
49 constexpr bool check_swap_22(T (&x)[N], T (&y)[N]) {
50 expected<T[N]> e;
51 std::copy(y, y + N, e.x);
52 std::copy(x, x + N, e.y);
54 std::ranges::swap(x, y);
55 return std::equal(x, x + N, e.x, e.x + N) &&
56 std::equal(y, y + N, e.y, e.y + N);
59 // Checks [concept.swappable]/2.3
60 template <std::swappable T>
61 requires std::copy_constructible<std::remove_cvref_t<T> >
62 constexpr bool check_swap_23(T x, T y) {
63 expected<std::remove_cvref_t<T> > const e{y, x};
64 std::ranges::swap(x, y);
65 return x == e.x && y == e.y;
67 // clang-format on
69 constexpr bool check_lvalue_adl_swappable() {
70 auto x = lvalue_adl_swappable(0);
71 auto y = lvalue_adl_swappable(1);
72 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
73 assert(check_swap_21(x, y));
74 return true;
76 static_assert(check_lvalue_adl_swappable());
78 constexpr bool check_rvalue_adl_swappable() {
79 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(rvalue_adl_swappable(0), rvalue_adl_swappable(1)));
80 assert(check_swap_21(rvalue_adl_swappable(0), rvalue_adl_swappable(1)));
81 return true;
83 static_assert(check_rvalue_adl_swappable());
85 constexpr bool check_lvalue_rvalue_adl_swappable() {
86 auto x = lvalue_rvalue_adl_swappable(0);
87 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, lvalue_rvalue_adl_swappable(1)));
88 assert(check_swap_21(x, lvalue_rvalue_adl_swappable(1)));
89 return true;
91 static_assert(check_lvalue_rvalue_adl_swappable());
93 constexpr bool check_rvalue_lvalue_adl_swappable() {
94 auto x = rvalue_lvalue_adl_swappable(0);
95 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(rvalue_lvalue_adl_swappable(1), x));
96 assert(check_swap_21(rvalue_lvalue_adl_swappable(1), x));
97 return true;
99 static_assert(check_rvalue_lvalue_adl_swappable());
101 constexpr bool check_throwable_swappable() {
102 auto x = throwable_adl_swappable{0};
103 auto y = throwable_adl_swappable{1};
104 ASSERT_NOT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
105 assert(check_swap_21(x, y));
106 return true;
108 static_assert(check_throwable_swappable());
110 constexpr bool check_non_move_constructible_adl_swappable() {
111 auto x = non_move_constructible_adl_swappable{0};
112 auto y = non_move_constructible_adl_swappable{1};
113 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
114 assert(check_swap_21(x, y));
115 return true;
117 static_assert(check_non_move_constructible_adl_swappable());
119 constexpr bool check_non_move_assignable_adl_swappable() {
120 auto x = non_move_assignable_adl_swappable{0};
121 auto y = non_move_assignable_adl_swappable{1};
122 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
123 assert(check_swap_21(x, y));
124 return true;
126 static_assert(check_non_move_assignable_adl_swappable());
128 namespace swappable_namespace {
129 enum unscoped { hello, world };
130 void swap(unscoped&, unscoped&);
132 enum class scoped { hello, world };
133 void swap(scoped&, scoped&);
134 } // namespace swappable_namespace
136 static_assert(std::swappable<swappable_namespace::unscoped>);
137 static_assert(std::swappable<swappable_namespace::scoped>);
139 constexpr bool check_swap_arrays() {
140 int x[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
141 int y[] = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
142 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
143 assert(check_swap_22(x, y));
144 return true;
146 static_assert(check_swap_arrays());
148 constexpr bool check_lvalue_adl_swappable_arrays() {
149 lvalue_adl_swappable x[] = {{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}};
150 lvalue_adl_swappable y[] = {{4}, {5}, {6}, {7}};
151 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
152 assert(check_swap_22(x, y));
153 return true;
155 static_assert(check_lvalue_adl_swappable_arrays());
157 constexpr bool check_throwable_adl_swappable_arrays() {
158 throwable_adl_swappable x[] = {{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}};
159 throwable_adl_swappable y[] = {{4}, {5}, {6}, {7}};
160 ASSERT_NOT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
161 assert(check_swap_22(x, y));
162 return true;
164 static_assert(check_throwable_adl_swappable_arrays());
166 auto global_x = 0;
167 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(global_x, global_x));
168 static_assert(check_swap_23(0, 0));
169 static_assert(check_swap_23(0, 1));
170 static_assert(check_swap_23(1, 0));
172 constexpr bool check_swappable_references() {
173 int x = 42;
174 int y = 64;
175 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, y));
176 assert(check_swap_23(x, y));
177 return true;
179 static_assert(check_swappable_references());
181 constexpr bool check_swappable_pointers() {
182 char const* x = "hello";
183 ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(std::ranges::swap(x, x));
184 assert(check_swap_23(x, {}));
185 return true;
187 static_assert(check_swappable_pointers());
189 namespace union_swap {
190 union adl_swappable {
191 int x;
192 double y;
195 void swap(adl_swappable&, adl_swappable&);
196 void swap(adl_swappable&&, adl_swappable&&);
197 } // namespace union_swap
198 static_assert(std::swappable<union_swap::adl_swappable>);
199 static_assert(std::swappable<union_swap::adl_swappable&>);
200 static_assert(std::swappable<union_swap::adl_swappable&&>);
202 // All tests for std::swappable<T> are implicitly confirmed by `check_swap`, so we only need to
203 // sanity check for a few positive cases.
