[AMDGPU] Test codegen'ing True16 additions.
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Semantics / doconcurrent08.f90
1 ! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
2 ! C1140 -- A statement that might result in the deallocation of a polymorphic
3 ! entity shall not appear within a DO CONCURRENT construct.
4 module m1
5 ! Base type with scalar components
6 type :: Base
7 integer :: baseField1
8 end type
10 ! Child type so we can allocate polymorphic entities
11 type, extends(Base) :: ChildType
12 integer :: childField
13 end type
15 ! Type with a polymorphic, allocatable component
16 type, extends(Base) :: HasAllocPolyType
17 class(Base), allocatable :: allocPolyField
18 end type
20 ! Type with a allocatable, coarray component
21 type :: HasAllocCoarrayType
22 type(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocCoarrayField
23 end type
25 ! Type with a polymorphic, allocatable, coarray component
26 type :: HasAllocPolyCoarrayType
27 class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocPolyCoarrayField
28 end type
30 ! Type with a polymorphic, pointer component
31 type, extends(Base) :: HasPointerPolyType
32 class(Base), pointer :: pointerPolyField
33 end type
35 class(Base), allocatable :: baseVar1
36 type(Base) :: baseVar2
37 end module m1
39 subroutine s1()
40 ! Test deallocation of polymorphic entities caused by block exit
41 use m1
43 block
44 ! The following should not cause problems
45 integer :: outerInt
47 ! The following are OK since they're not in a DO CONCURRENT
48 class(Base), allocatable :: outerAllocatablePolyVar
49 class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: outerAllocatablePolyCoarray
50 type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: outerAllocatableWithAllocPoly
51 type(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: outerAllocWithAllocPolyCoarray
53 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
54 ! The following should not cause problems
55 block
56 integer, allocatable :: blockInt
57 end block
58 block
59 ! Test polymorphic entities
60 ! OK because it's a pointer to a polymorphic entity
61 class(Base), pointer :: pointerPoly
63 ! OK because it's not polymorphic
64 integer, allocatable :: intAllocatable
66 ! OK because it's not polymorphic
67 type(Base), allocatable :: allocatableNonPolyBlockVar
69 ! Bad because it's polymorphic and allocatable
70 class(Base), allocatable :: allocatablePoly
72 ! OK because it has the SAVE attribute
73 class(Base), allocatable, save :: allocatablePolySave
75 ! Bad because it's polymorphic and allocatable
76 class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocatablePolyCoarray
78 ! OK because it's not polymorphic and allocatable
79 type(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocatableCoarray
81 ! Bad because it has a allocatable polymorphic component
82 type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: allocatableWithAllocPoly
84 ! OK because the declared variable is not allocatable
85 type(HasAllocPolyType) :: nonAllocatableWithAllocPoly
87 ! OK because the declared variable is not allocatable
88 type(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType) :: nonAllocatableWithAllocPolyCoarray
90 ! Bad because even though the declared the allocatable component is a coarray
91 type(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: allocWithAllocPolyCoarray
93 ! OK since it has no polymorphic component
94 type(HasAllocCoarrayType) :: nonAllocWithAllocCoarray
96 ! OK since it has no component that's polymorphic, oops
97 type(HasPointerPolyType), allocatable :: allocatableWithPointerPoly
99 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
100 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
101 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
102 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
103 end block
104 end do
105 end block
107 end subroutine s1
109 subroutine s2()
110 ! Test deallocation of a polymorphic entity cause by intrinsic assignment
111 use m1
113 class(Base), allocatable :: localVar
114 class(Base), allocatable :: localVar1
115 type(Base), allocatable :: localVar2
117 type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: polyComponentVar
118 type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: polyComponentVar1
120 type(HasAllocPolyType) :: nonAllocPolyComponentVar
121 type(HasAllocPolyType) :: nonAllocPolyComponentVar1
122 class(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: allocPolyCoarray
123 class(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: allocPolyCoarray1
125 class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocPolyComponentVar
126 class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocPolyComponentVar1
128 allocate(ChildType :: localVar)
129 allocate(ChildType :: localVar1)
130 allocate(Base :: localVar2)
