[AMDGPU] Test codegen'ing True16 additions.
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Evaluate / folding12.f90
1 ! RUN: %python %S/test_folding.py %s %flang_fc1
2 ! Test folding of structure constructors
3 module m1
4 type parent_type
5 integer :: parent_field
6 end type parent_type
7 type, extends(parent_type) :: child_type
8 integer :: child_field
9 end type child_type
10 type parent_array_type
11 integer, dimension(2) :: parent_field
12 end type parent_array_type
13 type, extends(parent_array_type) :: child_array_type
14 integer :: child_field
15 end type child_array_type
17 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const1 = child_type(10, 11)
18 logical, parameter :: test_child1 = child_const1%child_field == 11
19 logical, parameter :: test_parent = child_const1%parent_field == 10
21 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const2 = child_type(12, 13)
22 type(child_type), parameter :: array_var(2) = &
23 [child_type(14, 15), child_type(16, 17)]
24 logical, parameter :: test_array_child = array_var(2)%child_field == 17
25 logical, parameter :: test_array_parent = array_var(2)%parent_field == 16
27 type array_type
28 real, dimension(3) :: real_field
29 end type array_type
30 type(array_type), parameter :: array_var2 = &
31 array_type([(real(i*i), i = 1,3)])
32 logical, parameter :: test_array_var = array_var2%real_field(2) == 4.0
34 type(child_type), parameter, dimension(2) :: child_const3 = &
35 [child_type(18, 19), child_type(20, 21)]
36 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: int_const4 = &
37 child_const3(:)%parent_field
38 logical, parameter :: test_child2 = int_const4(1) == 18
40 type(child_array_type), parameter, dimension(2) :: child_const5 = &
41 [child_array_type([22, 23], 24), child_array_type([25, 26], 27)]
42 integer, dimension(2), parameter :: int_const6 = child_const5(:)%parent_field(2)
43 logical, parameter :: test_child3 = int_const6(1) == 23
45 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const7 = child_type(28, 29)
46 type(parent_type), parameter :: parent_const8 = child_const7%parent_type
47 logical, parameter :: test_child4 = parent_const8%parent_field == 28
49 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const9 = &
50 child_type(parent_type(30), 31)
51 integer, parameter :: int_const10 = child_const9%parent_field
52 logical, parameter :: test_child5 = int_const10 == 30
54 end module m1
56 module m2
57 type grandparent_type
58 real :: grandparent_field
59 end type grandparent_type
60 type, extends(grandparent_type) :: parent_type
61 integer :: parent_field
62 end type parent_type
63 type, extends(parent_type) :: child_type
64 real :: child_field
65 end type child_type
67 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const1 = child_type(10.0, 11, 12.0)
68 integer, parameter :: int_const2 = &
69 child_const1%grandparent_type%grandparent_field
70 logical, parameter :: test_child1 = int_const2 == 10.0
71 integer, parameter :: int_const3 = &
72 child_const1%grandparent_field
73 logical, parameter :: test_child2 = int_const3 == 10.0
75 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const4 = &
76 child_type(parent_type(13.0, 14), 15.0)
77 integer, parameter :: int_const5 = &
78 child_const4%grandparent_type%grandparent_field
79 logical, parameter :: test_child3 = int_const5 == 13.0
81 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const6 = &
82 child_type(parent_type(grandparent_type(16.0), 17), 18.0)
83 integer, parameter :: int_const7 = &
84 child_const6%grandparent_type%grandparent_field
85 logical, parameter :: test_child4 = int_const7 == 16.0
86 integer, parameter :: int_const8 = &
87 child_const6%grandparent_field
88 logical, parameter :: test_child5 = int_const8 == 16.0
89 end module m2
91 module m3
92 ! tests that use components with default initializations and with the
93 ! components in the structure constructors in a different order from the
94 ! declared order
95 type parent_type
96 integer :: parent_field1
97 real :: parent_field2 = 20.0
98 logical :: parent_field3
99 end type parent_type
100 type, extends(parent_type) :: child_type
101 real :: child_field1
102 logical :: child_field2 = .false.
103 integer :: child_field3
104 end type child_type
106 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const1 = &
107 child_type( &
108 parent_field2 = 10.0, child_field3 = 11, &
109 child_field2 = .true., parent_field3 = .false., &
110 parent_field1 = 12, child_field1 = 13.3)
111 logical, parameter :: test_child1 = child_const1%child_field1 == 13.3
112 logical, parameter :: test_child2 = child_const1%child_field2 .eqv. .true.
113 logical, parameter :: test_child3 = child_const1%child_field3 == 11
114 logical, parameter :: test_parent1 = child_const1%parent_field1 == 12
115 logical, parameter :: test_parent2 = child_const1%parent_field2 == 10.0
116 logical, parameter :: test_parent3 = child_const1%parent_field3 .eqv. .false.
117 logical, parameter :: test_parent4 = &
118 child_const1%parent_type%parent_field1 == 12
119 logical, parameter :: test_parent5 = &
120 child_const1%parent_type%parent_field2 == 10.0
121 logical, parameter :: test_parent6 = &
122 child_const1%parent_type%parent_field3 .eqv. .false.
124 type(parent_type), parameter ::parent_const1 = child_const1%parent_type
125 logical, parameter :: test_parent7 = parent_const1%parent_field1 == 12
126 logical, parameter :: test_parent8 = parent_const1%parent_field2 == 10.0
127 logical, parameter :: test_parent9 = &
128 parent_const1%parent_field3 .eqv. .false.
130 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const2 = &
131 child_type( &
132 child_field3 = 14, parent_field3 = .true., &
133 parent_field1 = 15, child_field1 = 16.6)
134 logical, parameter :: test_child4 = child_const2%child_field1 == 16.6
135 logical, parameter :: test_child5 = child_const2%child_field2 .eqv. .false.
136 logical, parameter :: test_child6 = child_const2%child_field3 == 14
137 logical, parameter :: test_parent10 = child_const2%parent_field1 == 15
138 logical, parameter :: test_parent11 = child_const2%parent_field2 == 20.0
139 logical, parameter :: test_parent12 = child_const2%parent_field3 .eqv. .true.
141 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const3 = &
142 child_type(parent_type( &
143 parent_field2 = 17.7, parent_field3 = .false., parent_field1 = 18), &
144 child_field2 = .false., child_field1 = 19.9, child_field3 = 21)
145 logical, parameter :: test_child7 = child_const3%parent_field1 == 18
146 logical, parameter :: test_child8 = child_const3%parent_field2 == 17.7
147 logical, parameter :: test_child9 = child_const3%parent_field3 .eqv. .false.
148 logical, parameter :: test_child10 = child_const3%child_field1 == 19.9
149 logical, parameter :: test_child11 = child_const3%child_field2 .eqv. .false.
150 logical, parameter :: test_child12 = child_const3%child_field3 == 21
152 type(child_type), parameter :: child_const4 = &
153 child_type(parent_type( &
154 parent_field3 = .true., parent_field1 = 22), &
155 child_field1 = 23.4, child_field3 = 24)
156 logical, parameter :: test_child13 = child_const4%parent_field1 == 22
157 logical, parameter :: test_child14 = child_const4%parent_field2 == 20.0
158 logical, parameter :: test_child15 = child_const4%parent_field3 .eqv. .true.
159 logical, parameter :: test_child16 = child_const4%child_field1 == 23.4
160 logical, parameter :: test_child17 = child_const4%child_field2 .eqv. .false.
161 logical, parameter :: test_child18 = child_const4%child_field3 == 24
163 end module m3