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[llvm-project.git] / clang / test / SemaCXX / nullability.cpp
1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -Wno-nullability-declspec %s -verify -Wnullable-to-nonnull-conversion -I%S/Inputs
3 #if __has_feature(nullability)
4 #else
5 # error nullability feature should be defined
6 #endif
7 #if __has_feature(nullability_on_classes)
8 #else
9 # error smart-pointer feature should be defined
10 #endif
12 #include "nullability-completeness.h"
14 typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t;
16 class X {
19 // Nullability applies to all pointer types.
20 typedef int (X::* _Nonnull member_function_type_1)(int);
21 typedef int X::* _Nonnull member_data_type_1;
22 typedef nullptr_t _Nonnull nonnull_nullptr_t; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'nullptr_t' (aka 'std::nullptr_t')}}
24 // Nullability can move into member pointers (this is suppressing a warning).
25 typedef _Nonnull int (X::* member_function_type_2)(int);
26 typedef int (X::* _Nonnull member_function_type_3)(int);
27 typedef _Nonnull int X::* member_data_type_2;
29 // Adding non-null via a template.
30 template<typename T>
31 struct AddNonNull {
32 typedef _Nonnull T type; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'int'}}
33 // expected-error@-1{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
34 // expected-error@-2{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'NotPtr'}}
37 typedef AddNonNull<int *>::type nonnull_int_ptr_1;
38 typedef AddNonNull<int * _Nullable>::type nonnull_int_ptr_2; // FIXME: check that it was overridden
39 typedef AddNonNull<nullptr_t>::type nonnull_int_ptr_3; // expected-note{{in instantiation of template class}}
41 typedef AddNonNull<int>::type nonnull_non_pointer_1; // expected-note{{in instantiation of template class 'AddNonNull<int>' requested here}}
43 // Nullability on C++ class types (smart pointers).
44 struct NotPtr{};
45 typedef AddNonNull<NotPtr>::type nonnull_non_pointer_2; // expected-note{{in instantiation}}
46 struct _Nullable SmartPtr{
47 SmartPtr();
48 SmartPtr(nullptr_t);
49 SmartPtr(const SmartPtr&);
50 SmartPtr(SmartPtr&&);
51 SmartPtr &operator=(const SmartPtr&);
52 SmartPtr &operator=(SmartPtr&&);
54 typedef AddNonNull<SmartPtr>::type nonnull_smart_pointer_1;
55 template<class> struct _Nullable SmartPtrTemplate{};
56 typedef AddNonNull<SmartPtrTemplate<int>>::type nonnull_smart_pointer_2;
57 namespace std { inline namespace __1 {
58 template <class> class unique_ptr {};
59 template <class> class function;
60 template <class Ret, class... Args> class function<Ret(Args...)> {};
61 } }
62 typedef AddNonNull<std::unique_ptr<int>>::type nonnull_smart_pointer_3;
63 typedef AddNonNull<std::function<int()>>::type nonnull_smart_pointer_4;
65 class Derived : public SmartPtr {};
66 Derived _Nullable x; // expected-error {{'_Nullable' cannot be applied}}
67 class DerivedPrivate : private SmartPtr {};
68 DerivedPrivate _Nullable y; // expected-error {{'_Nullable' cannot be applied}}
70 // Non-null checking within a template.
71 template<typename T>
72 struct AddNonNull2 {
73 typedef _Nonnull AddNonNull<T> invalid1; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'AddNonNull<T>'}}
74 typedef _Nonnull AddNonNull2 invalid2; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'AddNonNull2<T>'}}
75 typedef _Nonnull AddNonNull2<T> invalid3; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'AddNonNull2<T>'}}
76 typedef _Nonnull typename AddNonNull<T>::type okay1;
78 // Don't move past a dependent type even if we know that nullability
79 // cannot apply to that specific dependent type.
80 typedef _Nonnull AddNonNull<T> (*invalid4); // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'AddNonNull<T>'}}
83 // Check passing null to a _Nonnull argument.
84 void (*accepts_nonnull_1)(_Nonnull int *ptr);
85 void (*& accepts_nonnull_2)(_Nonnull int *ptr) = accepts_nonnull_1;
86 void (X::* accepts_nonnull_3)(_Nonnull int *ptr);
87 void accepts_nonnull_4(_Nonnull int *ptr);
88 void (&accepts_nonnull_5)(_Nonnull int *ptr) = accepts_nonnull_4;
89 void accepts_nonnull_6(SmartPtr _Nonnull);
91 void test_accepts_nonnull_null_pointer_literal(X *x) {
92 accepts_nonnull_1(0); // expected-warning{{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
93 accepts_nonnull_2(0); // expected-warning{{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
94 (x->*accepts_nonnull_3)(0); // expected-warning{{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
95 accepts_nonnull_4(0); // expected-warning{{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
96 accepts_nonnull_5(0); // expected-warning{{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
98 accepts_nonnull_6(nullptr); // expected-warning{{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
101 template<void FP(_Nonnull int*)>
102 void test_accepts_nonnull_null_pointer_literal_template() {
103 FP(0); // expected-warning{{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
106 template void test_accepts_nonnull_null_pointer_literal_template<&accepts_nonnull_4>(); // expected-note{{instantiation of function template specialization}}
108 void TakeNonnull(void *_Nonnull);
109 void TakeSmartNonnull(SmartPtr _Nonnull);
110 // Check different forms of assignment to a nonull type from a nullable one.