131 allocate(polyComponentVar)
132 allocate(polyComponentVar1)
133 allocate(allocPolyCoarray)
134 allocate(allocPolyCoarray1)
136 ! These are OK because they're not in a DO CONCURRENT
137 localVar = localVar1
138 nonAllocPolyComponentVar = nonAllocPolyComponentVar1
139 polyComponentVar = polyComponentVar1
140 allocPolyCoarray = allocPolyCoarray1
142 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
143 ! Test polymorphic entities
144 ! Bad because localVar is allocatable and polymorphic,, par. 3
145 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
146 localVar = localVar1
148 ! The next one should be OK since localVar2 is not polymorphic
149 localVar2 = localVar1
151 ! Bad because the copying of the components causes deallocation
152 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
153 nonAllocPolyComponentVar = nonAllocPolyComponentVar1
155 ! Bad because possible deallocation a variable with a polymorphic component
156 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
157 polyComponentVar = polyComponentVar1
159 ! Bad because deallocation upon assignment happens with allocatable
160 ! entities, even if they're coarrays. The noncoarray restriction only
161 ! applies to components
162 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
163 allocPolyCoarray = allocPolyCoarray1
165 end do
166 end subroutine s2
168 subroutine s3()
169 ! Test direct deallocation
170 use m1
172 class(Base), allocatable :: polyVar
173 type(Base), allocatable :: nonPolyVar
174 type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: polyComponentVar
175 type(HasAllocPolyType), pointer :: pointerPolyComponentVar
177 allocate(ChildType:: polyVar)
178 allocate(nonPolyVar)
179 allocate(polyComponentVar)
180 allocate(pointerPolyComponentVar)
182 ! These are all good because they're not in a do concurrent
183 deallocate(polyVar)
184 allocate(polyVar)
185 deallocate(polyComponentVar)
186 allocate(polyComponentVar)
187 deallocate(pointerPolyComponentVar)
188 allocate(pointerPolyComponentVar)
190 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
191 ! Bad because deallocation of a polymorphic entity
192 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
193 deallocate(polyVar)
195 ! Bad, deallocation of an entity with a polymorphic component
196 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
197 deallocate(polyComponentVar)
199 ! Bad, deallocation of a pointer to an entity with a polymorphic component
200 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
201 deallocate(pointerPolyComponentVar)
203 ! Deallocation of a nonpolymorphic entity
204 deallocate(nonPolyVar)
205 end do
206 end subroutine s3
208 module m2
209 type :: impureFinal
210 contains
211 final :: impureSub
212 end type
214 type :: pureFinal
215 contains
216 final :: pureSub
217 end type
219 contains
221 impure subroutine impureSub(x)
222 type(impureFinal), intent(in) :: x
223 end subroutine
225 pure subroutine pureSub(x)
226 type(pureFinal), intent(in) :: x
227 end subroutine
229 subroutine s4()
230 type(impureFinal), allocatable :: ifVar, ifvar1
231 type(pureFinal), allocatable :: pfVar
232 allocate(ifVar)
233 allocate(ifVar1)
234 allocate(pfVar)
236 ! OK for an ordinary DO loop
237 do i = 1,10
238 if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(ifVar)
239 end do
241 ! OK to invoke a PURE FINAL procedure in a DO CONCURRENT
242 ! This case does not work currently because the compiler's test for
243 ! HasImpureFinal() in .../lib/Semantics/tools.cc doesn't work correctly
244 ! do concurrent (i = 1:10)
245 ! if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(pfVar)
246 ! end do
248 ! Error to invoke an IMPURE FINAL procedure in a DO CONCURRENT
249 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
250 !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure 'impuresub' caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
251 if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(ifVar)
252 end do
254 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
255 if (i .eq. 1) then
256 block
257 type(impureFinal), allocatable :: ifVar
258 allocate(ifVar)
259 ! Error here because exiting this scope causes the finalization of
260 ! ifvar which causes the invocation of an IMPURE FINAL procedure
261 !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure 'impuresub' caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
262 end block
263 end if
264 end do
266 do concurrent (i = 1:10)
267 if (i .eq. 1) then
268 ! Error here because the assignment statement causes the finalization
269 ! of ifvar which causes the invocation of an IMPURE FINAL procedure
270 !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure 'impuresub' caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT
271 ifvar = ifvar1
272 end if
273 end do
274 end subroutine s4
276 end module m2