2 // RUN
: llvm-mc
3 // RUN
: not ld.lld
2>&1 | FileCheck
5 // RUN
: llvm-mc
6 // RUN
: not ld.lld
2>&1 | FileCheck
7 // RUN
: not ld.lld
2>&1 | FileCheck
9 // CHECK
: InputSection too large for range extension thunk
14 .type _start, %function
16 .space 2 * 1024 * 1024
17 // conditional branch has range of
1 Mb expect error as we can
't place
18 // a thunk in range of the branch.
20 .space 2 * 1024 * 1024
22 .section .text.2, "ax", %progbits
24 .type target, %function