[clang][modules] Don't prevent translation of FW_Private includes when explicitly...
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Lower / pre-fir-tree02.f90
1 ! RUN: bbc -pft-test -o %t %s | FileCheck %s
3 ! Test Pre-FIR Tree captures all the intended nodes from the parse-tree
4 ! Coarray and OpenMP related nodes are tested in other files.
6 ! CHECK: Program test_prog
7 program test_prog
8 ! Check specification part is not part of the tree.
9 interface
10 subroutine incr(i)
11 integer, intent(inout) :: i
12 end subroutine
13 end interface
14 integer :: i, j, k
15 real, allocatable, target :: x(:)
16 real :: y(100)
17 ! CHECK-NOT: node
18 ! CHECK: <<DoConstruct>>
19 ! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
20 do i=1,5
21 ! CHECK: PrintStmt
22 print *, "hey"
23 ! CHECK: <<DoConstruct>>
24 ! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
25 do j=1,5
26 ! CHECK: PrintStmt
27 print *, "hello", i, j
28 ! CHECK: EndDoStmt
29 end do
30 ! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct>>
31 ! CHECK: EndDoStmt
32 end do
33 ! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct>>
35 ! CHECK: <<AssociateConstruct>>
36 ! CHECK: AssociateStmt
37 associate (k => i + j)
38 ! CHECK: AllocateStmt
39 allocate(x(k))
40 ! CHECK: EndAssociateStmt
41 end associate
42 ! CHECK: <<End AssociateConstruct>>
44 ! CHECK: <<BlockConstruct!>>
45 ! CHECK: BlockStmt
46 block
47 integer :: k, l
48 real, pointer :: p(:)
49 ! CHECK: PointerAssignmentStmt
50 p => x
51 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
52 k = size(p)
53 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
54 l = 1
55 ! CHECK: <<CaseConstruct!>>
56 ! CHECK: SelectCaseStmt
57 select case (k)
58 ! CHECK: CaseStmt
59 case (:0)
60 ! CHECK: NullifyStmt
61 nullify(p)
62 ! CHECK: CaseStmt
63 case (1)
64 ! CHECK: <<IfConstruct>>
65 ! CHECK: IfThenStmt
66 if (p(1)>0.) then
67 ! CHECK: PrintStmt
68 print *, "+"
69 ! CHECK: ElseIfStmt
70 else if (p(1)==0.) then
71 ! CHECK: PrintStmt
72 print *, "0."
73 ! CHECK: ElseStmt
74 else
75 ! CHECK: PrintStmt
76 print *, "-"
77 ! CHECK: EndIfStmt
78 end if
79 ! CHECK: <<End IfConstruct>>
80 ! CHECK: CaseStmt
81 case (2:10)
82 ! CHECK: CaseStmt
83 case default
84 ! Note: label-do-loop are canonicalized into do constructs
85 ! CHECK: <<DoConstruct!>>
86 ! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
87 do 22 while(l<=k)
88 ! CHECK: IfStmt
89 if (p(l)<0.) p(l)=cos(p(l))
90 ! CHECK: CallStmt
91 22 call incr(l)
92 ! CHECK: EndDoStmt
93 ! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct!>>
94 ! CHECK: CaseStmt
95 case (100:)
96 ! CHECK: EndSelectStmt
97 end select
98 ! CHECK: <<End CaseConstruct!>>
99 ! CHECK: EndBlockStmt
100 end block
101 ! CHECK: <<End BlockConstruct!>>
103 ! CHECK-NOT: WhereConstruct
104 ! CHECK: WhereStmt
105 where (x > 1.) x = x/2.
107 ! CHECK: <<WhereConstruct>>
108 ! CHECK: WhereConstructStmt
109 where (x == 0.)
110 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
111 x = 0.01
112 ! CHECK: MaskedElsewhereStmt
113 elsewhere (x < 0.5)
114 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
115 x = x*2.
116 ! CHECK: <<WhereConstruct>>
117 where (y > 0.4)
118 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
119 y = y/2.
120 end where
121 ! CHECK: <<End WhereConstruct>>
122 ! CHECK: ElsewhereStmt
123 elsewhere
124 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
125 x = x + 1.
126 ! CHECK: EndWhereStmt
127 end where
128 ! CHECK: <<End WhereConstruct>>
130 ! CHECK-NOT: ForAllConstruct
131 ! CHECK: ForallStmt
132 forall (i = 1:5) x(i) = y(i)
134 ! CHECK: <<ForallConstruct>>
135 ! CHECK: ForallConstructStmt
136 forall (i = 1:5)
137 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
138 x(i) = x(i) + y(10*i)
139 ! CHECK: EndForallStmt
140 end forall
141 ! CHECK: <<End ForallConstruct>>
143 ! CHECK: DeallocateStmt
144 deallocate(x)
147 ! CHECK: Module test
148 module test
149 !! When derived type processing is implemented, remove all instances of:
150 !! - !![disable]
151 !! - COM:
152 !![disable]type :: a_type
153 !![disable] integer :: x
154 !![disable]end type
155 !![disable]type, extends(a_type) :: b_type
156 !![disable] integer :: y
157 !![disable]end type
158 interface
159 subroutine ss(aa)
160 ! CHECK: CompilerDirective
162 integer :: aa
163 end subroutine ss
164 end interface
165 contains
166 ! CHECK: Function foo
167 function foo(x)
168 real x(..)