111 void AssignAndInitNonNull() {
112 void *_Nullable nullable;
113 void *_Nonnull p(nullable); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
114 void *_Nonnull p2{nullable}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
115 void *_Nonnull p3 = {nullable}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
116 void *_Nonnull p4 = nullable; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
117 void *_Nonnull nonnull;
118 nonnull = nullable; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
119 nonnull = {nullable}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
120 TakeNonnull(nullable); //expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull}}
121 TakeNonnull(nonnull); // OK
122 nonnull = (void *_Nonnull)nullable; // explicit cast OK
124 SmartPtr _Nullable s_nullable;
125 SmartPtr _Nonnull s(s_nullable); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
126 SmartPtr _Nonnull s2{s_nullable}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
127 SmartPtr _Nonnull s3 = {s_nullable}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
128 SmartPtr _Nonnull s4 = s_nullable; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
129 SmartPtr _Nonnull s_nonnull;
130 s_nonnull = s_nullable; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
131 s_nonnull = {s_nullable}; // no warning here - might be nice?
132 TakeSmartNonnull(s_nullable); //expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull}}
133 TakeSmartNonnull(s_nonnull); // OK
134 s_nonnull = (SmartPtr _Nonnull)s_nullable; // explicit cast OK
135 s_nonnull = static_cast<SmartPtr _Nonnull>(s_nullable); // explicit cast OK
138 void *_Nullable ReturnNullable();
139 SmartPtr _Nullable ReturnSmartNullable();
141 void AssignAndInitNonNullFromFn() {
142 void *_Nonnull p(ReturnNullable()); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
143 void *_Nonnull p2{ReturnNullable()}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
144 void *_Nonnull p3 = {ReturnNullable()}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
145 void *_Nonnull p4 = ReturnNullable(); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
146 void *_Nonnull nonnull;
147 nonnull = ReturnNullable(); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
148 nonnull = {ReturnNullable()}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull'}}
149 TakeNonnull(ReturnNullable()); //expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'void * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'void * _Nonnull}}
151 SmartPtr _Nonnull s(ReturnSmartNullable()); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
152 SmartPtr _Nonnull s2{ReturnSmartNullable()}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
153 SmartPtr _Nonnull s3 = {ReturnSmartNullable()}; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
154 SmartPtr _Nonnull s4 = ReturnSmartNullable(); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
155 SmartPtr _Nonnull s_nonnull;
156 s_nonnull = ReturnSmartNullable(); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
157 s_nonnull = {ReturnSmartNullable()};
158 TakeSmartNonnull(ReturnSmartNullable()); // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'SmartPtr _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'SmartPtr _Nonnull'}}
161 void ConditionalExpr(bool c) {
162 struct Base {};
163 struct Derived : Base {};
165 Base * _Nonnull p;
166 Base * _Nonnull nonnullB;
167 Base * _Nullable nullableB;
168 Derived * _Nonnull nonnullD;
169 Derived * _Nullable nullableD;
171 p = c ? nonnullB : nonnullD;
172 p = c ? nonnullB : nullableD; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'Base * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'Base * _Nonnull}}
173 p = c ? nullableB : nonnullD; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'Base * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'Base * _Nonnull}}
174 p = c ? nullableB : nullableD; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'Base * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'Base * _Nonnull}}
175 p = c ? nonnullD : nonnullB;
176 p = c ? nonnullD : nullableB; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'Base * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'Base * _Nonnull}}
177 p = c ? nullableD : nonnullB; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'Base * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'Base * _Nonnull}}
178 p = c ? nullableD : nullableB; // expected-warning{{implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'Base * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'Base * _Nonnull}}
181 void arraysInLambdas() {
182 typedef int INTS[4];
183 auto simple = [](int [_Nonnull 2]) {};
184 simple(nullptr); // expected-warning {{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
185 auto nested = [](void *_Nullable [_Nonnull 2]) {};
186 nested(nullptr); // expected-warning {{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
187 auto nestedBad = [](int [2][_Nonnull 2]) {}; // expected-error {{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'int[2]'}}
189 auto withTypedef = [](INTS _Nonnull) {};
190 withTypedef(nullptr); // expected-warning {{null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
191 auto withTypedefBad = [](INTS _Nonnull[2]) {}; // expected-error {{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'INTS' (aka 'int[4]')}}
194 void testNullabilityCompletenessWithTemplate() {
195 Template<int*> tip;
198 namespace GH60344 {
199 class a;
200 template <typename b> using c = b _Nullable; // expected-error {{'_Nullable' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'a'}}
201 c<a>; // expected-note {{in instantiation of template type alias 'c' requested here}}