[AMDGPU] Test codegen'ing True16 additions.
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Semantics / selecttype01.f90
1 ! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
2 ! Test for checking select type constraints,
3 module m1
5 type shape
6 integer :: color
7 logical :: filled
8 integer :: x
9 integer :: y
10 end type shape
12 type, extends(shape) :: rectangle
13 integer :: length
14 integer :: width
15 end type rectangle
17 type, extends(rectangle) :: square
18 end type square
20 type, extends(square) :: extsquare
21 end type
23 type :: unrelated
24 logical :: some_logical
25 end type
27 type withSequence
29 integer :: x
30 end type
32 type, BIND(C) :: withBind
33 INTEGER(c_int) ::int_in_c
34 end type
36 TYPE(shape), TARGET :: shape_obj
37 TYPE(rectangle), TARGET :: rect_obj
38 TYPE(square), TARGET :: squr_obj
39 !define polymorphic objects
40 class(*), pointer :: unlim_polymorphic
41 class(shape), pointer :: shape_lim_polymorphic
42 end
43 module m
44 type :: t(n)
45 integer, len :: n
46 end type
47 contains
48 subroutine CheckC1160( a )
49 class(*), intent(in) :: a
50 select type ( a )
51 !ERROR: The type specification statement must have LEN type parameter as assumed
52 type is ( character(len=10) ) !<-- assumed length-type
53 !ERROR: The type specification statement must have LEN type parameter as assumed
54 type is ( character )
55 ! OK
56 type is ( character(len=*) )
57 !ERROR: The type specification statement must have LEN type parameter as assumed
58 type is ( t(n=10) )
59 ! OK
60 type is ( t(n=*) ) !<-- assumed length-type
61 !ERROR: Derived type 'character' not found
62 class is ( character(len=10) ) !<-- assumed length-type
63 end select
64 end subroutine
66 subroutine s()
67 type derived(param)
68 integer, len :: param
69 class(*), allocatable :: x
70 end type
71 TYPE(derived(10)) :: a
72 select type (ax => a%x)
73 class is (derived(param=*))
74 print *, "hello"
75 end select
76 end subroutine s
77 end module
79 subroutine CheckC1157
80 use m1
81 integer, parameter :: const_var=10
82 !ERROR: Selector is not a named variable: 'associate-name =>' is required
83 select type(10)
84 end select
85 !ERROR: Selector is not a named variable: 'associate-name =>' is required
86 select type(const_var)
87 end select
88 !ERROR: Selector is not a named variable: 'associate-name =>' is required
89 select type (4.999)
90 end select
91 !ERROR: Selector is not a named variable: 'associate-name =>' is required
92 select type (shape_obj%x)
93 end select
94 end subroutine
96 !CheckPloymorphicSelectorType
97 subroutine CheckC1159a
98 integer :: int_variable
99 real :: real_variable
100 complex :: complex_var = cmplx(3.0, 4.0)
101 logical :: log_variable
102 character (len=10) :: char_variable = "OM"
103 !ERROR: Selector 'int_variable' in SELECT TYPE statement must be polymorphic
104 select type (int_variable)
105 end select
106 !ERROR: Selector 'real_variable' in SELECT TYPE statement must be polymorphic
107 select type (real_variable)
108 end select
109 !ERROR: Selector 'complex_var' in SELECT TYPE statement must be polymorphic
110 select type(complex_var)
111 end select
112 !ERROR: Selector 'logical_variable' in SELECT TYPE statement must be polymorphic
113 select type(logical_variable)
114 end select
115 !ERROR: Selector 'char_variable' in SELECT TYPE statement must be polymorphic
116 select type(char_variable)
117 end select
120 subroutine CheckC1159b
121 integer :: x
122 !ERROR: Selector 'x' in SELECT TYPE statement must be polymorphic
123 select type (a => x)
124 !ERROR: If selector is not unlimited polymorphic, an intrinsic type specification must not be specified in the type guard statement
125 type is (integer)
126 print *,'integer ',a
127 end select
130 subroutine CheckC1159c
131 !ERROR: Selector 'x' in SELECT TYPE statement must be polymorphic
132 select type (a => x)
133 !ERROR: If selector is not unlimited polymorphic, an intrinsic type specification must not be specified in the type guard statement
134 type is (integer)
135 print *,'integer ',a
136 end select
139 subroutine s(arg)
140 class(*) :: arg
141 select type (arg)
142 type is (integer)
143 end select
146 subroutine CheckC1161
147 use m1
148 shape_lim_polymorphic => rect_obj
149 select type(shape_lim_polymorphic)
150 !ERROR: The type specification statement must not specify a type with a SEQUENCE attribute or a BIND attribute
151 type is (withSequence)