169 integer :: foo
170 ! CHECK: <<SelectRankConstruct!>>
171 ! CHECK: SelectRankStmt
172 select rank(x)
173 ! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
174 rank (0)
175 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
176 foo = 0
177 ! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
178 rank (*)
179 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
180 foo = -1
181 ! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
182 rank (1)
183 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
184 foo = 1
185 ! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
186 rank default
187 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
188 foo = 2
189 ! CHECK: EndSelectStmt
190 end select
191 ! CHECK: <<End SelectRankConstruct!>>
192 end function
194 ! CHECK: Function bar
195 function bar(x)
196 class(*) :: x
197 ! CHECK: <<SelectTypeConstruct!>>
198 ! CHECK: SelectTypeStmt
199 select type(x)
200 ! CHECK: TypeGuardStmt
201 type is (integer)
202 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
203 bar = 0
204 !![disable]! COM: CHECK: TypeGuardStmt
205 !![disable]class is (a_type)
206 !![disable] ! COM: CHECK: AssignmentStmt
207 !![disable] bar = 1
208 !![disable] ! COM: CHECK: ReturnStmt
209 !![disable] return
210 ! CHECK: TypeGuardStmt
211 class default
212 ! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
213 bar = -1
214 ! CHECK: EndSelectStmt
215 end select
216 ! CHECK: <<End SelectTypeConstruct!>>
217 end function
219 ! CHECK: Subroutine sub
220 subroutine sub(a)
221 real(4):: a
222 ! CHECK: CompilerDirective
224 end subroutine
227 end module
229 ! CHECK: Subroutine altreturn
230 subroutine altreturn(i, j, *, *)
231 ! CHECK: <<IfConstruct!>>
232 if (i>j) then
233 ! CHECK: ReturnStmt
234 return 1
235 else
236 ! CHECK: ReturnStmt
237 return 2
238 end if
239 ! CHECK: <<End IfConstruct!>>
240 end subroutine
243 ! Remaining TODO
245 ! CHECK: Subroutine iostmts
246 subroutine iostmts(filename, a, b, c)
247 character(*) :: filename
248 integer :: length
249 logical :: file_is_opened
250 real, a, b ,c
251 ! CHECK: InquireStmt
252 inquire(file=filename, opened=file_is_opened)
253 ! CHECK: <<IfConstruct>>
254 if (file_is_opened) then
255 ! CHECK: OpenStmt
256 open(10, FILE=filename)
257 end if
258 ! CHECK: <<End IfConstruct>>
259 ! CHECK: ReadStmt
260 read(10, *) length
261 ! CHECK: RewindStmt
262 rewind 10
263 ! CHECK-NOT: NamelistStmt
264 namelist /nlist/ a, b, c
265 ! CHECK: WriteStmt
266 write(10, NML=nlist)
267 ! CHECK: BackspaceStmt
268 backspace(10)
269 ! CHECK: FormatStmt
270 1 format (1PE12.4)
271 ! CHECK: WriteStmt
272 write (10, 1) a
273 ! CHECK: EndfileStmt
274 endfile 10
275 ! CHECK: FlushStmt
276 flush 10
277 ! CHECK: WaitStmt
278 wait(10)
279 ! CHECK: CloseStmt
280 close(10)
281 end subroutine
284 ! CHECK: Subroutine sub2
285 subroutine sub2()
286 integer :: i, j, k, l
287 i = 0
288 1 j = i
289 ! CHECK: ContinueStmt
290 2 continue
291 i = i+1
292 3 j = j+1
293 ! CHECK: ArithmeticIfStmt
294 if (j-i) 3, 4, 5
295 ! CHECK: GotoStmt
296 4 goto 6
298 ! FIXME: is name resolution on assigned goto broken/todo ?
299 ! WILLCHECK: AssignStmt
300 !55 assign 6 to label
301 ! WILLCHECK: AssignedGotoStmt
302 !66 go to label (5, 6)
304 ! CHECK: ComputedGotoStmt
305 go to (5, 6), 1 + mod(i, 2)
306 5 j = j + 1
307 6 i = i + j/2
309 ! CHECK: <<DoConstruct!>>
310 do1: do k=1,10
311 ! CHECK: <<DoConstruct!>>
312 do2: do l=5,20
313 ! CHECK: CycleStmt
314 cycle do1
315 ! CHECK: ExitStmt
316 exit do2
317 end do do2
318 ! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct!>>
319 end do do1
320 ! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct!>>
322 ! CHECK: PauseStmt
323 pause 7
324 ! CHECK: StopStmt
325 stop
326 end subroutine
329 ! CHECK: Subroutine sub3
330 subroutine sub3()
331 print *, "normal"
332 ! CHECK: EntryStmt
333 entry sub4entry()
334 print *, "test"
335 end subroutine
337 ! CHECK: Subroutine sub4
338 subroutine sub4()
339 integer :: i
340 print*, "test"
341 data i /1/
342 end subroutine