Break circular dependency between FIR dialect and utilities
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Fir / dispatch.f90
1 ! RUN: bbc -polymorphic-type -emit-fir %s -o - | tco | FileCheck %s
2 ! RUN: bbc -polymorphic-type -emit-fir %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=BT
4 ! Tests codegen of fir.dispatch operation. This test is intentionally run from
5 ! Fortran through bbc and tco so we have all the binding tables lowered to FIR
6 ! from semantics.
8 module dispatch1
10 type p1
11 integer :: a
12 integer :: b
13 contains
14 procedure :: aproc
15 procedure :: display1 => display1_p1
16 procedure :: display2 => display2_p1
17 procedure :: get_value => get_value_p1
18 procedure :: proc_with_values => proc_p1
19 procedure, nopass :: proc_nopass => proc_nopass_p1
20 procedure, pass(this) :: proc_pass => proc_pass_p1
21 end type
23 type, extends(p1) :: p2
24 integer :: c
25 contains
26 procedure :: display1 => display1_p2
27 procedure :: display2 => display2_p2
28 procedure :: display3
29 procedure :: get_value => get_value_p2
30 procedure :: proc_with_values => proc_p2
31 procedure, nopass :: proc_nopass => proc_nopass_p2
32 procedure, pass(this) :: proc_pass => proc_pass_p2
33 end type
35 type, abstract :: a1
36 integer a
37 contains
38 procedure :: a1_proc
39 end type
41 type, extends(a1) :: a2
42 integer b
43 contains
44 procedure :: a1_proc => a2_proc
45 end type
47 type ty_kind(i, j)
48 integer, kind :: i, j
49 integer :: a(i)
50 end Type
52 type, extends(ty_kind) :: ty_kind_ex
53 integer :: b(j)
54 end type
55 type(ty_kind(10,20)) :: tk1
56 type(ty_kind_ex(10,20)) :: tke1
57 contains
59 subroutine display1_p1(this)
60 class(p1) :: this
61 print*,'call display1_p1'
62 end subroutine
64 subroutine display2_p1(this)
65 class(p1) :: this
66 print*,'call display2_p1'
67 end subroutine
69 subroutine display1_p2(this)
70 class(p2) :: this
71 print*,'call display1_p2'
72 end subroutine
74 subroutine display2_p2(this)
75 class(p2) :: this
76 print*,'call display2_p2'
77 end subroutine
79 subroutine aproc(this)
80 class(p1) :: this
81 print*,'call aproc'
82 end subroutine
84 subroutine display3(this)
85 class(p2) :: this
86 print*,'call display3'
87 end subroutine
89 function get_value_p1(this)
90 class(p1) :: this
91 integer :: get_value_p1
92 get_value_p1 = 10
93 end function
95 function get_value_p2(this)
96 class(p2) :: this
97 integer :: get_value_p2
98 get_value_p2 = 10
99 end function
101 subroutine proc_p1(this, v)
102 class(p1) :: this
103 real :: v
104 print*, 'call proc1 with ', v
105 end subroutine
107 subroutine proc_p2(this, v)
108 class(p2) :: this
109 real :: v
110 print*, 'call proc1 with ', v
111 end subroutine
113 subroutine proc_nopass_p1()
114 print*, 'call proc_nopass_p1'
115 end subroutine
117 subroutine proc_nopass_p2()
118 print*, 'call proc_nopass_p2'
119 end subroutine
121 subroutine proc_pass_p1(i, this)
122 integer :: i
123 class(p1) :: this
124 print*, 'call proc_nopass_p1'
125 end subroutine
127 subroutine proc_pass_p2(i, this)
128 integer :: i
129 class(p2) :: this
130 print*, 'call proc_nopass_p2'
131 end subroutine
133 subroutine display_class(p)
134 class(p1) :: p
135 integer :: i
136 call p%display2()
137 call p%display1()
138 call p%aproc()
139 i = p%get_value()
140 call p%proc_with_values(2.5)
141 call p%proc_nopass()
142 call p%proc_pass(1)
143 end subroutine
145 subroutine no_pass_array(a)
146 class(p1) :: a(:)
147 call a(1)%proc_nopass()
148 end subroutine
150 subroutine no_pass_array_allocatable(a)
151 class(p1), allocatable :: a(:)
152 call a(1)%proc_nopass()
153 end subroutine
155 subroutine no_pass_array_pointer(a)
156 class(p1), allocatable :: a(:)
157 call a(1)%proc_nopass()
158 end subroutine
160 subroutine a1_proc(this)
161 class(a1) :: this
162 end subroutine
164 subroutine a2_proc(this)
165 class(a2) :: this
166 end subroutine
168 subroutine call_a1_proc(p)
169 class(a1), pointer :: p
170 call p%a1_proc()
171 end subroutine
173 end module
175 program test_type_to_class
176 use dispatch1
177 type(p1) :: t1 = p1(1,2)
178 type(p2) :: t2 = p2(1,2,3)
180 call display_class(t1)
181 call display_class(t2)
185 ! CHECK-LABEL: define void @_QMdispatch1Pdisplay_class(
186 ! CHECK-SAME: ptr %[[CLASS:.*]])
188 ! CHECK-DAG: %[[INT32:.*]] = alloca i32, i64 1
189 ! CHECK-DAG: %[[REAL:.*]] = alloca float, i64 1
190 ! CHECK-DAG: %[[I:.*]] = alloca i32, i64 1
192 ! Check dynamic dispatch equal to `call p%display2()` with binding index = 2.
