[clang] Implement lifetime analysis for lifetime_capture_by(X) (#115921)
[llvm-project.git] / clang / test / AST / ByteCode / const-temporaries.cpp
1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -emit-llvm -o - %s -std=c++1y -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter | FileCheck %s
2 //
3 // expected-no-diagnostics
5 struct A {
6 constexpr A() : n(1) {}
7 ~A();
8 int n;
9 };
10 struct B : A {
11 A a[3];
12 constexpr B() {
13 ++a[0].n;
14 a[1].n += 2;
15 a[2].n = n + a[1].n;
18 B b;
20 // CHECK: @b ={{.*}} global {{.*}} i32 1, {{.*}} { i32 2 }, {{.*}} { i32 3 }, {{.*}} { i32 4 }
23 namespace ModifyStaticTemporary {
24 struct A { int &&temporary; int x; };
25 constexpr int f(int &r) { r *= 9; return r - 12; }
26 A a = { 6, f(a.temporary) };
27 // CHECK: @_ZGRN21ModifyStaticTemporary1aE_ = internal global i32 54
28 // CHECK: @_ZN21ModifyStaticTemporary1aE ={{.*}} global {{.*}} ptr @_ZGRN21ModifyStaticTemporary1aE_, i32 42
30 A b = { 7, ++b.temporary };
31 // CHECK: @_ZGRN21ModifyStaticTemporary1bE_ = internal global i32 8
32 // CHECK: @_ZN21ModifyStaticTemporary1bE ={{.*}} global {{.*}} ptr @_ZGRN21ModifyStaticTemporary1bE_, i32 8
34 // Can't emit all of 'c' as a constant here, so emit the initial value of
35 // 'c.temporary', not the value as modified by the partial evaluation within
36 // the initialization of 'c.x'.
37 A c = { 10, (++c.temporary, b.x) };
38 // CHECK: @_ZN21ModifyStaticTemporary1cE ={{.*}} global {{.*}} zeroinitializer
39 // CHECK: @_ZGRN21ModifyStaticTemporary1cE_ = internal global i32 10
42 // CHECK: @_ZGRN28VariableTemplateWithConstRef1iIvEE_ = linkonce_odr constant i32 5, align 4
43 // CHECK: @_ZN28VariableTemplateWithConstRef3useE ={{.*}} constant ptr @_ZGRN28VariableTemplateWithConstRef1iIvEE_
44 namespace VariableTemplateWithConstRef {
45 template <typename T>
46 const int &i = 5;
47 const int &use = i<void>;
50 // CHECK: @_ZGRN34HiddenVariableTemplateWithConstRef1iIvEE_ = linkonce_odr hidden constant i32 5, align 4
51 // CHECK: @_ZN34HiddenVariableTemplateWithConstRef3useE ={{.*}} constant ptr @_ZGRN34HiddenVariableTemplateWithConstRef1iIvEE_
52 namespace HiddenVariableTemplateWithConstRef {
53 template <typename T>
54 __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) const int &i = 5;
55 const int &use = i<void>;
58 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE1_ = linkonce_odr constant i32 1
59 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE0_ = linkonce_odr global {{.*}} { ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE1_ }
60 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE3_ = linkonce_odr constant i32 2
61 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE2_ = linkonce_odr global {{.*}} { ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE3_ }
62 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE5_ = linkonce_odr constant i32 3
63 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE4_ = linkonce_odr global {{.*}} { ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE5_ }
64 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE7_ = linkonce_odr constant i32 4
65 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE6_ = linkonce_odr global {{.*}} { ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE7_ }
66 // CHECK: @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE_ = linkonce_odr global %"struct.VariableTemplateWithPack::S" { ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE0_, ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE2_, ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE4_, ptr @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE6_ }
67 // CHECK: @_ZN24VariableTemplateWithPack1pE ={{.*}} global {{.*}} @_ZGRN24VariableTemplateWithPack1sIJLi1ELi2ELi3ELi4EEEE_
68 namespace VariableTemplateWithPack {
69 struct A {
70 const int &r;
72 struct S {
73 A &&a, &&b, &&c, &&d;
75 template <int... N>
76 S &&s = {A{N}...};
77 S *p = &s<1, 2, 3, 4>;
81 // CHECK: @_ZGR1z_ ={{.*}} global [2 x i32] [i32 10, i32 2]
82 // CHECK: @z = global { ptr, i32 } { ptr @_ZGR1z_, i32 10 }
83 typedef int v[2];
84 struct Z { int &&x, y; };
85 Z z = { v{1,2}[0], z.x = 10 };
87 // CHECK: @_ZGR2z2_ ={{.*}} global %struct.R { i64 10 }
88 // @z = {{.}} global %struct.Z { ptr @_ZGR1z_, %struct.R { i64 10 } }
89 struct R { mutable long x; };
90 struct Z2 { const R &x, y; };
91 Z2 z2 = { R{1}, z2.x.x = 10 };
93 // CHECK: __cxa_atexit({{.*}} @_ZN1BD1Ev, {{.*}} @b
95 // CHECK: define
96 // CHECK-NOT: @_ZGRN21ModifyStaticTemporary1cE_
97 // CHECK: store {{.*}} @_ZGRN21ModifyStaticTemporary1cE_, {{.*}} @_ZN21ModifyStaticTemporary1cE
98 // CHECK: add
99 // CHECK: store
100 // CHECK: load {{.*}} @_ZN21ModifyStaticTemporary1bE
101 // CHECK: store {{.*}} @_ZN21ModifyStaticTemporary1cE