152 !ERROR: The type specification statement must not specify a type with a SEQUENCE attribute or a BIND attribute
153 type is (withBind)
154 end select
157 subroutine CheckC1162
158 use m1
159 class(rectangle), pointer :: rectangle_polymorphic
160 !not unlimited polymorphic objects
161 select type (rectangle_polymorphic)
162 !ERROR: Type specification 'shape' must be an extension of TYPE 'rectangle'
163 type is (shape)
164 !ERROR: Type specification 'unrelated' must be an extension of TYPE 'rectangle'
165 type is (unrelated)
166 !all are ok
167 type is (square)
168 type is (extsquare)
169 !Handle same types
170 type is (rectangle)
171 !ERROR: If selector is not unlimited polymorphic, an intrinsic type specification must not be specified in the type guard statement
172 type is(integer)
173 !ERROR: If selector is not unlimited polymorphic, an intrinsic type specification must not be specified in the type guard statement
174 type is(real)
175 !ERROR: If selector is not unlimited polymorphic, an intrinsic type specification must not be specified in the type guard statement
176 type is(logical)
177 !ERROR: If selector is not unlimited polymorphic, an intrinsic type specification must not be specified in the type guard statement
178 type is(character(len=*))
179 !ERROR: If selector is not unlimited polymorphic, an intrinsic type specification must not be specified in the type guard statement
180 type is(complex)
181 end select
183 !Unlimited polymorphic objects are allowed.
184 unlim_polymorphic => rect_obj
185 select type (unlim_polymorphic)
186 type is (shape)
187 type is (unrelated)
188 end select
191 module c1162a
192 type pdt(kind,len)
193 integer, kind :: kind
194 integer, len :: len
195 end type
196 contains
197 subroutine foo(x)
198 class(pdt(kind=1,len=:)), allocatable :: x
199 select type (x)
200 type is (pdt(kind=1, len=*))
201 !ERROR: Type specification 'pdt(kind=2_4,len=*)' must be an extension of TYPE 'pdt(kind=1_4,len=:)'
202 type is (pdt(kind=2, len=*))
203 !ERROR: Value of KIND type parameter 'kind' must be constant
204 !ERROR: Type specification 'pdt(kind=*,len=*)' must be an extension of TYPE 'pdt(kind=1_4,len=:)'
205 type is (pdt(kind=*, len=*))
206 end select
207 end subroutine
208 end module
210 subroutine CheckC1163
211 use m1
212 !assign dynamically
213 shape_lim_polymorphic => rect_obj
214 unlim_polymorphic => shape_obj
215 select type (shape_lim_polymorphic)
216 type is (shape)
217 !ERROR: Type specification 'shape' conflicts with previous type specification
218 type is (shape)
219 class is (square)
220 !ERROR: Type specification 'square' conflicts with previous type specification
221 class is (square)
222 end select
223 select type (unlim_polymorphic)
224 type is (INTEGER(4))
225 type is (shape)
226 !ERROR: Type specification 'INTEGER(4)' conflicts with previous type specification
227 type is (INTEGER(4))
228 end select
231 subroutine CheckC1164
232 use m1
233 shape_lim_polymorphic => rect_obj
234 unlim_polymorphic => shape_obj
235 select type (shape_lim_polymorphic)
237 !ERROR: Type specification 'DEFAULT' conflicts with previous type specification
239 TYPE IS (shape)
240 TYPE IS (rectangle)
241 !ERROR: Type specification 'DEFAULT' conflicts with previous type specification
243 end select
245 !Saving computation if some error in guard by not computing RepeatingCases
246 select type (shape_lim_polymorphic)
249 !ERROR: The type specification statement must not specify a type with a SEQUENCE attribute or a BIND attribute
250 TYPE IS(withSequence)
251 end select
252 end subroutine
254 subroutine WorkingPolymorphism
255 use m1
256 !assign dynamically
257 shape_lim_polymorphic => rect_obj
258 unlim_polymorphic => shape_obj
259 select type (shape_lim_polymorphic)
260 type is (shape)
261 print *, "hello shape"
262 type is (rectangle)
263 print *, "hello rect"
264 type is (square)
265 print *, "hello square"
267 print *, "default"
268 end select
269 print *, "unlim polymorphism"
270 select type (unlim_polymorphic)
271 type is (shape)
272 print *, "hello shape"
273 type is (rectangle)
274 print *, "hello rect"
275 type is (square)
276 print *, "hello square"
278 print *, "default"
279 end select
282 subroutine CheckNotProcedure
283 use m1
284 !ERROR: Selector may not be a procedure
285 select type (x=>f)
286 end select
287 contains
288 function f() result(res)
289 class(shape), allocatable :: res