193 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_CLASS:.*]] = load { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] }, ptr %[[CLASS]]
194 ! CHECK: %[[TYPEDESCPTR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[LOADED_CLASS]], 7
195 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype, ptr %[[TYPEDESCPTR]]
196 ! CHECK: %[[DT:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC]], 0
197 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, [1 x [3 x i64]], ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[DT]], 0
198 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_PTR:.*]] = getelementptr %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR]], i32 2
199 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_BINDING:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_PTR]]
200 ! CHECK: %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding %[[LOADED_BINDING]], 0
201 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_funptr %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR]], 0
202 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_PTR:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[FUNC_ADDR]] to ptr
203 ! CHECK: call void %[[FUNC_PTR]](ptr %[[CLASS]])
205 ! Check dynamic dispatch equal to `call p%display1()` with binding index = 1.
206 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_CLASS:.*]] = load { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] }, ptr %[[CLASS]]
207 ! CHECK: %[[TYPEDESCPTR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[LOADED_CLASS]], 7
208 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype, ptr %[[TYPEDESCPTR]]
209 ! CHECK: %[[DT:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC]], 0
210 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, [1 x [3 x i64]], ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[DT]], 0
211 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_PTR:.*]] = getelementptr %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR]], i32 1
212 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_BINDING:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_PTR]]
213 ! CHECK: %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding %[[LOADED_BINDING]], 0
214 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_funptr %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR]], 0
215 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_PTR:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[FUNC_ADDR]] to ptr
216 ! CHECK: call void %[[FUNC_PTR]](ptr %[[CLASS]])
218 ! Check dynamic dispatch equal to `call p%aproc()` with binding index = 0.
219 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_CLASS:.*]] = load { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] }, ptr %[[CLASS]]
220 ! CHECK: %[[TYPEDESCPTR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[LOADED_CLASS]], 7
221 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype, ptr %[[TYPEDESCPTR]]
222 ! CHECK: %[[DT:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC]], 0
223 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, [1 x [3 x i64]], ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[DT]], 0
224 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_PTR:.*]] = getelementptr %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR]], i32 0
225 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_BINDING:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_PTR]]
226 ! CHECK: %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding %[[LOADED_BINDING]], 0
227 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_funptr %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR]], 0
228 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_PTR:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[FUNC_ADDR]] to ptr
229 ! CHECK: call void %[[FUNC_PTR]](ptr %[[CLASS]])
231 ! Check dynamic dispatch of a function with result.
232 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_CLASS:.*]] = load { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] }, ptr %[[CLASS]]
233 ! CHECK: %[[TYPEDESCPTR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[LOADED_CLASS]], 7
234 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype, ptr %[[TYPEDESCPTR]]
235 ! CHECK: %[[DT:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC]], 0
236 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, [1 x [3 x i64]], ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[DT]], 0
237 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_PTR:.*]] = getelementptr %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR]], i32 3
238 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_BINDING:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_PTR]]
239 ! CHECK: %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding %[[LOADED_BINDING]], 0
240 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_funptr %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR]], 0
241 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_PTR:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[FUNC_ADDR]] to ptr
242 ! CHECK: %[[RET:.*]] = call i32 %[[FUNC_PTR]](ptr %[[CLASS]])
243 ! CHECK: store i32 %[[RET]], ptr %[[I]]
245 ! Check dynamic dispatch of call with passed-object and additional argument
246 ! CHECK: store float 2.500000e+00, ptr %[[REAL]]
247 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_CLASS:.*]] = load { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] }, ptr %[[CLASS]]
248 ! CHECK: %[[TYPEDESCPTR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[LOADED_CLASS]], 7
249 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype, ptr %[[TYPEDESCPTR]]
250 ! CHECK: %[[DT:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC]], 0