204 static_assert(std::swappable<int volatile&>);
205 static_assert(std::swappable<int&&>);
206 static_assert(std::swappable<int (*)()>);
207 static_assert(std::swappable<int rvalue_adl_swappable::*>);
208 static_assert(std::swappable<int (rvalue_adl_swappable::*)()>);
209 static_assert(std::swappable<std::unique_ptr<int> >);
211 static_assert(!std::swappable<void>);
212 static_assert(!std::swappable<int const>);
213 static_assert(!std::swappable<int const&>);
214 static_assert(!std::swappable<int const&&>);
215 static_assert(!std::swappable<int const volatile>);
216 static_assert(!std::swappable<int const volatile&>);
217 static_assert(!std::swappable<int const volatile&&>);
218 static_assert(!std::swappable<int (&)()>);
219 static_assert(!std::swappable<DeletedMoveCtor>);
220 static_assert(!std::swappable<ImplicitlyDeletedMoveCtor>);
221 static_assert(!std::swappable<DeletedMoveAssign>);
222 static_assert(!std::swappable<ImplicitlyDeletedMoveAssign>);
223 static_assert(!std::swappable<NonMovable>);
224 static_assert(!std::swappable<DerivedFromNonMovable>);
225 static_assert(!std::swappable<HasANonMovable>);
227 using swap_type = std::remove_const_t<decltype(std::ranges::swap)>;
228 static_assert(std::default_initializable<swap_type>);
229 static_assert(std::move_constructible<swap_type>);
230 static_assert(std::copy_constructible<swap_type>);
231 static_assert(std::assignable_from<swap_type&, swap_type>);
232 static_assert(std::assignable_from<swap_type&, swap_type&>);
233 static_assert(std::assignable_from<swap_type&, swap_type const&>);
234 static_assert(std::assignable_from<swap_type&, swap_type const>);
235 static_assert(std::swappable<swap_type>);
237 enum class nothrow { no, yes };
239 template <nothrow is_noexcept, std::swappable T>
240 void check_swap(expected<T> const& e) {
241 auto a = e.y;
242 auto b = e.x;
244 std::ranges::swap(a, b);
245 assert(a == e.x);
246 assert(b == e.y);
248 std::ranges::swap(a, b);
249 assert(a == e.y);
250 assert(b == e.x);
252 static_assert(noexcept(std::ranges::swap(a, b)) == bool(is_noexcept));
255 int main(int, char**) {
257 auto const e = expected<std::deque<int> >{
258 .x = {6, 7, 8, 9},
259 .y = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
261 check_swap<nothrow::yes>(e);
264 auto const e = expected<std::map<int, std::string> >{
265 .x = {{0, "whole"}, {1, "cashews"}},
266 .y = {{-1, "roasted"}, {2, "&"}, {-3, "salted"}},
268 check_swap<nothrow::yes>(e);
271 auto const e = expected<std::string>{
272 .x = "hello there",
273 .y = "general kenobi",
275 check_swap<nothrow::yes>(e);
278 auto const e = expected<std::optional<lvalue_adl_swappable> >{
279 .x = {10},
280 .y = {20},
282 check_swap<nothrow::yes>(e);
285 auto const e = expected<std::optional<throwable_adl_swappable> >{
286 .x = {10},
287 .y = {20},
289 check_swap<nothrow::no>(e);
292 auto const e = expected<std::unordered_map<int, std::string> >{
293 .x = {{0, "whole"}, {1, "cashews"}},
294 .y = {{-1, "roasted"}, {2, "&"}, {-3, "salted"}},
296 check_swap<nothrow::yes>(e);
299 auto const e = expected<std::vector<int> >{
300 .x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
301 .y = {6, 7, 8, 9},
304 check_swap<nothrow::yes>(e);
306 return 0;