251 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, [1 x [3 x i64]], ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[DT]], 0
252 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_PTR:.*]] = getelementptr %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR]], i32 6
253 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_BINDING:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_PTR]]
254 ! CHECK: %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding %[[LOADED_BINDING]], 0
255 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_funptr %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR]], 0
256 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_PTR:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[FUNC_ADDR]] to ptr
257 ! CHECK: call void %[[FUNC_PTR]](ptr %[[CLASS]], ptr %[[REAL]])
259 ! Check dynamic dispatch of a call with NOPASS
260 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_CLASS:.*]] = load { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] }, ptr %[[CLASS]]
261 ! CHECK: %[[TYPEDESCPTR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[LOADED_CLASS]], 7
262 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype, ptr %[[TYPEDESCPTR]]
263 ! CHECK: %[[DT:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC]], 0
264 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, [1 x [3 x i64]], ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[DT]], 0
265 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_PTR:.*]] = getelementptr %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR]], i32 4
266 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_BINDING:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_PTR]]
267 ! CHECK: %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding %[[LOADED_BINDING]], 0
268 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_funptr %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR]], 0
269 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_PTR:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[FUNC_ADDR]] to ptr
270 ! CHECK: call void %[[FUNC_PTR]]()
272 ! CHECK: store i32 1, ptr %[[INT32]]
273 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_CLASS:.*]] = load { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] }, ptr %[[CLASS]]
274 ! CHECK: %[[TYPEDESCPTR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[LOADED_CLASS]], 7
275 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype, ptr %[[TYPEDESCPTR]]
276 ! CHECK: %[[DT:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTderivedtype %[[LOADED_TYPEDESC]], 0
277 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue { ptr, i64, i32, i8, i8, i8, i8, [1 x [3 x i64]], ptr, [1 x i64] } %[[DT]], 0
278 ! CHECK: %[[BINDING_PTR:.*]] = getelementptr %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_BASE_ADDR]], i32 5
279 ! CHECK: %[[LOADED_BINDING:.*]] = load %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding, ptr %[[BINDING_PTR]]
280 ! CHECK: %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_type_infoTbinding %[[LOADED_BINDING]], 0
281 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_ADDR:.*]] = extractvalue %_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_funptr %[[BUILTIN_FUNC_PTR]], 0
282 ! CHECK: %[[FUNC_PTR:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[FUNC_ADDR]] to ptr
283 ! CHECK: call void %[[FUNC_PTR]](ptr %[[INT32]], ptr %[[CLASS]])
285 ! CHECK-LABEL: _QMdispatch1Pno_pass_array
286 ! CHECK-LABEL: _QMdispatch1Pno_pass_array_allocatable
287 ! CHECK-LABEL: _QMdispatch1Pno_pass_array_pointer
288 ! CHECK-LABEL: _QMdispatch1Pcall_a1_proc
290 ! Check the layout of the binding table. This is easier to do in FIR than in
291 ! LLVM IR.
293 ! BT-LABEL: fir.dispatch_table @_QMdispatch1Tty_kindK10K20
294 ! BT-LABEL: fir.dispatch_table @_QMdispatch1Tty_kind_exK10K20 extends("_QMdispatch1Tty_kindK10K20")
296 ! BT-LABEL: fir.dispatch_table @_QMdispatch1Tp1 {
297 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "aproc", @_QMdispatch1Paproc
298 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "display1", @_QMdispatch1Pdisplay1_p1
299 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "display2", @_QMdispatch1Pdisplay2_p1
300 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "get_value", @_QMdispatch1Pget_value_p1
301 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "proc_nopass", @_QMdispatch1Pproc_nopass_p1
302 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "proc_pass", @_QMdispatch1Pproc_pass_p1
303 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "proc_with_values", @_QMdispatch1Pproc_p1
304 ! BT: }
306 ! BT-LABEL: fir.dispatch_table @_QMdispatch1Ta1 {
307 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "a1_proc", @_QMdispatch1Pa1_proc
308 ! BT: }
310 ! BT-LABEL: fir.dispatch_table @_QMdispatch1Ta2 extends("_QMdispatch1Ta1") {
311 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "a1_proc", @_QMdispatch1Pa2_proc
312 ! BT: }
314 ! BT-LABEL: fir.dispatch_table @_QMdispatch1Tp2 extends("_QMdispatch1Tp1") {
315 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "aproc", @_QMdispatch1Paproc
316 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "display1", @_QMdispatch1Pdisplay1_p2
317 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "display2", @_QMdispatch1Pdisplay2_p2
318 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "get_value", @_QMdispatch1Pget_value_p2
319 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "proc_nopass", @_QMdispatch1Pproc_nopass_p2
320 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "proc_pass", @_QMdispatch1Pproc_pass_p2
321 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "proc_with_values", @_QMdispatch1Pproc_p2
322 ! BT: fir.dt_entry "display3", @_QMdispatch1Pdisplay3
323 ! BT: }